SureTriggers: All-in-One WordPress Automation Plugin

July 17, 2024

SureTriggers: All-in-One WordPress Automation Plugin Plugin

SureTriggers is an all in one WordPress Automation Plugin & Platform. Automate tasks, connect apps & streamline workflows with NO CODE! Powerf …


👉 Official Website Link
👉 Create a free account


At SureTriggers, our mission is to empower you to connect your favorite apps, automate repetitive tasks, and unlock new growth opportunities for your business.

Today, running a business means dealing with a lot of different apps, services, and plugins. On average, organizations use 110 different softwares to run their business.

Contact forms, Email marketing tools, Social media sites, Payment gateways, CRMs, Helpdesk, eCommerce plugins, Communication tools, Project management platforms, LMS, and the list goes on.

That’s a lot of moving pieces!

Now the problem is, these are all independent tools. They usually can not communicate with one another, causing a lot of time and energy wasted on manual data entry and other mundane tasks. It also means opportunities are lost when important apps are not connected.

Just for an example, imagine a small business owner named Jane. She runs an eCommerce website. When someone places an order on her website, this is what she wants to do:

  • Add a customer to a CRM
  • Add the order details to an accounting system.
  • Upload the invoice to a Google Drive folder that is shared with the accountant
  • Send a thank-you email to the customer
  • Then, send this customer another email after 15 days asking for a review.
  • If the customer leaves a five-star review, send a coupon encouraging the next purchase.
  • If the customer does not use the coupon, remind them of it 3 days before it expires
  • She also wants to get a notification of any order above $500 USD in a Slack channel
  • Also for those large orders, send a message on WhatsApp to make the customer feel special and build a better relationship with them.

This is just one simple use case of a small business owner, trying to run and grow her simple eCommerce website. It is just impossible to manually do all of these tasks for each and every order that comes through her website!

That’s why we created SureTriggers.

SureTriggers is an automation platform that automates processes between different websites, applications, and WordPress plugins. It helps you create powerful workflows to connect your apps and automate repetitive tasks. It can automatically do any number of things in different apps, after something happens.

For example:

  • What happens after someone buys a product
  • What happens after someone leaves a review
  • What happens after someone logs into your website
  • What happens after someone fills out a contact form
  • What happens when someone takes a quiz in an online course and achieve a certain score

Now there are some tools, like Zapier that might help you do some of this. However, they do not connect well with WordPress and are quite expensive. Furthermore, they were made years ago, and their user experience leaves a lot to be desired.

Furthermore, many WordPress automation tools suffer from limited integrations, are bloated, and can slow down your website. They require a lot of technical knowledge to use and yet are unreliable.

SureTriggers is different.

SureTriggers is the only platform built specifically to seamlessly integrate with WordPress and external applications. We have a modern user interface that is easy to use, and our platform is designed to be lightweight and fast.

And most importantly, it doesn’t break the bank.

Now Jane can easily connect her website to her CRM, accounting system, email marketing platform, and other apps she wants.

SureTriggers is our way to make sure that businesses, like Jane, can connect their favorite apps, automate mundane tasks, and focus on what truly matters — discover new growth opportunities 📈🙂

Sign up for free today!


SureTriggers is a SaaS platform and requires an account on our website. When you install this plugin, you’ll need to register for a free account. Or, if you already have an account with us, you can simply connect this plugin to it.

This plugin helps you connect your WordPress website to the SureTriggers SaaS platform.


From installation to creating your first automation, SureTriggers is designed to be simple and intuitive. Here is how it works:

Step 1. Install WordPress Plugin 🔌

From your WordPress dashboard, navigate to the Plugins menu and click on the “Add New” button. Search for the SureTriggers plugin, then click “Install Now” and “Activate”.

Step 2. Connect your WordPress website ⚙️

Once the plugin is installed, you will be redirected to the SureTriggers settings page in your WordPress dashboard. There you will find a button to connect your WordPress website with the SureTriggers platform. If you do not have an account on the platform, you can create it for free in less than 60 seconds. Or if you already have an account, just sign in with your login credentials.

