Watsonfinds By Watsonfinds

May 08, 2019

Watsonfinds Plugin

Watsonfinds analyzes your content to provide insights about the emotions that your audience may perceive as they read it.

Watsonfinds analyzes your content to provide insights about the emotions that your audience may perceive as they read it.

Find more at watsonfinds.com

The Analyzer

This plugin will add an icon to the WordPress text editor, so you will be able to analyze content in posts, pages, product descriptions and comments. You can also use the analyzer located at the “Analyze” tab to scan any other type of content that may not be used for WordPress, like emails, tweets, and more.

The Insights

Every time you analyze your content, the plugin will display a popup showing the insights divided in 5 different emotions: Joy, Sadness, Anger, Disgust, and Fear. Bringing to light the intensity score of each emotion in percentages.

You can use these insights to modify and improve every word until you get the content that will convey your intended message and inspires the reader to meet your objective.

The Timeline

In the output popup you will have a timeline bar, which is a progress bar that will help you to review and keep track of every word you change in your content. You will be able to keep track of all your progress, compare all the changes or restore to an earlier version of your work.

IBM Watson

We rely on IBM Watson as a pioneer system of cognitive computing to give you the power of artificial intelligence in your content. Thanks to the ability of IBM Watson to understand unstructured data (which is type of data we use to communicate as humans) you can get accurate insights about your content and know how it will be perceived by other humans.

More Info

For more info, check out the following sources:

This plugin is relying on a 3rd party as a service, Watsonfinds checks your content against the Watsonfinds web service. Content and page name are sent to the web service. No personal data or any other information are sent to the web service. The web service is hosted at watsonfinds.com. This plugin does not require you to create any account on watsonfinds.com.


Automatic installation

Automatic installation is the easiest option as WordPress handles the file transfers itself and you don’t need to leave your web browser. To do an automatic install of Watsonfinds, login to your WordPress dashboard, navigate to the Plugins menu and click Add New.

  1. In the search field type Watsonfinds and click Search Plugins. Once you’ve found our plugin you can view details about it such as the point release, rating and description. Most importantly of course, you can install it by simply clicking “Install Now”.
  2. Activate the plugin in the Plugin dashboard

Uploading in WordPress Dashboard

  1. Navigate to the ‘Add New’ in the plugins dashboard
  2. Navigate to the ‘Upload’ area
  3. Select watsonfinds.zip from your computer
  4. Click ‘Install Now’
  5. Activate the plugin in the Plugin dashboard

Using FTP

  1. Download watsonfinds.zip
  2. Extract the watsonfinds directory to your computer
  3. Upload the watsonfinds directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  4. Activate the plugin in the Plugin dashboard


  1. The Editor Toolbar.

    The Editor Toolbar.

  2. The Main Plugin Page.

    The Main Plugin Page.

  3. The Analysis Popup.

    The Analysis Popup.

  4. The Timeline.

    The Timeline.

  5. More Insights.

    More Insights.


Do you have a paid version?

We’re currently working on it. It will have more features and will provide advanced insights. Subscribe to our mailing list to be the first to know before we launch it.

Is it available in English only?

For now, yes. But we’re implementing more languages like Spanish, Italian, French and many more. Subscribe to our mailing list to be the first to know before we launch a version in your language.

Any question?

If you have a question or need support, please, don’t hesitate to let us know. We are always glad to help.



Release Date – 08 May 2019

  • wordpress 5 compatible


Release Date – 21 March 2018

  • Fixed Bugs


Release Date – 13 February 2017

  • Fixed Bugs


Release Date – 31 January 2017

  • Added History Support


Release Date – 31 January 2017

  • Fixed bugs


Release Date – 27 January 2017

  • Fixed description on plugin page section


Release Date – 27 January 2017

  • Public Beta Release.


Release Date – 12 December 2016

  • Code optimization
  • Performances Upgrade


Release Date – 16 November 2016

  • Code refactoring
  • Performances Upgrade


Release Date – 14 October 2016

  • Add Social Tone Analysis
  • Add Update functionalities to plugin


Release Date – 1 October 2016

  • Enter Private Beta


Release Date – 21 September 2016

  • Add Human Behavior Interpretation v.2 to Language Tone
  • Add Social Tone and Behavior Interpretation


Release Date – 10 September 2016

  • Add Human Behavior Interpretation v.2 to Emotion Tone
  • Add Language Tone and Behavior Interpretation


Release Date – 20 August 2016

  • Redesign resulst popup to accomodate Language Tone Support.
  • Move result popup HTML Markup to external server


Release Date – 10 August 2016

  • Add support to TinyMCE toolbar.


Release Date – 22 July 2016

  • Redesign Result Popup, adding icons for immediate visual feedback.


Release Date – 12 July 2016

  • Add support for Comments page.


Release Date – 6 July 2016

  • Fixed a bug in page section causing duplicate sections.


Release Date – 28 June 2016

  • Add page section to enter content directly in page.


Release Date – 23 June 2016

  • Add API support.
  • Add popup to show data analysis results.


Release Date – 15 June 2016

  • Fixed a bug in Emotion Tone data parser.


Release Date – 12 June 2016

  • Add Emotion Tone.
  • Fixed a bug that could have resulted in comments that were caught by the core WordPress comment blacklist not to * Fixed a bug that could have caused avoidable PHP warnings in the error log.


  • Version: 2.0.0
  • Active installations: 60
  • WordPress Version: 4.0
  • Tested up to: 5.2.21


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