Welcome User Widget

March 31, 2014

Welcome User Widget Plugin

A plugin with a simple widget to display welcome message along with the user_login of the current user.

This simple and lightweight plugin come with a widget that display the word Welcome along with the username of the current user. This is to give subcribers a sense of warm welcome and hospitality, when they come back to the blog.


  1. Upload welcome-user-widget.php to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. At widget admin page , drag and drop the “Welcome User” widget on active widget.
  4. That’s it.


  1. screenshot-1.jpg



A question that someone might have

An answer to that question.


Initial release


  • Version: 1.1
  • Active installations: 80
  • WordPress Version: 3.3
  • Tested up to: 3.5.2


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