All compatible plugins, such as WooCommerce, Fluent Forms, LearnDash, BuddyBoss, etc., will automatically connect to the SureTriggers platform during this process. Yaay, you’re almost ready to start automating tasks on this website!

Step 3. Connect other apps 🔗

If you want to connect other apps and websites such as Google sheets, MailChimp, Twitter, Stripe, Trello, etc. you can do that now. Just select the apps you use, and follow the instructions to connect your accounts.

SureTriggers already support hundreds of popular apps, and we’re adding more each week!

Step 4. Choose a trigger 💣

After you’ve connected your apps, you can set up triggers that will start a special task. A trigger is something that happens in one of your connected apps, like receiving a new order in your eCommerce platform.

Step 5. Add actions ⚡

Now you can choose what you want SureTriggers to do whenever your chosen trigger is executed. Just pick the app and action you want to use. For example, you might want to pass the details of the customer who placed the order in your email marketing platform like MailChimp.

Now whenever the trigger happens, all the actions will be executed automatically. You can create similar automations to connect your favorite apps, automate mundane tasks, and discover new growth opportunities!


SureTriggers is packed with advanced features that will help you streamline your processes and save time. Below are just some of the advanced features it offers:

Canvas Builder 💙

Our standout feature is our intuitive canvas editor in SureTriggers. It lets you visually construct your automations by dragging triggers and actions onto the canvas. This makes it simple to visualize your workflow and make adjustments or expansions without coding.

Multi-step automations 🎉

You can make multi-step automations that link actions triggered by events. For instance, you could set up a customer welcome process with emails, course enrollment, and adding to a mailing list. This helps you automate tasks and save time.

Integrations with WordPress plugins 🤘

SureTriggers works smoothly with popular WordPress plugins like Gravity Forms, WooCommerce, LearnDash, TutorLMS, FluentCRM, BuddyBoss, CartFlows, SureMembers, Elementor, and more. This allows users to automate actions such as post-purchase processes, website logins, form submissions, course enrollments, quiz completions, and specific score achievements, saving time and effort.

Integrations with SaaS applications 🪩

SureTriggers connects with lots of apps, so you can link your favorites together. Want your CRM to talk to your email tool? Or your project manager to sync with your invoicing? SureTriggers does it. With a few clicks, set up automations to save time and get more done.

Automation between multiple WordPress sites 🔗

Want to connect one WordPress website to another? For example, if you have WooCommerce installed on one site and LearnDash on another. And whenever someone buys a WooCommerce product, you might want to offer access to a related course which is on another WordPress installation. SureTriggers makes it extremely easy.

Schedule ⏱️

The Schedule feature lets you choose when your automations happen. You can pick a time and date for a one-time event or set them to repeat regularly. For instance, you could send a Slack reminder every Friday or back up your website every night. This simplifies tasks that need to be done regularly, fitting your business schedule, whether it’s daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly.

Conditions 🖖

SureTriggers’ Conditions feature allows you to personalize your automations by setting rules for when actions happen. This helps make your automations more precise, quick, and adaptable. You can use Conditions to do tasks like sending messages, updating lists, emailing again, posting on social media, and assigning jobs to team members.

Filter 🎲

This feature is handy in automations with many steps. It lets you decide if the automation keeps going or stops based on a condition. For example, if a customer hasn’t bought anything in 30 days, the automation continues. But if they have, it stops. This control helps you manage your automations better.

Path 🎊

The Path feature lets you make automations that can choose different actions depending on specific conditions. For instance, you can create an automation that sends one email if a customer’s purchase is big and another if it’s small. It helps automate decisions by creating different paths based on conditions.

Delay ⌛

SureTriggers’ delay feature is handy for adding timing pauses between actions in automations. For instance, you can send a personalized email to customers 90 minutes after they buy something to make them feel valued. Later, you can send another email asking for a review after 15 days.

Formatters 😎

SureTriggers Formatter helps you tidy up your data and do calculations easily. It has tools to format, extract, and calculate data the way you want. You can change dates, times, currency, do math, and more. It’s all done with a simple, visual interface.

