Widget Display Conditions

April 22, 2021

Widget Display Conditions Plugin

Manages widget display by conditions.

With an easy to use interface you can control on which website page you want a particular widget to be displayed.
You can use built-in conditions or create some of your own.

Built-in conditions

  • post type
  • post status
  • post template
  • post category
  • post format
  • post tag
  • post taxonomy
  • post
  • page type (front page, posts page, search page, 404 page, date page, author page, top level page, parent page, child page)
  • page parent
  • page template
  • page
  • attachment
  • post type archive
  • taxonomy archive
  • author archive
  • user role
  • user logged in
  • user


  1. Upload widget-display-conditions plugin folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress


  1. Widget form

    Widget form

  2. Widget Settings

    Widget Settings

  3. Widget Settings with available options

    Widget Settings with available options



Release date: April 22nd, 2021
* Tested in WordPress 5.7.1


Release date: June 28th, 2020
* Tested in WordPress 5.4


Release date: May 30th, 2019
* Fix: – UI: Button ‘Display conditions’ disappears on widget save.


Release date: May 13th, 2019
* Tested in WordPress 5.2


Release date: May 5th, 2019
* Fix: – UI: ‘Post Format’ values not listed.
* Enhancement: – UI: List post templates per post type.
* Enhancement: – UI: Simplified field data structure.
* Enhancement: – UI: Renamed condition ‘param’ to ‘type’.


Release date: May 3th, 2019
* Fix – UI: Not showing on ‘customize’ screen.


Release date: May 1st, 2019

  • Fix – UI: Field selected value was not set correctly.


Release date: May 1st, 2019

  • Fix – Database update was available when no previous version was installed.
  • Fix – UI: Field items not sorted correctly.
  • Fix – UI: Submit button style.
  • Enhancement – UI: Confirmation dialog opens when unsaved changes.
  • Enhancement – UI: Preloading before modal opens.


Release date: Apr 26th, 2019

  • Enhancement – Redesigned api. (custom functionality needs to be updated)
  • Enhancement – More hookable.
  • Enhancement – Plugin data is removed from database on uninstall.
  • Enhancement – used namespace.
  • Tested in WordPress 5.1


Release date: Dec 6th, 2017

  • Fix – Taxonomy Archive Condition: call to an undefined function is_taxonomy_archive.
  • Fix – Post Taxonomy Condition: checked only for custom taxonomies. UI supplies all public taxonomies.
  • Fix – ‘sidebars_widgets’ hook: list of widgets can also be NULL (from WordPress 4.1.0 to 4.6.0)
  • Tested in WordPress 4.0 to 4.8


Release date: Nov 30th, 2017

  • Enhancement – renamed category id ‘media’ to ’attachment’
  • Enhancement – provided the ability to set the default operators
  • Enhancement – added operator ’is greater than’
  • Enhancement – added operator ’is less than’
  • Enhancement – added operator ‘is greater or equal than’
  • Enhancement – added operator ’is smaller or equal than’


Release date: Nov 28th, 2017

  • Fix – UI: ‘Page Parent’ condition was not listed (non-existing category)
  • Fix – ‘Page Type’ condition: undefined variable ‘queried_object’
  • Enhancement – UI: loader displayed when condition data is loading.
  • Enhancement – added screenshot.


Release date: Nov 28th, 2017

  • Fix – UI: ‘Post’ option did not list all posts except those of type ‘page’ and ‘attachment’.
  • Enhancement – more OOP.
  • Enhancement – updated screenshot UI.


Release date: Nov 26th, 2017

  • Enhancement – simplified API.
  • Enhancement – UI: dropdown with search function is only available from a certain amount of options


Release date: Nov 26th, 2017

  • Enhancement – UI: added preloader.
  • Enhancement – UI: cached loaded items.
  • Enhancement – UI: added author archive.
  • Test – tested successfully in php 5.6.27


Release date: Nov 25th, 2017

  • Fix – Rule ‘PostAuthor’ could not be loaded.


Release date: Nov 25th, 2017

  • Fix – Invalid WordPress readme file.
  • Enhancement – Grouped rules by category.


Release date: Nov 22nd, 2017

  • First release


  • Version: 0.2.8
  • Active installations: 500
  • WordPress Version: 4.0.0
  • Tested up to: 5.7.12
  • PHP Version: 5.6.27


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