TBC E-commerce for WooCommerce

April 07, 2022

TBC E-commerce for WooCommerce Plugin

Add a TBC E-commerce button to your website and start selling with TBC E-commerce.

TBC E-commerce plugin will allow you accept payments on your website using TBC E-commerce innovate payment channel.
Your customers can use their various methods of payment to pay for your products and services.
You can easily install TBC E-commerce plugin on your website and accelerate sales.

You can read about TBC E-commerce terms of use, and privacy policy.

For detailed information please see https://tbcpayments.ge/details/ecom/tbc



  • You must be using WooCommerce 3.0 or newer
  • You must enable WordPress pretty permalinks in Settings > Permalinks.

Installation Instructions

  • Upload the plugin files to WordPress.
  • Activate the plugin through the Plugins screen in WordPress.
  • Go to WooCommerce -> Settings -> Payments -> TBC E-commerce (click Manage/Set up) and fill out required settings.



chore: Rename to TBC E-commerce


feat: Merchant accounts per currency¬
feat: Pre authorization payment method
feat: Configurable payment methods (ib, qr etc.)
feat: Logos change as per configurable payment methods
feat: Refunds
feat: Callback url
feat: Pass language parameter
feat: Hide gateway if currency not supported
feat: Setting allows to skip the bank-side transaction results page
feat: Pass cmsInfo paremeter with plugin version
feat: Initially failed order status is never changed on successful retry


fix: Check status infinite loop


feat: Check order status periodically in the background


chore: Rebrand tpay to TBC Checkout


chore: New API


chore: Live API url
chore: API changes applied
fix: Handle expired token
chore: Update readme (privacy notes)


feat: Autogenerated customer return URL
feat: Translation ready
feat: Gateway icon
feat: access_token cache
feat: API requests using guzzle
feat: SMS capture transaction


  • Version: 2.0.1
  • Active installations: 300
  • WordPress Version: 4.0
  • Tested up to: 5.7.12
  • PHP Version: 7.1


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