Custom APIs ➡️

SureTriggers can share information between your automations and other apps online using APIs. This means you can make something happen in another app when a task finishes in SureTriggers. For example, you could make SureTriggers send a message on Slack whenever someone orders from your website. Now, you can link your automations to any app that can get API requests fast and easy.

Incoming Webhooks ⬅️

SureTriggers uses incoming webhooks to get data from other apps or sites, triggering automations. For example, when someone applies for a job on your site, SureTriggers can send them a WhatsApp message by receiving application data through a webhook.

Dynamic data mapping 🔥

Dynamic Data Mapping in SureTriggers lets you easily share info between apps. Say you run an online store with WooCommerce and want to send SMS with Twilio. It automatically links customer details like name, phone number, and order info from WooCommerce to Twilio.

Detailed logs and history 📜

SureTriggers’ Detailed Logs and History feature helps you keep tabs on how well your automations are doing and fix any problems. It shows you exactly what happened at each step.


Any individual or organization that wants to automate repetitive tasks and connect different apps can greatly benefit from using SureTriggers.

  • eCommerce entrepreneurs can use SureTriggers to automate customer notifications, engagement, marketing, shipping tracking, and more. It can also help them integrate their eCommerce store with other business systems such as accounting and customer support.

  • eLearning businesses can use SureTriggers to automate various tasks, such as sending reminders to students or sending emails to people who fail a quiz.

  • Web design agencies can use SureTriggers to automate notifications, project management, and other tasks.

  • Marketing teams can use SureTriggers to automate tasks such as customer segmentation and email campaigns.

  • Social media marketers can use SureTriggers to automate notifications, social media updates, and more. It can also help them easily connect their clients’ websites to other systems.

  • Small business owners can use SureTriggers to connect their business systems and automate key tasks.

  • Startups can use SureTriggers to automate various tasks, such as customer sign-ups, billing, and project management.

  • HR teams can use SureTriggers to automate onboarding, offboarding, payroll, and other tasks.

  • Social media managers can use SureTriggers to automate content creation, reporting, and other tasks.

  • Accounting firms can use SureTriggers to automate data entry, document management, and other tasks.

The list could go on and on!

There is no limit to the types of businesses and organizations that can benefit from using SureTriggers. From automating marketing and customer service tasks to integrating business systems, SureTriggers can make a huge difference in any organization’s workflow.

Even if you are an individual, SureTriggers can be highly beneficial. It can be used to automate mundane tasks such as setting notifications, reminders and tracking.


  • WooCommerce
  • SureMembers
  • Spectra
  • Presto Player
  • FluentForms
  • FluentCRM
  • CartFlows
  • BuddyBoss
  • Gravity Forms
  • GiveWP
  • LearnDash
  • Lifter LMS
  • MemberPress
  • Elementor Pro
  • Tutor LMS
  • Wishlist Member
  • WPForms
  • AffiliateWP
  • Restrict Content Pro
  • Beaver Builder
  • Divi Builder
  • Bricks Builder
  • Easy Digital Downloads
  • myCred
  • The Events Calendar
  • MasterStudy LMS


  • SureCart
  • Google Sheets
  • WhatsApp
  • ActiveCampaign
  • ConvertKit
  • Circle
  • Gmail
  • Google Drive
  • MailChimp
  • Slack
  • Stripe
  • PayPal
  • Twitter
  • Mailerlite
  • Mailgun
  • Sendinblue
  • SMTP
  • Twilio
  • TypeForm
  • Vimeo

These are just some of the WordPress plugins and apps that are popular among SureTriggers users.

If you have apps that are not yet integrated with SureTriggers, please submit a request for integration here. We are releasing new integrations every week!

And if you are a developer, and would like to integrate your plugin or app — we have robust APIs which make it extremely easy to integrate any WordPress plugin or application with SureTriggers.

Please get in touch with us and we would be happy to help.


SureTriggers® is a registered trademark. Please use the following format when mentioning the SureTriggers anywhere.

  • SureTriggers [correct]
  • Sure Triggers [incorrect]
  • Sure triggers [incorrect]
  • SureTrigger [incorrect]
  • Sure Trigger [incorrect]


Join our Facebook group community: Learn the tricks and techniques that other SureTriggers users are using to grow their business. Also, get exciting insider information on upcoming feature releases.


