MerchantOne Payment Gateway WooCommerce Addon

October 08, 2016

MerchantOne Payment Gateway WooCommerce Addon Plugin

This plugin is an addon for WooCommerce to implement a payment gateway method for accepting Credit Cards Payments By merchants through Merchant One Pa …

This plugin is an addon for WooCommerce to implement a payment gateway method for accepting Credit Cards Payments By merchants through Merchant One Payment Gateway via Authorize.Net Emulation Gateway

This plugin uses AIM and Uses CURL to pass data to payment gateway and hence named as Merchant One Payment Gateway via Authorize.Net Emulation


  1. Very Simple Clean Code plugin to add a Merchant One Payment Gateway payment method to woocommerce
  2. No technical skills needed.
  3. Prerequisite visualized on screenshots.
  4. Adds Transaction ID, Authorization Code, Response Reason to Order Note.
  5. Can be customized easily.
  6. Can work with sandbox/live Merchant One Payment Gateway accounts for testing purpose.
  7. This plugin currently Supports accepting in USD.
  8. This plugin does not store Credit Card Details.
  9. Feature to accept the type of card you like with dynamic card logo at checkout.
  10. This plugin works as authorize/authorize and capture by default.
  11. You can test in sandbox mode with Merchant one username as “demo” and Merchant one password as “password”


  1. Upload ‘webmicro-merchantone-woo-addon’ folder to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory
  2. Activate ‘Merchant One Payment Gateway WooCommerce Addon’ from wp plugin lists in admin area
  3. Plugin will appear in settings of woocommerce
  4. You can set the addon settings from wocommmerce->settings->Checkout->Merchant One Cards Settings
  5. You can use 4111111111111111 as testing card no.
  6. Just account username and password work as api login and trasaction key in emulation.


  1. Screenshot-1 - Admin Settings of Addon

    Screenshot-1 - Admin Settings of Addon

  2. Screenshot-2 - Checkout Page Form

    Screenshot-2 - Checkout Page Form

  3. Screenshot-3 - Admin order details

    Screenshot-3 - Admin order details

  4. Screenshot-4 - Transaction Codes

    Screenshot-4 - Transaction Codes


  1. You need to have woocoommerce plugin installed to make this plugin work.
  2. You need to obtain API Login ID = your account name and Transaction Key = your account password from Merchant One Payment Gateway.
  3. This plugin works on test & live mode of Merchant One.
  4. This plugin readily works on developmentment server.
  5. This plugin does not requires SSL.
  6. This plugin does not store Card Details anywhere.
  7. You can check for Testing Card No Here
  8. This plugin requires CURL installed.
  9. This plugin does not support Pre Order or Subscriptions
  10. This plugin does not support Refunds in woocommmerce interface


This is first version of plugin


  • Version: 1.0.0
  • Active installations: 100


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