Tablesome – Responsive Table, Woocommerce Automation, Email Log, Form Automation – Contact Form 7, Elementor, WPForms, Forminator
Pauple By Pauple

July 24, 2024

Tablesome – Responsive Table, Woocommerce Automation, Email Log, Form Automation – Contact Form 7, Elementor, WPForms, Forminator Plugin

Powerful Table, Form & Mail Automations. Form Entry Management (+ frontend table ), integrate with MailChimp, G Sheets, CF7, WPForms, Elementor, etc.

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All-in-One WordPress plugin to create tables, automation & database for contact forms

With Tablesome you can save contact form submissions, redirect after form submit, create responsive data tables, import and export tables & entries as CSV & XLSX files, and automatically export data to Mailchimp, Notion, etc.
You can create post tables & Woo product tables, edit tables on frontend, export to HubSpot & Slack and much more in the PRO version.

1. WordPress Contact Form Database Plugin

Tablesome is a Contact Form database addon plugin to save Contact Form submissions to tables in WordPress.

To save Contact Form 7 Submissions (CFDB), WPForms Entries, Forminator DB, Elementor Contact Form DB to tables see this video:

2. WordPress Responsive Table Plugin

Also, Tablesome is a WordPress table plugin to quickly create responsive datatables with a large number of rows and columns and embed the table in pages and posts. You can customize each table and import tables from external sources such as in CSV and XLSX files format.
It is SEO-friendly with Table Schema markup.

3. Open AI / Chat GPT Action

Tablesome Free Features

  • Woocommerce – Order Complete (action)
  • Log All Emails (action)
  • Redirect users to a specific page after form submit (action)
  • Connect WordPress forms to Notion database (action)
  • Gravity Forms Entries
  • Contact Form 7 database (CF7DB) addon
  • Fluent Forms Entries
  • WPForms Entries addon – save and view WPForms entries to database and display them on frontend
  • Elementor Contact Forms DB (database) addon – save Elementor form submissions to database
  • Forminator db entries addon – save entries to database and display them on frontend
  • Limited to Single Trigger & 3 Actions per workflow
  • Store images from Form File upload in WP Media Library
  • Connect WordPress forms to Mailchimp
  • Customize tables with style themes
  • Customize Display Options & Layouts for each table
  • Create WordPress datatables that are Searchable, Filterable, & Sortable tables with Pagination
  • Import entries and tables from CSV and XLSX format
  • Responsive table display modes – Fit To Container & Standard
  • Adjust Minimum & Maximum column width
  • Responsive table with horizontal scroll bar
  • Stackable table on mobile devices
  • Datatable fixed column
  • Add media to tables – GIFs, Audio, Video, and more
  • Table formats – Text, Number, Rich-Text, Image, Date & Time, URL, Email, and more
  • Customize the table with styling options on a global level
  • Embed tables with Shortcode
  • Shortcode builder to customize table options for each table
  • Add Tablesome Shortcode block for Gutenberg block editor users
  • Activity Log page to monitor Triggers & Actions
  • Export: Backend, Frontend and Filtered export for table data. Supported formats include CSV & XLSX


  • tablesome_after_action – only for ‘tablesome_add_row’ : do_action(‘tablesome_after_action’, $result, ‘tablesome_add_row’);

Tablesome Pro Features

  • Frontend Editing for table records and form entries
  • Allow users to edit only their own data
  • Unlimited Triggers and Actions
  • Create and save single form entries as CSV files (action)
  • Add form leads from WordPress as contacts in HubSpot CRM (action)
  • Get notifications in Slack when a form is submitted (action)
  • Filter data before displaying table on frontend (action)
  • Show users only their own data on frontend
  • Register users from WordPress frontend (action)
  • User frontend post submission (action)
  • Redirect to custom post types and external URLs (action)
  • Display WP post content in tables – Posts, Pages and any CPTs (Woo Product table)
  • Add clickable Checkbox columns
  • Date value filters
  • Drag and drop reorder table rows
  • Add Call To Action buttons to tables
  • Add Sponsored tags (rel=”sponsored”) to URLs and Buttons
  • Duplicate a table
  • Duplicate table entries / records (rows)
  • Generate PDF (Action)

The support and development team behind this WordPress tables plugin is very responsive to user comments and feature requirements. This plugin is in active development and so you can expect powerful features in future releases.