  1. Upload to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress


  1. Create new automations.

    Create new automations.

  2. Track your automation execution.

    Track your automation execution.

  3. Create new connections to create your automations.

    Create new connections to create your automations.

  4. Dashboard of your task consumption.

    Dashboard of your task consumption.


Do I need coding skills to create automations?

No, you don’t need any coding skills to create automation with SureTriggers! The platform offers a user-friendly interface and a visual workflow builder, allowing you to create automations by dragging and dropping triggers and actions. This means that you can create automations without having to write any code or have any technical expertise.

Whether you’re a small business owner, a freelancer, or just someone who wants to save time and streamline their workflows, SureTriggers makes it easy to create automations without any coding skills.

How does SureTriggers compare to other platforms like Zapier?

SureTriggers is the only automation platform that is built from the ground up to specifically integrate with WordPress and outside applications. This makes it a powerful and versatile tool for automating tasks within WordPress and between WordPress and external apps and services.

One of the key features of SureTriggers is its modern and user-friendly interface, which makes it easy for users to create automations by connecting different apps and services and defining triggers and actions, whereas Zapier feels overwhelming and complicated yet does not offer flexibility that is necessary for creating advanced automations.

In addition to its powerful features and ease of use, SureTriggers offers a sensible pricing, making automations accessible to everyone regardless of their financial status.

How does SureTriggers compare to WordPress automation plugins?

SureTriggers offers a dedicated plugin to connect your WordPress website with our cloud platform. This allows users to automate tasks both within WordPress and outside of WordPress.

One of the key advantages of using SureTriggers is that all of the heavy lifting, such as managing queues, webhooks, and integration requests, is done on the cloud platform. This means that your WordPress website stays lean, fast and lightweight.

On the other hand, WordPress plugins that offer automation features need a lot of server resources. They make your servers manage queues, save a huge number of log entries in the database, take webhooks, and integration requests. WordPress is not made for such things. It is developed to be a content management system.

Is SureTriggers a cloud-based platform or is it a WordPress plugin?

SureTriggers is a cloud based automation platform that also offers a WordPress plugin. This plugin serves as a bridge between your WordPress website and the platform. All the heavy lifting necessary for automations is done on the cloud platform, which keeps your website lean, fast and reliable.

Some of my apps are not yet integrated. Can I submit a request?

Yes, if you have apps that are not yet integrated with SureTriggers, please submit a request for integration. We offer a wide range of integrations with hundreds of popular apps, plugins and services, and we are always looking for adding more.


Version 1.0.53 – Wednesday, 17th July 2024

  • Improvement: Make WordPress 6.6 compatible

Version 1.0.52 – Friday, 12th July 2024

  • Improvement: “GiveWP” – Fixed pagination issue in form listing
  • Improvement: “WooCommerce” – Added new “Get Order Details by Order ID” Action
  • Improvement: “JetFormBuilder” – Enhanced the “Form Submitted” Trigger response for JSON-type form field values
  • Improvement: “Trigger Button” – Enhanced the “Button Clicked” Trigger response to include the parent post id and title

Version 1.0.51 – Tuesday, 2nd July 2024

  • Improvement: “Voxel” – Enhanced Post related Triggers
  • Improvement: “WordPress” – Added user registration date to user-related data response

Version 1.0.50 – Monday, 24th June 2024

  • Improvement: “myCred” – Added new Actions
  • Improvement: “Voxel” – Added new Triggers and Actions, and enhanced order Triggers response
  • Improvement: “LatePoint” – Added WP user support in “Create Agent” Action
  • Improvement: “AffiliateWP” – Added improvement for referral amount in “WooCommerce Product Purchased using Affiliate Referral” Trigger
  • Improvement: “GiveWP” – Added support for custom field data in Triggers
  • Improvement: “Easy Digital Downloads” – Added support for custom field data in Triggers
  • Improvement: “Jetpack CRM” – Added new Action

Version 1.0.49 – Tuesday, 4th June 2024

  • Improvement: “Voxel” – Enhanced Order related Triggers
  • Improvement: “BuddyBoss” – Enhanced “Create Group” Action with Group Type support
  • Improvement: “AffiliateWP” – Fixed the issue in “WooCommerce Product Purchased using Affiliate Referral” Trigger

Version 1.0.48 – Monday, 3rd June 2024

  • Fix: This update addressed a security bug. Props to Krzysztof Zając for privately reporting it to our team. Please make sure you are using the latest version on your website.

