TP Next & Previous Button on Single Product Page

November 07, 2021

TP Next & Previous Button on Single Product Page Plugin

Shows next and previous product in single product view in same category.

Show the previous and next product on the single product view of your store, from the same category, on the Top / Bottom the page.

Learn more about TP Next & Previous Button in Single Product Page Plugin features.

DEMO (coming soon)

Click Here to Get the Pro Version (coming soon)

Free Plugin Features

  • On/Off Next & Previous Button.
  • On/Off Next & Previous Button on Mobile.
  • Buttons Position – Top / Bottom.
  • Change Buttons Color.
  • Change Buttons Font Size.
  • Add Border to Buttons.
  • Change Next / Prev Labels.
  • Responsive Layout.
  • RTL support.
  • Working with Most of Premium themes.

PRO Plugin Features

  • On/Off Next & Previous Button.
  • On/Off Next & Previous Button on Mobile.
  • 6 Types of Buttons Position:
  1. Top.
  2. Bottom.
  3. Both (Top & Bottom).
  4. Fixed (Sticky in the middle).
  5. Fixed with Animation (Sticky in the middle).
  6. Fixed with Arrows & Tooltip (Sticky in the middle).

* Add Product Image.
* Replace Next / Prev label with Product Name.
* Change Buttons Color.
* Change Buttons Font Size.
* Change Arrows icons.
* Add Border to Buttons.
* Change Next / Prev Labels.
* Responsive Layout.
* Working with Most of Premium themes.
* RTL support.
* Custom CSS.
* Custom Labels.

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  1. Unzip the downloaded zip file.
  2. Upload the plugin folder into the wp-content/plugins/ directory of your WordPress site.
  3. Activate TP Next & Previous Button in Single Product Page through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.

TP Next & Previous Button in Single Product Page will add a new menu item called โ€œTP Next & Previous Buttonโ€ in wordpress menu. Here you are able to configure all the plugin settings.


  1. Fixed with Animation (Sticky in the middle) (1/7)

    Fixed with Animation (Sticky in the middle) (1/7)

  2. Top (2/7)

    Top (2/7)

  3. Fixed with Arrows & Tooltip (Sticky in the middle) (3/7)

    Fixed with Arrows & Tooltip (Sticky in the middle) (3/7)

  4. Settings page (4/7)

    Settings page (4/7)

  5. Settings page (5/7)

    Settings page (5/7)

  6. Settings page (6/7)

    Settings page (6/7)

  7. Settings page (7/7)

    Settings page (7/7)


Do i need Woocommerce install in my site?

Of course, Our plugin works with Woocommerce so you need Woocommerce shop in your site.

What about mobile devices?

TP Next & Previous Button in Single Product Page is 100% Responsive and tested on any device and screen resolution.

I need a feature that you dont have

No problem! Contact Us Here and tell us what you need our team will be happy to help you.

Can I customize the Plugin?

Yes you can, go to plugin Settings and change colors, background, icons and more…


1.0.0 – Released on 11 August 2021

  • Initial release


  • Version: 1.0.0
  • Active installations: 100
  • WordPress Version: 4.5
  • Tested up to: 5.8.10


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