Customise dashboard panels and branding, hide menus plus lots more.
The White Label CMS plugin is for developers who want to give their clients a more personalised and less confusing content management system.
For a overview of the changes in 2.0 version of the plugin please visit the Video User Manuals website.
Impress your clients with a branded login page. Add yours or your client’s logo, add a background image and even control the CSS if you wish. Personalising the back end of WordPress will give your client the feeling that this is their website, not a generic website.
Stay top of mind with your client by adding your branding to the admin bar, menu or footer.
Are you tired of telling your clients to ignore everything on the Dashboard, but then still receive questions because they’re confused or have broken something?
With White Label CMS you can clear everything from the dashboard and add in your own dashboard panel. You can even add your own RSS feed so your clients can be kept up to date with what you are doing in your business. Which is much more relevant to your client than where and when the next WordPress Meetup is.
Add your own welcome dashboard, and now you can use an Elementor or Beaver Builder template to make it look beautiful.
We have created a new feature called the White Label CMS admin which allows you to hide menus for other users. Setup is simple and gives clients admin access with some restrictions making it harder for them to stumble across settings and mess up the site.
Setting up a customized dashboard is easy and quick using the White Label CMS Wizard. With just a few clicks, you can add your branding and your client’s details and be up and running in seconds.
There is so much that you can do with White Label CMS, but we want the experience to be simple. The Wizard allows you to set up a clutter-free, customized dashboard without having to scroll through all of the options that are available to you.
For developers who handover websites to their clients and use WordPress as a CMS.
Your custom panel accepts html, so just write the markup as you normally would in html.
We have been using this for a number of months now, and we have found clients respond best when it is set up in the following fashion:
Got a feature request for WLCMS, let us know here.