Version 1.0.47 – Wednesday, 29th May 2024

  • New: Added “Sensei LMS” Integration
  • New: Added “Voxel” Integration
  • Improvement: “WooCommerce” – Fixed issue in “Customer Created” Trigger
  • Improvement: “Amelia” – Added new status to the status list field

Version 1.0.46 – Tuesday, 30th April 2024

  • New: Added “Simply Schedule Appointments” Integration
  • New: Added “Mail Mint” Integration
  • New: Added “Better Messages” Integration
  • New: Added “Appointment Hour Booking” Integration
  • Improvement: “Modern Events Calendar” – Fixed pagination issue in events list
  • Improvement: “MemberPress” – Added new Triggers and Actions
  • Improvement: “wpForo” – Added new Actions
  • Improvement: “LatePoint” – Added support for Custom Fields and Multiple Person Booking add-ons
  • Improvement: “MasterStudy LMS” – Fixed pagination issue in fields and issues in Actions & Triggers
  • Improvement: “UltimateMember” – Fixed issue in form names in Form listing

Version 1.0.45 – Friday, 5th April 2024

  • Improvement: “WooCommerce” – Added shipping details data to Orders Trigger
  • Improvement: “Gravity Forms” – Improved Trigger response
  • Improvement: “SureForms” – Enhanced integration

Version 1.0.44 – Thursday, 28th March 2024

  • Improvement: “Bricks Builder” – Fixed a form listing issue
  • Improvement: “SliceWP” – Resolved a response warning issue
  • Improvement: “WPLoyalty” – Addressed a sample data issue for Triggers

Version 1.0.43 – Thursday, 28th March 2024

  • New: Added “SliceWP” integration.
  • New: Added “Ninja Tables” integration.
  • New: Added “Paymattic” integration.
  • New: Added “WPLoyalty” integration.
  • Improvement: “PeepSo” – Added new Triggers and Actions.
  • Improvement: “Amelia” – Added tag data in Events Triggers.
  • Improvement: “FluentCRM” – Added “Create/Update” Tag Action.
  • Improvement: “FluentCRM” – Fixed an issue with custom fields in the “Add/Update Contact” Action.
  • Improvement: “WP Fusion” – Added new Triggers and Actions.
  • Improvement: “Spectra” – Added support for Custom Post types in Spectra form listings.
  • Improvement: “WP Simple Pay” – Added new Triggers.
  • Improvement: “Fluent Booking” – Fixed issue in fetching data for Triggers.
  • Improvement: “Easy Digital Downloads” – Added customer address in fetching data for Triggers.

Version 1.0.42 – Thursday, 21st March 2024

  • Improvement: “WordPress” – Custom meta response added to Triggers
  • Improvement: “WooCommerce” – Issue resolved in fetching data for “Product Purchased” Trigger

Version 1.0.41 – Wednesday, 6th March 2024

  • New: Added “GeoDirectory” Integration
  • New: Added “Asgaros” Integration
  • Improvement: “LearnPress” – Added new Actions
  • Improvement: “LearnDash” – Added new Triggers and Actions
  • Improvement: “The Events Calendar” – Added new Trigger
  • Fix: “Bricks Builder” – Fixed form listing issue

Version 1.0.40 – Friday, 23rd February 2024

  • Improvement: “FluentCRM” – Fixed the custom fields save issue in the “Add/Update Contact” Action
  • Improvement: “WishList Member” – Fixed a fatal error for all Actions

