Toolbox for Asgaros Forum

May 06, 2024

Toolbox for Asgaros Forum Plugin

This toolbox allows you to extend the functionality of Asgaros Forum.

Use Toolbox for Asgaros Forum to customize your Forum without the struggle to write some code. You can easily create some custom menu entries or change the url to the User Profile.

Support & Documentation

If you need further help with Toolbox for Asgaros Forum, please visit our Documentation. For personalized assistance, consider booking an appointment with us at domra Web Solutions. Visit our Contact Page to schedule setup and customization services. Enhance your forum experience with our Toolbox for Asgaros Forum plugin. For community support, please visit our Support Forum.


  • Add custom menu entries at the forum menu
  • Remove the whole menu
  • Customize the Asgaros Forum URLs (e.g. Member List, Profile)
  • Shortcodes to integrate Asgaros Forum Profile in the ultimate Member Profile
  • Create a custom tab at the ultimate member profile for the forum history
  • Allow users to upload images inside a post
  • Subscribe Users automatically to their own topics and posts


  1. Install the plugin
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
  3. Go to “Toolbox-for-Asgaros-Forum” and select the tools that you want to use. The menu entries will appear after
    activating the tools.


  1. Dashboard


  2. Custom Menu Manager

    Custom Menu Manager

  3. New Custom Menu Entry

    New Custom Menu Entry

  4. Edit Custom Menu Entries

    Edit Custom Menu Entries

  5. Custom URL Manager

    Custom URL Manager

  6. Shortcodes for Ultimate Member

    Shortcodes for Ultimate Member

  7. Custom Tab for Ultimate Member profile

    Custom Tab for Ultimate Member profile

  8. Inline Image Upload

    Inline Image Upload


How can I help to translate the plugin?

Just go to the Official Translation Tool of WordPress and use your WordPress Account to login.



  • Add: Hide Forum Menu and Forum Header
  • Fix: Delete last custom menu entry


  • Add: Compatibility with Responsive Menu


  • Fix: CSS


  • Fix: CSS


  • Add Autosubscription
  • Fix: duplicate output


  • Fix: Compatibility PHP


  • Add Advanced header menu
  • Fix: Image Upload JS


  • Add debugging mode for Image upload


  • Fix: Error when using https for Image upload


  • Fix: Notifications


  • Add Inline Image Upload


  • Initial Version


  • Version: 1.2.4
  • Active installations: 1,000
  • WordPress Version: 4.9
  • Tested up to: 6.5.5
  • PHP Version: 5.5


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