What Template File Am I Viewing?

August 06, 2020

What Template File Am I Viewing? Plugin

This is a debugging plugin that displays the current php file that is loading on the front end of the website.

This is a debugging plugin that displays the current php file that is loading on the front end of the website.

Thanks to VegasGeek and Mark Gason for the code and inspiration for this plugin, respectively.


There are two methods of installing the plugin:

From the WordPress plugins page
1. Download the plugin
2. Upload the what-template-file-am-i-viewing folder to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
3. Active the plugin in the plugin menu panel in your administration area.

From inside your WordPress installation, in the plugin section.
1. Search for the what template file am i viewing plugin
2. Install it and then active it.


  1. Location of template file displayed in the admin bar

    Location of template file displayed in the admin bar


Where do I see the output of this plugin?

The output of the plugin displays in the admin bar at the top of the page on the front end of your site.

Where is the options page for this plugin?

There are no options for this plugin, nor is there an options page.



  • Initial Release


  • Hide the output for non-admins (a.k.a. The output will not display for website visitors.)


  • Moved the output to the admin bar


  • Version: 1.2
  • Active installations: 1,000
  • WordPress Version: 2.7
  • Tested up to: 5.4.16


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