Allows you to use spintax in your posts, pages and theme files
This tiny plugin allows you to use spintax like {phrase 1|phrase 2|phrase 3}
in your posts, pages and theme files. Just enclose the content that you want to be processed in the shortcode [wpts_spin][/wpts_spin] and a unique copy will be generated on each page load. Alternatively, you can pass the spintax string to the function wpts_spin()
and echo the returned value.
The plugin can help you avoid duplicate content penalties. For instance if you have a sizable block of text that needs to appear throughout the website then you can write spintax for it and use the above-mentioned shortcode or template tag to generate unique copies.
Nested spintax like {phrase 1|phrase 2|{sub-phrase 1|sub-phrase 2|sub-phrase 3}}
is also supported by the plugin.
Example 1:
[wpts_spin]{phrase 1|phrase 2|phrase 3}[/wpts_spin]
<?php wpts_spin('{phrase 1|phrase 2|phrase 3}'); ?>
Sample Output:
Example 2 (Nested Spintax):
[wpts_spin]{phrase 1|phrase 2|{sub-phrase 1|sub-phrase 2|sub-phrase 3}}[/wpts_spin]
<?php wpts_spin( '{phrase 1|phrase 2|{sub-phrase 1|sub-phrase 2|sub-phrase 3}}' ); ?>
Sample Output:
Example 3 (Caching):
[wpts_spin cache="604800"]{phrase 1|phrase 2|phrase 3}[/wpts_spin]
<?php wpts_spin( '{phrase 1|phrase 2|phrase 3}', array( 'cache' => '604800' ) ); ?>
Sample Output:
Same as Example 1 but the output will be cached for a week (604800 seconds).
It can be as deep as you like. However a nested string might take more time to be processed.
The plugin works only when the page is rendered dynamically. If the post or page is being loaded from a cache then the same content might keep appearing on every page load.