Add Warm Welcome bubble, signature, business card and page widgets to your pages.
You can create personalized video recordings to engage users, or a page bubble that’s displayed in the corner of the page.
Learn more at
Available Widget types are:
* Video Page
* Business Card
* Video Bubble
* Signature — this one is still not part of the plugin, but is a great feature and can be used as custom interactive signature in your emails.
This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working:
1. Upload warm-welcome
to the /wp-content/plugins/
2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
3. Go the Warm Welcome page added to the sidebar.
4. Login with your Warm Welcome account
5. On successful authentication a list of Widgets and their IDs will be listed.
6. You can use the [ww-widget id={WIDGET-ID}] shortcode to embed the content on your website
7. You are a Gutenberg fan? So are we! You can use the Warm Welcome Widgets block to choose the block.