Easy Category Icons

October 27, 2018

Easy Category Icons Plugin

The Templatic Category Icons plugin adds the ability for your theme to be able to show a category icon in the sidebar and before the category title in …

The Templatic Category Icons plugin adds the ability for your theme to be able to show a category icon in the sidebar and before the category title in your WordPress website.

After installing and activating the plugin, create one or more categories and upload images or icon for the particular category.

See screenshot-1 , screenshot-2 and screenshot-3 images for what this might look like in your category edit screen

After you have added category icon you will see it on category page before category title and before the title in categories widget. See the Easy Category Icons for further Information.

See screenshot-4 image for what this might look like in your category page

Last week, our team created few free plugins and this is one them. Many users show post categories in the sidebar. Often, they are just 5-15 categories. Would not it be cool to show a nice little icon beside the category name that goes with it?

This little WordPress Category Icon plugin does exactly that. With this plugin, you will be able to show a category icon in the sidebar and before the category title in your WordPress website.

And best of all, this is an absolutely free plugin.

How to use this WordPress Category Icon plugin?

  1. Download this Free Post Badges Plugin from below link.
  2. Connect to your WordPress dashboard (wp-admin) and navigate to Plugins > Add New Plugin > Upload Plugin > Now upload the downloaded (Templatic-CategoryIcons.zip) file > Click on Install Now
  3. Once you install this plugin successfully, click on Activate Plugin.
  4. To set the Category Icons to your added categories navigate to wp-admin > Post > Categories > here you will see Category Icons section
  5. Here you can assign category icons or Font awesome tags to your category as per your choice and save the settings.



  1. Upload the entire ‘Templatic-CategoryIcons’ folder to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress



Fontawesome icon js included twice

You can remove it by adding


in theme functions.php file

How can I use custom other than on category page or from category widget?

Yes. You can use function ” templ_get_the_icon ” where you have to pass the argument

templ_get_the_icon(array(‘size’=> ‘small’),’taxonomy’,term_id);

Which of the image you want to display (small,thumbnail,etc.) which has generated by WordPress add_image size , taxonomy is the taxonomy slug and the last parameter is category id.

It will return you an array which has fontawesome icon and category image

Can I include this plugin in my theme for distribution?

Yes. Source credits for the plugin should remain intact, per GPL requirements.



  • Initial Release


  • Version: 1.0.1
  • Active installations: 1,000
  • WordPress Version: 3.5
  • Tested up to: 5.0.22


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