August 23, 2018

WHMCS Price Plugin

Dynamic way for extracting product & domain price from WHMCS.

If you wan’t to show your products & domains price from WHMCS script in wordpress, you can use this plugin !

100% FREE And Open Source !

Dynamic way for extracting product & domain price from WHMCS for use on the pages of your website!

Plugin features:
* Extract product price.
* Extract domain price.
* Use this plugin to Show price in posts and pages.
* Use this plugin to Show price in theme.

Persian Document

Product Pricing

This is shortcode for extract product price:

[whmcs pid="1" bc="1m"] 
  1. Change pid value in shortcode with your Product ID.
  2. Change bc value in shortcode with your BillingCycle Product. BillingCycles are :

    Monthly (1 Month) : bc=”1m”
    Quarterly (3 Month) : bc=”3m”
    Semiannually (6 Month) : bc=”6m”
    Annually (1 Year) : bc=”1y”
    Biennially (2 Year) : bc=”2y”
    Triennially (3 Year) : bc=”3y”

Domain Pricing

This is shortcode for extract domain price:

[whmcs tld="com" type="register" reg="1y"] 
  1. Change tld value in shortcode with your Domain TLD (com, org, net, …).
  2. Change type value in shortcode with register, renew, transfer .
  3. Change reg value in shortcode with your Register Period of TLD. Registers Period are :

    Annually (1 Year) : reg=”1y”
    Biennially (2 Year) : reg=”2y”
    Triennially (3 Year) : reg=”3y”


You can read complete english documentations on setting plugin page and persian documentations on iranwebsv.net


  1. Upload whmcs_price folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Go to Settings > WHMCS Price Options and save WHMCS URL.


  1. /assets/screenshot-1.jpg


  2. /assets/screenshot-2.jpg


  3. /assets/screenshot-2.jpg


  4. /assets/screenshot-3.jpg



Installation Instructions

  1. Upload whmcs_price folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Go to Settings > WHMCS Price Options and save WHMCS URL.



  • Fix Bug


  • Fix Bug


  • Fix Interference Bug


  • First Version


  • Version: 1.3
  • Active installations: 100
  • WordPress Version: 4.4
  • Tested up to: 4.9.26
  • PHP Version: 5.2.4


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