Ui Slider Filter By Price

February 01, 2023

Ui Slider Filter By Price Plugin

Ui Slider Filter by price is a great WordPress and jquery ui slider plugin which filters posts by price, on ui slider drag.

Ui Slider Filter by price is a great WordPress and jquery ui slider plugin which filters posts by price, on ui slider drag.

The features of the slider

  • Unlimited amount of sliders
  • Slider title and unique id
  • Possibility to use differen sliders for different posts/pages
  • Autogenerated shortcode for the easier process of adding the slider to the posts/pages/templates
  • Possibility to add slider in widgets using shortcode by members.
  • Filter unlimited posts by slider drag value
  • Possibility to reorder slider filtered result
  • Drag and Drop functionality. Drag and drop to rearrange slider filtered result

Ui Slider Filter By Price step by step guide

Step 1 . Add New Slider

To add a slider go to Ui Sliders>Add New from your wordpress admin Dashboard.

1.1 : Slider Type

Choose slider type either using the radio button .There are two types of sliders, 3d and classic. You can see which type of slider will look like as image under the radio button.

1.2: Slider Properties

Slider Name : Specify the Slider name. For example, post_page_slider41

Slider Width [ Classic Only ] : Set the width of the slider ( % for fluid width px for fixed ). If you put more then 100% slider will be set to default height.

Range Start : Set the start of the range where slider starts, requires valid number.

Range End: Set the end of the range where slider ends, requires valid number.

Range Steps : Set the steps where user can drag the slider only within these numbers.

Default Step : Set the number where slider dragger needle stays after page load.

Slider Color [ Classic Only ] : Specify the slider color using jquery color picker.

Filter Categories : This is a multiple select box where all available categories of posts are showed. You can choose a single or multiple categories ( ctrl + select ) .
Posts inside only your selected categories will be showed as slider filter result. If no category selected by default post from all categories will be showed in result.

1.3 Output

Drag and drop output order to show in slider search result with following items-

Post Title : Title of the post.

Featured Image : Post featured /attached image. If no featured image found automatically first image of the post used in search result.

Post Content : Post content , limited to fixed number of words.

Price : Value of the custom price field of each post.

1.4 Save Slider

Click this button to save your slider.

Step 2. Set Price

Set the Custom price field in post edit screen . Post will be filtered by the value of this field.

Step 3. Edit a Slider

To edit a slider go to Ui Sliders>All sliders from your wordpress admin Dashboard. Then Click on the slider name you want to edit. Editing process same as Step 1 .

Search/reset : Write search term in the textbox and click Search button to find matching slider name. Clicking reset will refresh the screen to default.

Delete Slider : To delete any slider click on the delete link which is seen in the right side of the slider name in same screen. Slider will be deleted Permanently.

Step 4. Inserting a Slider in post/page

To insert a slider in any post/page , go to Ui Sliders>All sliders from your wordpress admin Dashboard. You can see a list of all sliders, here. Then copy the shortcode from right side of the slider you want to insert. Paste the shortcode in the post/page you want to insert your slider.

Step 5. Inserting a Slider in Template file

To insert a slider in theme template file, go to Ui Sliders>All sliders from your wordpress admin Dashboard. You can see a list of all sliders, here. Then copy the shortcode from right side of the slider you want to insert.

replace the text your shortcode with the one you just copied and save template file. an example will be like this..

Step 6. Uninstall

To completely uninstall Ui slider filter by price plugin go to Ui Sliders>Uninstall from your wordpress admin Dashboard. You need to confirm the uninstall by clicking the uninstall button to completely remove all data from database of the plugin.


First download the ZIP file ,

  1. Log in to your website administrator panel.
  2. Go to Plugins page, and add new plugin.
  3. Upload [Ui Slider Filter By Price].
  4. Click Install Now button.
  5. Then click Activate Plugin button.

Now you can create and set your slider properties use our slider.


  1. all slider listing

    all slider listing

  2. slider type view

    slider type view

  3. slider properties view

    slider properties view

  4. slider output view

    slider output view

  5. uninstall view

    uninstall view


For any kind of problem

If you think, that you found a bug in my [Ui Slider Filter By Price] plugin or have
any question ask in the wordpress.org forum or contact me here.



  • Initial version.


  • Version: 1.1
  • Active installations: 70
  • WordPress Version: 5.0
  • Tested up to: 6.1.7
  • PHP Version: 5.6


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