Weart Category Posts Widget

January 21, 2019

Weart Category Posts Widget Plugin

Weart Category Posts Widget displays the latest posts in the sidebar from a picked category with featured image.

Weart Category Posts Widget is a small simple, rock solid widget with one only one task:
Display the latest posts with the most beautiful way from the picked category in the sidebar.


  • Pick a category to display posts.
  • Set the number of displaying posts.
  • Featured Images (if it is avalible) for the post with two sizes (full, thumbnail)
  • Enable excerpts to display.
  • Turn ON / OFF the Date displaying.
  • Fully Translateable
  • Minimal CSS, no JS to not causes any conflict with the theme.

More about me

I am a WordPress developer, check my website for more information about my works.


  • English – default, always included
  • Hungarian – a Magyar fordítást a bővítmény tartalmazza

Note: This plugin is localized/ translateable by default. This is very important for all users worldwide. So please contribute your language to the plugin to make it even more useful. For translating I recommend the awesome “Codestyling Localization” plugin and for validating the “Poedit Editor”.


Install from WordPress Admin

  1. Navigate into the WordPress Admin Plugins menu, than click the Add New button.
  2. Search “Weart Category Posts Widget”.
  3. Click Install, than activate.
  4. Navigate to “Appearance / Widgets” and add/setup the “Weart Category Posts” widget.

Install with the Manual way

  1. Upload the plugin into the the WordPress Plugins.
  2. Activate the plugin.
  3. Navigate to “Appearance / Widgets” and add/setup the “Weart Category Posts” widget.


  1. The widget settings.

    The widget settings.

  2. Display with small images.

    Display with small images.

  3. Full-width featured images.

    Full-width featured images.


Does this plugin work with newest WP version and also older versions?

Yes, this plugin works really fine with WordPress 5, but it hasn’t any problem with the older versions, I tested with the WP 4.9. So if you not update your system, this will work just fine.

Is it under development?

Yes, it is, and it will be. I am a premium theme developer and I need this plugin for my themes.



Featured images options, and excerpt settings.


Initial Release


  • Version: 1.0.1
  • Active installations: 100
  • WordPress Version: 4.9
  • Tested up to: 5.0.22
  • PHP Version: 5.6


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