SVG Complete

February 16, 2015

SVG Complete Plugin

Upload SVG files and add them to your post or page via the SVG button in your visual editor or via a shortcode, with zoom & drag option!

This plugin adds some SVG functionality to your WordPress and uses a SVG technique that’s based on an idea by Alexey Ten and used by Jens Kuerschner which was my starting point for this plugin.
This way of including SVG images into HTML seems to be the one with the best combination of performance and compatibility at the moment.
Upload SVG files to your WordPress and add them to your post or pages via the SVG button in your visual editor. Here you can even select to have zoom and pan (mouse drag) on your svg, useful for maps for example. You can also set image size, a fallback image and an alt text for SEO

List of Features:

  • Upload SVG files to your media library
  • Use SVG files via a TinyMCE bytton or by shortcode in your posts or pages
  • Option to add captions to your SVG images
  • Option to set zoom and drag on svg images (by mouse and buttons)
  • Option to set a CSS class
  • Option to define a fallback image (usually PNG) for your SVG
  • Option to add alt-information for SEO

[svg-complete align=”aligncenter” class=”my_own_class” svg_path=”” alt_path=”” alt=”wiki world map” width=”760″ height=”400″ zoompan=”zoom_button”]Wiki Worldmap[/svg-complete]

See for a complete instruction and examples


  1. Upload the folder to the “/wp-content/plugins/” directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the “Plugins” menu in WordPress.
  3. Place the shortcode in your pages or posts (including custom posts) with the SVG button in the visual editor or write it yourself in the text editor.

[svg-complete align=”aligncenter” class=”my_own_class” svg_path=”” alt_path=”” alt=”wiki world map” width=”760″ height=”400″ zoompan=”zoom_button”]Wiki Worldmap[/svg-complete]


  1. Add your svg image easily via the button.

    Add your svg image easily via the button.

  2. Select your svg file and options via an easy menu.

    Select your svg file and options via an easy menu.

  3. Use the media uploader to select you svg file and (if you want) a fallback image.

    Use the media uploader to select you svg file and (if you want) a fallback image.

  4. Set the other options as you please.

    Set the other options as you please.

  5. Press OK, press Publish and there you go :)

    Press OK, press Publish and there you go :)


No Questions asked yet. Feel free to ask!



  • Initial release.


  • description edits.


  • description edits.
  • add option for no align set


  • Version: 1.0.2
  • Active installations: 200
  • WordPress Version: 3.9
  • Tested up to: 4.1.41


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