UltraEmbed – Advanced Iframe Plugin For WordPress with Gutenberg Block Included

September 02, 2023

UltraEmbed – Advanced Iframe Plugin For WordPress with Gutenberg Block Included Plugin

UltraEmbed (Advanced Iframe For WordPress) is a plugin that allows you to embed iframe in your WordPress website.

UltraEmbed for WordPress. It has some advanced features that will help you to manage iframe calls easily. It has some advanced features that will help you to manage iframe calls easily. Also, you can use our Gutenberg block to add iframe easily.


  • Set width, height, class and style
  • Set for logged or all users separately
  • And many more…


 [iframe src="https://ultradevs.com" width="100%" height="10000"] 

Simply use [iframe] shortcode with the src attribute. Example [iframe src=”https://ultradevs.com”]
You can also use other parameters ( width, height, style, class ).

— width
To set width (Ex. width=”100%”)

— height
To set height (Ex. height=”100%”)

— style
To add CSS style (Ex. style=”overflow: hidden; height: 220px;”)

— class
To add css class (Ex. class=”ultraframe”)

— login
It will show iframe data for logged-in users. Default is false (Ex. login=”true”)


Made with love by Sohag Srz from ultraDevs

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  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
  3. use shortcode [iframe src=”link”]


Is it possible to set conditions for logged users?

yes, you can set it for logged users by using the login=”true” attribute on the shortcode.


1.0.3 – 02/09/2023

  • Added Gutenberg Block
  • Added Freemius


  • Fix

1.0.1- 12/05/2021

  • Updated Code, Readme

1.0.0 – 18/09/2020

  • Initial Stable Release


  • Version: 1.0.3
  • Active installations: 200
  • WordPress Version: 4.4
  • Tested up to: 6.3.5
  • PHP Version: 5.6


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