Voice Blocks

January 23, 2022

Voice Blocks Plugin

Voice blocks for WordPress. Easily implement text-to-speech capabilities for your existing WordPress blocks. Visit https://sunbreak.

Voice blocks for WordPress. Easily implement text-to-speech capabilities for your existing WordPress blocks.
Visit https://sunbreak.io for more information.


Please visit our website for information on integrating your products and services with Voice.


Contact Sunbreak Inc. at our Support Page with any questions!


This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.

  1. Search for Voice in the WP-Admin plugin install screen.
  2. Click Install and then click the Activate button.
  3. That’s it! Voice comes with a default configuration and you’re now ready to start creating new Voice Blocks or add voice capabilities to your existing WordPress blocks!
  4. Create a new Voice Block from the Add New Block menu in the WordPress editor.
  5. In the editor, click on ANY block, and then click the transform icon to create a new Voice Block. Voice blocks support multiple blocks so you can create Voice Groups!


  1. Creating a new Voice Block

    Creating a new Voice Block

  2. Transforming an existing Quote block into a Voice block

    Transforming an existing Quote block into a Voice block

  3. The Twenty-Twenty theme displaying Voice blocks

    The Twenty-Twenty theme displaying Voice blocks


Do Voice integrate with my other WordPress blocks?

Absolutely! Any WordPress core block and almost all 3rd-party blocks can be transformed into Voice blocks! Please let us know if you have any feature requests!

Will my voice capabilities scale with the rest of my website?

Yes! Sunbreak Inc. has been working in Enterprise publishing and e-Commerce for over 15 years. Scalability is in our DNA.

Who is Sunbreak Inc.?

Sunbreak Inc. is a team of WordPress Core contributors, engineers, marketing leaders and customer success experts. We know WordPress and we know Voice. Speak with us!



  • WordPress 5.9 compatibility update


  • WordPress 5.5 compatibility update


  • Removes setting button from front-end.


  • Enhanced Firefox & Safari compatibility


  • Updates Voice admin dashboard
  • Updates image assets
  • Rebrands to Voice Blocks
  • Bug fix: Front-end player enqueuing order


  • Beta release. Voice blocks for WordPress


  • Version: 1.0.6
  • Active installations: 70
  • WordPress Version: 5.0
  • Tested up to: 5.9.10
  • PHP Version: 5.6


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