Version 1.0.39 – Monday, 19th February 2024

  • Improvement: “Gravity Forms” – Added new Triggers and Actions
  • Improvement: “BuddyBoss” – Added new Triggers and Actions
  • Improvement: “WordPress” – Added additional response data in the “Post Viewed” Trigger
  • Improvement: “WordPress” – Added category data in response for the “Post Created/Updated” Trigger
  • Improvement: “TutorLMS” – Added new Triggers and Actions
  • Improvement: “Fluent Support” – Added new Triggers and Actions

Version 1.0.38 – Wednesday, 7th February 2024

  • New: Added “Fluent Booking” Integration
  • Improvement: “WishList Member” – Added more data in response for Triggers and Actions
  • Improvement: “GiveWP” – Added new Triggers and Actions
  • Improvement: “LifterLMS” – Added new Triggers and Actions
  • Improvement: “Fluent Forms” – Added new Trigger
  • Improvement: “Bricks Builder” – Fixed form listing issue for “Form Submitted” Trigger
  • Improvement: “Spectra” – Fixed form listing issue for “Form Submitted” Trigger

Version 1.0.37 – Monday, 29th January 2024

  • Improvement: “WooCommerce Subscriptions” – Added required changes for checkout fields in all Triggers response

Version 1.0.36 – Monday, 29th January 2024

  • Improvement: “WooCommerce Subscriptions” – Added necessary conditions in all Actions

Version 1.0.35 – Tuesday, 23rd January 2024

  • Improvement: “BuddyBoss” – Fixed preview link issue for “Add Post to Activity Stream of Group” Action
  • Improvement: “WooCommerce Subscriptions” – Fixed response issue for “User Subscription Updated” Trigger

Version 1.0.34 – Wednesday, 17th January 2024

  • Improvement: “ElementorPro” – Added new Triggers
  • Improvement: “MemberPress” – Fixed an issue related to sending welcome emails in the “Add to Membership” Action
  • Improvement: “FluentCRM” – Added new Triggers and Actions
  • Improvement: “Restrict Content Pro” – Added new Triggers
  • Improvement: “Events Manager” – Added new Triggers
  • Improvement: “WooCommerce” – Add support for “WooCommerce” newer version

Version 1.0.33 – Thursday, 4th January 2024

  • Improvement: “WooCommerce” – Added a new Trigger – “Product Category Purchased”
  • Improvement: “Amelia” – Added new Triggers
  • Improvement: “LearnDash” – Added new Triggers – “User Passes Quiz” and “User Fails Quiz”
  • Fixed: “WordPress” – “Comment Approved” Trigger

Version 1.0.32 – Monday, 25th December 2023

  • New: Added “Academy LMS” Integration
  • Improvement: “BuddyBoss” – Fixed an issue with preview links in the “Add Post to Activity Feed” Action
  • Improvement: “BuddyBoss” – Added a new field in the “Add Post to Activity Feed” Action
  • Improvement: “WishList Member” – Added a new action, “Add/Update Member”
  • Improvement: “JetFormBuilder” – Fixed an issue with the response in the “Form Submitted” Trigger
  • Improvement: “Advanced Custom Fields” – Added new Trigger and Actions
  • Improvement: “WooCommerce Subscriptions” – Improved user details in all Triggers
  • Improvement: “AffiliateWP” – Added new Triggers and Actions
  • Improvement: “myCred” – Added a field in the “Award Points” Action
  • Improvement: “WordPress” – Added an option to Select Post Type in the “View Post” Trigger
  • Fixed: “FluentForms” – File upload link error

Version 1.0.31 – Tuesday, 5th December 2023

  • New: Added “SureForms” Integration
  • New: Added “Powerful Docs” Integration
  • New: Added new Actions in “LatePoint” Integration
  • Improvement: “FluentCRM” – Fixed issue for custom fields in “Add/Update Contact” Action
  • Improvement: “Fluent Support” – Updated all Triggers and added “Create Ticket” Action
  • Improvement: “The Events Calendar” – Fixed issue in “Register New Attendee” Trigger
  • Improvement: “WordPress” – Fixed issue in “Create/Update Post” Action
  • Improvement: “WooCommerce” – Fixed workflow multiple run issue in “Order Paid” Trigger
  • Improvement: “WooCommerce Bookings” – Updated all Triggers

