Template Tag Shortcodes

June 14, 2009

Template Tag Shortcodes Plugin

A plugin that turns many of the WP template tags into shortcodes (40+ shortcodes).

Template Tag Shortcodes is a plugin that turns many of the WordPress template tags into easy-to-use shortcodes.

This plugin was created so end users could make use of the template tags within their posts and pages. Currently, this plugin creates 40+ shortcodes for use. Not all template tags are available as shortcodes, but you are more than welcome to request others be added.

See the FAQ or the included readme.html for a list of all available shortcodes.

What are the parameters for each shortcode?

There are several parameters for many shortcodes and none for others. Each shortcode represents its equivalent template tag. A list of the available parameters for each shortcode is included in the plugin’s readme.html file.


  1. Unzip the template-tag-shortcodes.zip folder.
  2. Upload the template-tag-shortcodes folder to your /wp-content/plugins directory.
  3. In your WordPress dashboard, head over to the Plugins section.
  4. Activate Template Tag Shortcodes.

More detailed instructions are included in the plugin’s readme.html file.


Why was this plugin created?

To allow users the ability to easily use WordPress template tags from within the Write Post/Page screen.

What shortcodes are available?

  • [wp_list_authors]
  • [the_author]
  • [the_author_description]
  • [the_author_login]
  • [the_author_firstname]
  • [the_author_lastname]
  • [the_author_nickname]
  • [the_author_ID]
  • [the_author_url]
  • [the_author_email]
  • [the_author_link]
  • [the_author_aim]
  • [the_author_yim]
  • [the_author_posts]
  • [the_author_posts_link]
  • [the_modified_author]
  • [wp_list_categories]
  • [wp_dropdown_categories]
  • [the_category]
  • [get_category_link]
  • [the_date]
  • [the_time]
  • [the_modified_date]
  • [the_modified_time]
  • [wp_tag_cloud]
  • [the_tags]
  • [get_tag_link]
  • [wp_list_bookmarks]
  • [the_title]
  • [the_title_attribute]
  • [the_ID]
  • [the_permalink]
  • [get_permalink]
  • [wp_list_pages]
  • [wp_dropdown_pages]
  • [wp_get_archives]
  • [bloginfo]
  • [allowed_tags]
  • [wp_logout_url]
  • [wp_login_url]
  • [comments_link]
  • [category_description]
  • [tag_description]
  • [term_description]
  • [the_terms]
  • [the_author_meta]


Version 0.1.1

  • [the_author_email] uses antispambot() to protect emails addresses.
  • Added the [comments_link] shortcode.
  • Added the [category_description] shortcode.
  • Added the [tag_description] shortcode.
  • Added the [term_description] shortcode.
  • Added the [the_terms] shortcode.
  • Added the [the_author_meta] shortcode.

Version 0.1

  • Plugin launch.


  • Version: 0.1.1
  • Active installations: 200
  • WordPress Version: 2.5
  • Tested up to: 2.8


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