Stories for Ultimate Member

May 21, 2023

Stories for Ultimate Member Plugin

Easy to use Frontend Journal for Ultimate Member. Give your users the option to add posts from the frontend

Looking for a way to allow users on your Ultimate Community to keep a journal, blog, diary etc? Then UM Story is a simple but effective solution.


  • Create articles via the frontend
  • Users get their own tab
  • View the entry without leaving a user’s profile
  • User’s can add dates for each entry

Other Ultimate Member Plugins

SuitePlugins is on the verge of creating some great addons for Ultimate Member. Here are a few that you may want to check out

  • GalleryMost Popular An easy drag and drop gallery for Ultimate Members.
  • Events
  • Classifieds – Easy to use market place plugin for Ultimate Member
  • Docs – Let users upload files that can be seen publicly or privately
  • Stories – Allow users to have a journal or mini-blog from their profile.
  • Visitors – Visitors allow users to see others that have visited their profile
  • Relationships – Allow users to select family members and display them on their profile
  • Gallery Lite – An easy drag and drop gallery for Ultimate Members.

  • Ultimate Member Plugin Bundle – A bundle of all our plugins.


  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/um-story-lite directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress


  1. Form


  2. Single View

    Single View

  3. List View

    List View


What plugins do I need?

This plugin requires Ultimate Member

Where can I place the translation file?

The files can be placed in wp-content/languages/plugins/ with the file name



  • Plugin released into the wild


  • Fixed date picker
  • Added preview images


  • Tested Compabtiblity with WordPress 5.4.2 and Ultimate Member 2.1.6

  • Maintenance: Tested Compabtiblity with WordPress 5.8.1 and Ultimate Member 2.2.4
  • Maintenance: Improved code
  • Maintenance: Improved internal descriptions.
  • Fixed: Editor not displaying as it should.
  • Fixed: Language domain not set correctly
  • Fixed: Profile tab not enabled immediately set on activation

  • Maintenance: Test Compabtiblity with WordPress 6.2.2


  • Version:
  • Active installations: 90
  • WordPress Version: 3.0.1
  • Tested up to: 6.2.6
  • PHP Version: 5.6


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