Version 1.0.30 – Tuesday, 28th November 2023

  • New: Added new Action “Find Orders by User ID” in “WooCommerce” Integration
  • Improvement: “WooCommerce” – Added few new options in “Create Order” and “Create Coupon Code” Action
  • Improvement: “WooCommerce” – Fixed category issue in “Create Coupon” Action
  • Improvement: “WooCommerce Subscriptions” – Added few new options in “Create Subscription Order with Product” Action
  • Improvement: “WooCommerce Subscriptions” – Updated “User Renewal Subscription Payment Failed” Trigger
  • Improvement: “Spectra” – Updated “Form Submitted” Trigger

Version 1.0.29 – Tuesday, 7th November 2023

  • New: Added “Masteriyo” Integration
  • New: Added new Actions in “EDD” Integration
  • New: Added new Triggers in “LearnDash” Integration

Version 1.0.28 – Wednesday, 1st November 2023

  • New: Added new Action “Find User by Email” in “WordPress” Integration
  • New: Added new Action “Remove User Meta” in “WordPress” Integration
  • New: Added new Action “Find Subscriptions by User ID” in “WooCommerce Subscriptions” Integration

Version 1.0.27 – Thursday, 26th October 2023

  • New: Added “Easy Affiliate” Integration
  • New: Added “WooCommerce Bookings” Integration
  • New: Added new Action “Change Member Profile Type” in “BuddyBoss” Integration
  • New: Added new Action “Set User Extended Profile” in “BuddyBoss” Integration
  • New: Added new Actions and Triggers in “WooCommerce” Integration
  • New: Added new Actions and Triggers in “WooCommerce Subscriptions” Integration
  • New: Added new Action “Change User Membership Plan” in “WooCommerce Memberships” Integration
  • New: Added new Trigger “User’s Membership Status Changed” in “WooCommerce Memberships” Integration
  • Improvement: “WordPress” – Added option for Custom Post Type in “New Comment On Post” Trigger

Version 1.0.26 – Monday, 16th October 2023

  • New: Added “Groundhogg” Integration
  • New: Added “WP Courseware” Integration
  • Improvement: “EDD” – Added a new Trigger – “Product Purchased”
  • Improvement: “WooCommerce” – Added a new Action – “Update Status of Order”
  • Improvement: “WordPress” – Added “Password Reset Link” in response for “Create User” Action and “User Created” Trigger
  • Fix: “WordPress” – Fixed a bug in the “Send Email” Action

Version 1.0.25 – Wednesday, 27th September 2023

  • New: Added “RafflePress” Integration
  • New: Added “wpForo Forum” Integration
  • New: Added “WooCommerce ShipStation” Integration
  • Improvement: WordPress – Make Author field as dynamic field in Create/Update Post Action

Version 1.0.24 – Wednesday, 20th September 2023

  • New: Added “WS Form” Integration
  • New: Added “LearnDash Achievements” Integration
  • New: Added “Advanced Ads” Integration
  • New: Added “Newsletter” Integration
  • New: Added “Thrive Leads” Integration
  • Improvement: “WooCommerce Subscription” – Added New Trigger – User Subscription Updated
  • Improvement: “EDD” – Added user_and and customer_id in response

Version 1.0.23 – Tuesday, 12th September 2023

  • New: Added “Modern Events Calendar” Integration
  • New: Added “Advanced Coupons” Integration
  • New: Added New Action “Find User By ID” in “WordPress” Integration
  • New: Added New Action “Subscription Renewal” in “EDD” Integration

Version 1.0.22 – Wednesday, 6th September 2023

  • New: Added “Modern Events Calendar” Integration
  • New: Added “WP-Polls” Integration
  • New: Added “Meta Box” Integration
  • New: Added “Advanced Coupons” Integration
  • New: Added “Advanced Custom Fields” Integration
  • New: Added “WP Fusion” Integration
  • New: Added “Contact Form 7” Integration
  • Improvement: Amelia – Added custom fields support in all Triggers responses
  • Improvement: GamiPress – Fixed issue in “Award Points To User” Action
  • Improvement: Formidable Forms – Fixed issue in pagination of the form list
  • Improvement: WordPress – Added a new improvement to exclude roles users wish to keep unchanged when updating a user’s role in “Create/Update User” action

