Seamless integration of Tailwind for WordPress.
Tailwind CSS is a great companion to building block based sites in WordPress. Unfortunately, it’s been pretty complicated to add Tailwind CSS to WordPress since it needs to be compiled with Node.js in order to be production ready.
This plugin takes care of that by adding Tailwind CSS to WordPress in one easy step (activate the plugin) and at the same time takes care of performance and caching so your site remains fast and production ready!
This is primarily for developers and users that are familiar with Tailwind CSS and comfortable styling their site using their utility class framework.
It’s also for those who have struggled to add Tailwind to their workflow without having to constantly compile their CSS every time the classes in their page content changes.
No, we are not! Unfortunately the same name was used for both out of coincidence, but we are not affiliated and are two different solutions. is a great starting point for developing custom themes with deep integration of Tailwind. I would recommend it for any developer that wants to build a custom theme that depends heavily on Tailwind.
Tailpress, this plugin, adds Tailwind support to any project as an add-on. It can be used as much or as little as you need, added to custom themes or pre-existing ones.
Yes! Although the styles in the backend get generated on the fly, the CSS on the frontend gets cached for every page. Changing any classes on the page will bust the cache automatically so it’ll still stay up to date with any changes.
Yes! This will work anywhere on the backend or front end of your site that uses classes to style things.
The non-desktop preview modes in the block editor utilize an iframe and don’t load assets properly. Therefore your Tailwind styles won’t be visible here.
If you have any page caching on your site, you’ll have to clear your cache for the best experience.
This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.
to the /wp-content/plugins/
directoryOptionally configure your version of Tailwind under Settings > TailPress.