Transform your WordPress theme into a platform for publishing your webcomics.
Toocheke Companion Website: Toocheke Companion
Looking to publish your comics on your WordPress website? Toocheke Companion adds to your WordPress theme, the ability to create and manage your comic posts. You can now add the ability to diplay comics to almost any WordPress theme. Works best with the Toocheke WordPress theme.
Toocheke Companion comes with built in features that can transform just about any WordPress theme into a webcomic publishing platform. All that is required is creating a page and adding your choice of comic related shortcodes. The following is a list features available with their corresponding shortcodes.
Display the comic’s characters.
[toocheke-all-series comics_order=”ASC/DESC”]
[toocheke-all-chapters sid=”####”]
[toocheke-latest-chapters sid=”####”]
[toocheke-first-comic sid=”####”]
[toocheke-latest-comic sid=”####”]
[toocheke-latest-comics sid=”####”]
[toocheke-comic-archive sid=”####”]
Go to your settings -> permalinks and just click save, this will flush out your old permalinks settings.
= 1.149=
* FIX. Kofi link for support links.
= 1.148=
* UPDATE. Added sidebar override for series.
= 1.147=
* FIX. Paging for all chapters shortcode.
= 1.146=
* FIX. Bug in sort function for comics.
= 1.145=
* FIX. Ordering of likes and views in comics admin.
= 1.144=
* UPDATE. Added series filtering to chapters shortcode
= 1.143=
* FIX. Chapters navigation
= 1.142=
* UPDATE. Added comic archive navigation button
= 1.141=
* FIX. Getting the correct URL for the comic page for social medial sharing
= 1.140=
* UPDATE. Added support buttons
= 1.139=
* UPDATE. Added yearly archive options
= 1.138=
* FIX. Import error for comics
= 1.137=
* FIX. Import error for comics
= 1.136=
* UPDATE. Optimized import process for Comic Easel
= 1.135=
* UPDATE. Transcript meta
= 1.134=
* UPDATE. Added transcript field
= 1.133=
* UPDATE. Add parameter for ordering comics for the “toocheke-all-series” shortcode
= 1.132=
* UPDATE. Added locations/tags/characters to import process from Comic Easel. Optimized process for importing from Comic Easel
= 1.131=
* FIX. Displaying comments on the latest comic shortcode.
= 1.130=
* FIX. Adding option to delete audio file(for Premium only).
= 1.129=
* UPDATE. Changed function for handling random comic navigation.
= 1.128=
* FIX. Handling cacheing for random comic navigation.
= 1.127=
* UPDATE. Added meta data for comic’s blog post.
= 1.126=
* UPDATE. Fixed layout for comic’s blog post.
= 1.125=
* UPDATE. Displaying comic’s blog post irrespective of theme.
= 1.124=
* UPDATE. Added display of analytics (views,comments,likes) irrespective of theme.
= 1.123=
* FIX. Counting comic post views irrespective of theme.
= 1.122=
* FIX. Added a workaround to handle age verification with caching enabled.
= 1.121=
* UPDATE. Added option to setup commenting behind a paywall.
= 1.120=
* FIX. Handling of age verification with cache plugin installed.
= 1.119=
* ADDITION. Archive options for displaying archives segmented by series
= 1.118=
* ADDITION. Archive options for displaying archives segmented by chapters
= 1.117=
* UPDATE. Option to support navigation to future comic posts(Premium only).
= 1.116=
* UPDATE. Option to choose which series is displayed on the home page of a traditional layout.
= 1.115=
* UPDATE. Added option for buying original art and print copies of a comic(Premium only).
= 1.114=
* FIX. Add check for posted custom fields.
= 1.113=
* Fixed saving of empty comic custom fields
= 1.112=
* Fixed ordering of comic characters
= 1.111=
* Updated copy link url
= 1.110=
* Updated code for copy link
= 1.109=
* Added shortcode support for ordering characters
= 1.108=
* Added ordering for characters.
= 1.107=
* Added scheduled comics shortcode.
= 1.106=
* Updated name of enqueued font awesome font to prevent conflict
= 1.105=
* Removed deprecated get_page_by_title().
= 1.104=
* Fixed chapter navigation
= 1.103=
* Added missing files.
= 1.102=
* Fixed chapter navigation error.
= 1.101=
* Added option to disable keyboard navigation.
= 1.100=
* Changed description on ordering option.
= 1.99=
* Added support for chapter navigation
= 1.98=
* Added option for displaying comic’s blog post on webtoon layouts.
= 1.97=
* Fixed bulk edit of Patreon level.
= 1.96=
* Fixed shortcodes parameters.
= 1.95=
* Thumbnail archive fix.
= 1.94=
* Fix for comic navigation for latest comic shortcode.
= 1.93=
* Added shortcode support for series navigation.
= 1.92=
* Added shortcode for displaying first comic.
= 1.91=
* WordPress update compatibility.
= 1.90=
* Fixed call to function error.
= 1.89=
* Added mobile device image option for series posts
= 1.88=
* Renaming of functions
= 1.87=
* Added support for displaying comic posts in any theme.
= 1.86=
* Added taxonomy cloud support for Comic tags, locations & characters.
= 1.85=
* Added ordering option for Collections
= 1.84=
* Handling empty string for audio metabox
= 1.83=
* Added ordering option for the comic slider navigation.
= 1.82=
* Infinite scroll of comic archive on home page.