Add to Cart Text Changer and Customize Button, Add Custom Icon

March 07, 2024

Add to Cart Text Changer and Customize Button, Add Custom Icon Plugin

Easy handle: Add to Cart Text Changer and Customize Button, Add Custom Icon. With icon of shop or cart.

Supported with Latest WordPress. And new feature Added. Almost like pro features. Now can handle all type of product and for all type page. Like Shop page, Archive page, Single Page etc.

Purchase Pro Version

By this plugin, we can easily change default “Add to cart” text to our own language or by own word. No need any shortcode. No need programming skill. Just Install -> Activate and then change your text easily.

From: Dashboard -> WooCommerce -> ADD TO CART


  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce_add_to_cart_text_change directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
  3. Use the WooCommerce-> Add to cart screen to configure the plugin’s default setting.



Can I add icon at Add_to_cart button

Yes, You able to add cart icon to this button. Even there are also options of changing icon displaying system.

Can I set Only cart Icon for AddToCart button?

Yes, you easily able to handle it from configure page. See screenshot-4.

Why WooCommerce add to cart Text change?

Sometime we need to change WooComerce product’s Default ‘Add To Cart’ button text. This plugin will help you to put any custom text for Add_to_Cart button.

What is default Shortcode?

No Need any shortcode for this plugin.

How to use

Just Install and Go to: WooCommerce -> Add to cart : Then set your custom text for ‘Add to Cart’ button as well as chose icon setting and finally Click ‘Submit’ button.

Is there reset options ?

Yes, you able to reset easily.

Will it work with all theme ?

Yes, it will it work with all theme.

Will it work Shop/Archive/Tag page ?

Yes, it will it work Shop/Archive/Tag page.


1.9 to 2.1

  • Nonce added
  • Sanitized all data
  • Bug fixed


  • Escaping issue fixed
  • Codestar framework updated to latest version
  • Bug fixed


  • Name Changed and escapping


  • Custom Icon
  • Smart Admin section
  • Able to add Any Icon
  • Bug Fix


  • Icon setting feature
  • Only Icon
  • No Icon
  • Icon at left side of Button
  • Icon at right side of Button


  • Bug Fixed


  • Bug Fix
  • Supported with WordPress 5.0.1
  • Almost like pro features.
  • Now can handle all type op product and for all type page. Like Shop page, Archive page, Single Page


  • Support All type Product
  • Vast Updated


  • Bug Fix
  • Speed fast


  • Just Start First Version


  • Version: 2.1
  • Active installations: 2,000
  • WordPress Version: 4.0.0
  • Tested up to: 6.4.5
  • PHP Version: 6.4


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