WordPress Frontend Table Editor (PRO) (Latest)

Edit Form Entries Frontend (PRO)

Allow Users to Edit Their Own Entries(PRO)

CF7 Google Sheet Connector – Google Sheets WordPress Integration (PRO)

Connect WordPress Forms To HubSpot CRM (PRO)

Connect WordPress Forms To Slack Workspace (PRO)

Filter Table Data Before Frontend Display – Row Filtering (PRO)

Allow Users To See Their Own Data On Frontend (PRO)

Generate Single CSV Entry (PRO)

Create & Display WordPress Post Tables & WooCommerce product tables (PRO)

Tablesome allows you to query posts, pages, custom post types, taxonomies, and custom fields, and automatically insert and display them in elegant tables.
Using the “Table OnLoad” trigger and “Replace Table Content with WP Query” action you can create stylish WordPress post tables and display them anywhere on your site.
* Organize post content from WordPress posts, pages, and CPTs (custom post type)
* Add selected posts from hundreds and thousands of posts and display them on sortable and filterable tables with search and pagination.
* Create a WooCommerce product table to showcase selected products.

Customized Form Email Notifications

Redirection – Redirect After Form Submissions

In the PRO version, you can send them to an external URL or to posts and other custom post types (CPTs).

WordPress Frontend Registration – register users using frontend custom registration forms (PRO)

Tablesome makes it easy to sign up users from the WordPress frontend with its Add User Action. Users can register to your site without having to go to the ‘wp-login.php’ page.
Using any of the supported form plugins you can create a user-friendly custom user registration form and map its properties on the WordPress user profile.

WordPress Frontend Post Submission – for user-submitted posts (PRO)

Tablesome provides an easy way for visitors to submit content to your site to accept user-submitted content and guest posts from frontend post submission forms.
With the ‘Add Post’, action you can setup your post submission form using any of the supported forms and map the form fields to the corresponding post fields for easy frontend posting.

Gravity Forms Entries – Save to Database (Latest)

Fluent Forms Integrations (Latest)

You can also integrate with Fluent Forms to save entries to the database and edit & display Fluent Forms entries on pages. You can do more actions after “Fluent Forms after form submit”, such as send form data to apps such as Mailchimp, Notion, etc., as you would do with Fluent Forms webhooks.

Forminator DB and App Integration addon

Besides saving the Forminator entries to database, you can have an enhanced view entries page with advanced sorting & filtering and can do more actions after “Forminator after form submit” such as display on frontend, send form data to apps such as Mailchimp, Notion, etc., and more.

Connect Mailchimp and WordPress Forms – WordPress MailChimp

Woocommerce Workflows

Woocommerce Invoice PDF Generation, Send Invoice by Email, Add Woocommerce Orders to table, Woocommerce MailChimp, Woocommerce Hubspot, Woocommerce Notion, Wooocommerce to Google Sheets

PDF Workflows (Pro)

WPForms PDF generation, CF7 PDF, Gravity Forms PDF, Elementor Form PDF, Fluent form PDF

To save WordPress forms submissions to Mailchimp audience see the video below:

To quickly create tables with the Tablesome plugin see the video below:

Let Us Know What You Need

We love to hear from our users and we try to integrate features that our users want. Please let us know your feedback in the support forum.


  1. Upload the plugin to your website.
  2. Activate it.
  3. Click ‘Create new table’ to create the tale
  4. Save the table
  5. Copy and paste the shortcode on the post.


  1. Save CF7, Gravity, Fluent, WPForms, Forminator, Elementor form entries

    Save CF7, Gravity, Fluent, WPForms, Forminator, Elementor form entries

  2. Redirect after form submit and send Email notifications

    Redirect after form submit and send Email notifications

  3. Automatically export entries to Mailchimp and Notion

    Automatically export entries to Mailchimp and Notion

  4. Edit table records and form entries from the Frontend (PRO)

    Edit table records and form entries from the Frontend (PRO)

  5. Filter table before display and Show user-specific data (PRO)

    Filter table before display and Show user-specific data (PRO)

  6. Add contact to HubSpot and Send Slack notification message (PRO)

    Add contact to HubSpot and Send Slack notification message (PRO)

  7. Register Users and Submit Posts from frontend (PRO) 8 Display WordPress posts in tables (PRO)

    Register Users and Submit Posts from frontend (PRO) 8 Display WordPress posts in tables (PRO)

  8. Customize Display Options & Layouts for each table

    Customize Display Options & Layouts for each table

  9. Customize table styles for each table

    Customize table styles for each table

  10. Easily create tables in WordPress dashboard

    Easily create tables in WordPress dashboard

  11. Multiple data format columns are available

    Multiple data format columns are available

  12. Display tables with Search, Sort, Filters, Pagination, & Fix the first column

    Display tables with Search, Sort, Filters, Pagination, & Fix the first column

  13. Powerful & advanced datatable filters in the frontend & backend

    Powerful & advanced datatable filters in the frontend & backend

  14. Responsive Stack Mode & Horizontal Scroll Bar on mobile devices

    Responsive Stack Mode & Horizontal Scroll Bar on mobile devices

  15. Insert Tablesome shortcode to any WordPress posts and pages

    Insert Tablesome shortcode to any WordPress posts and pages

  16. Customizing table display with shortcode builder

    Customizing table display with shortcode builder

  17. Add media to tables - Audio, Video, GIFs, etc.,

    Add media to tables - Audio, Video, GIFs, etc.,

  18. Buttons and Sponsored Tags for links in PRO

    Buttons and Sponsored Tags for links in PRO

  19. Add images and links to table cells

    Add images and links to table cells


Installation Instruction:

