Theme Blvd News Scroller Widget

February 12, 2013

Theme Blvd News Scroller Widget Plugin

This plugin is a simple widget with slider that rotates through posts of specified category.

This plugin is a simple widget with slider that rotates through posts of specified category. It incorporates the Flexslider plugin, which is the default responsive slider plugin already used within the Theme Blvd framework.


  1. Upload theme-blvd-news-scroller folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress


  1. Frontend view in sidebar.

    Frontend view in sidebar.

  2. Backend view in Appearance > Widgets after placing in sidebar.

    Backend view in Appearance > Widgets after placing in sidebar.



  • Fixed bug with incorrect date showing when using “fade” transition.


  • Added check for featured image existing before trying to show it.
  • Added legacy support for scroll direction in FlexSlider v1.x.


  • Updated Flexslider fom v1.8 to v2.1.
  • Added option for “Horizontal Slide” on transitions.
  • The flexslider.js file is now only enqueued as needed.
  • Added standard localization support.
  • Added standard Theme Blvd plugin constants.


  • While this update does not directly incorporate FlexSlider v2.0, it ensures compatibility with it and allows your theme to determine the version of FlexSlider used.


  • Added wp reset query function after widget’s posts in case widget is used before the primary WordPress loop.


  • Removed “entry-title” class from titles of posts in widget. This should allow for some more consitant styling as the widget sits throughout your site on different pages.


  • Couldn’t figure out weird bug with horizontal scrolling, so replaced with fade transition.
  • Fixed scroll timeout issues to allow for 0 to turn off auto-rotation.
  • Fixed category selection bug.


  • Adjusted some stylings to work better with Alyeska‘s sidebars.


  • Fixed bug with saving show/hide featured images.


  • This is the first release.


  • Version: 1.0.9
  • Active installations: 500
  • Tested up to: 3.5.2


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