  • Download the “Tablesome” plugin.
  • Unzip the downloaded package.
  • Upload the Tablesome folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory of your WordPress setup.
  • Activate the plugin from the “Plugins” menu in the WordPress Admin


  • Download the ‘Tablesome’ plugin.
  • Click on the ‘Plugins’ menu option in WordPress admin.
  • Click on the ‘Add New’ option in plugins.
  • Upload the ‘Tablesome’ plugin and ‘Activate’ it.

How to use Tablesome Shortcode Builder?

  • You could find the button named ‘Add Tablesome Shortcode’ in the Classic Editor
  • Gutenberg users can find a block named ‘Add Tablesome Shortcode’
  • Copy the ID number of the table you want to embed
  • The table id number will be displayed with the basic shortcode such as [tablesome table_id=’Number’/]
  • Go to the page or post where you want to embed the table with shortcode builder
  • Paste the Table ID in the Shortcode Builder and choose the options you need
  • Then you click ‘Add Shortcode’
  • Page Builders such as Elementor, Beaver, Divi, etc., can find this button in the text editor widgets of the respective plugins



Enhancement: Supports Workflow execution from private tables


Enhancement: Support for Paypal fields in add-row for forminator


Fix: Date selection issue during Daylight saving time


Translation: More Translation Strings
Better Error Notice


New Translation: Spanish
Added missing translation strings


Fix: Fixes for Woocommerce Order Complete Trigger
Fix: Table save issues for non-admin users


New Trigger: Woocommerce Order Complete (Thank you page)


Fix: upper-case meta keys not working in Workflow
Fix: Single activation in multi-site


Pro Feature: Generate PDF (action)


Fix: General Fixes


Fix: Custom Styles in Table


Fix: General Fixes


Fix: Drag and Drop issue in rows
Fix: Import images
Fix: Console warnings


Fix: Media/Image cell link fix
Feature: Show (or Hide) Tablesome Posts in WP Search


Fix: CF7 Image fix


Fix: OpenAI Fix
Fix: Allow multiple files to be uploaded from forms (via triggers)
Fix: Security Fix


Fix: Issue related to table not saving changes for some
Fix: WordPress Custom date format related issues


Fix: Minor Security Fixes


Fix: Table Pagination not working in some cases
Fix: Frontend Editor options UI issue


Fix: GSheet first column issue
Feature: GSheet – filter columns


Fix: Saving WPForms -> Date / Time field -> Time format
Fix: PHP 8.2, 8.3 compatibility
New Hook: tablesome_after_action() action triggered after ‘tablesome_add_row’ action (only this action for now)


Fix: Frontend Row and Column Permission Issue
Fix: Forminator (trigger) -> Create Post (action) Featured Image not being set
Feature: Enable / Disable ts_ prefix for redirect action parameters


Fix: CF7 duplication of date values
Fix: Date not changing
Fix: Media files stored automatically


  • Fix: Submission date and Date column timezone conversion issue


  • Pro Feature: Add Rows in Frontend
  • Fix: Adding a row after the last row while in descending custom sorting
  • Fix: Save method called twice


  • Feature: Choose to display time in UTC or Local time
  • Fix: Filter table will be excluded for administrators


  • Pro: Google Sheets to Table (Beta)

Fix: Important Bug on creating new columns


  • Fix: Show Time not working
  • Fix: Date is changed after saving (now displays time in UTC)


  • Fix: Url params decoding issue
  • Fix: Sample table image fix
  • Security Fixes


  • Fix: Forminator not submitting
  • Fix: Loading Speed improvements – part 1


  • Enhancement: Tablesome now supports files


  • Fix: Frontend Editor not saving. Issue with multiple tables in same page
  • Fix: NULL values causing add row not working or frontend editing not saving
  • Fix: Update Button showing to people without access


  • Enhancement (Pro): Post Table (Replace Table Content with WP Query – action) Ability to add post url as a button
  • Fix: WPForms date loading incorrectly in Tables


  • Version: 1.1.8
  • Active installations: 9,000
  • WordPress Version: 5.2
  • Tested up to: 6.5.5
  • PHP Version: 7.0


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