Version 1.0.21 – Wednesday, 16th August 2023

  • Improvement: WordPress – Add support of json values in Set User Meta Action

Version 1.0.20 – Thursday, 10th August 2023

  • New: Added “WP User Manager” Integration
  • Improvement: FluentCRM – Added new Trigger “New Contact Added”
  • Improvement: WordPress – Added new Action “Remove User”
  • Improvement: WordPress – updated response in “Post Created” Trigger

Version 1.0.19 – Thursday, 03rd August 2023

  • Improvement: Elementor Pro – Fixed form listing issue in “Form Submitted” Trigger
  • Improvement: BuddyBoss – Added new Trigger “User’s Profile Type Changed”
  • Improvement: GamiPress – Fixed Pagination issue
  • Improvement: WooCommerce – Updated “Product Purchased” Trigger

Version 1.0.18 – Tuesday, 25th July 2023

  • New: Added “WP All Import” Integration
  • New: Added “GravityKit” Integration
  • New: Added “Wp Simple Pay” Integration
  • Improvement: WooCommerce – Added “comment_author_email” field in response in Product Reviewed Trigger
  • Improvement: WordPress – Added new improvement to add multiple user role if user already exists in “Create/Update User” action
  • Improvement: WooCommerce – Fixed bug for “Purchase Created” Trigger
  • Improvement: Added User’s meta in LearnDash Trigger

Version 1.0.17 – Wednesday, 12th July 2023

  • New: LearnDash – Added “Course is marked complete for user” Action
  • Improvement: WordPress – Fixed the “From Name and From Email” issue in Send Email Action
  • Improvement: WordPress – Added improvement to not update user role if current role is higher than the role specified
  • Improvement: Updated Video in Connection page

Version 1.0.16 – Thursday, 29th Jun 2023

  • New: Added “BuddyPress” Integration
  • Improvement: Added default styling for “Trigger Button” as per default theme

Version 1.0.15 – Monday, 26th Jun 2023

  • New: BuddyBoss – Added “Add Post To Activity Feed” Action
  • New: Added “Trigger Button” Integration
  • Improvement: Changed label for “Settings” in WordPress plugins page.
  • Improvement: Added “Select Download” option in Easy Digital Downloads Integration

Version 1.0.14 – Tuesday, 13th Jun 2023

  • New: Added FunnelKit Integration
  • New: Added Kadence Forms Integration
  • New: Added Software Licensing Triggers in Easy Digital Downloads Integration
  • New: Added “Find User’s Meta” action in WordPress Integration
  • New: Added Jetpack CRM integration
  • Improvement: Fluent CRM – Fixed issue for double option emails in Add/Update Contact event
  • Improvement: WordPress – Added additonal response data in Create Comment on Post event
  • Improvement: WordPress – Fixed first name and last name issue for “Create User” event
  • Improvement: GamiPress – Fixed fetch data issue

Version 1.0.13 – Monday, 22nd May 2023

  • New: Added Events Manager Integration
  • New: Added WooCommerce Memberships Integration
  • Improvement: Fixed issue for Spectra Forms list when form is inside the container
  • Improvement: WooCommerce – improvements in “Product Purchased” trigger
  • Improvement: WooCommerce Subscription – Fixed Fetch Data not working issue
  • Improvement: Paid Memberships Pro – Fixed Fetch Data not working issue

Version 1.0.12 – Wednesday, 10th May 2023

  • New: Added WooCommerce Subscription Integration
  • New: Added MetForm Integration
  • New: Added Fluent Support Integration
  • New: Added Pie Forms Integration
  • New: Added Ninja Forms Integration
  • New: Added LearnPress Integration
  • New: Added MemberPress Integration

Version 1.0.11 – Tuesday, 9th May 2023

  • Fix: WordPress warning for bbPress

Version 1.0.10 – Wednesday, 3rd May 2023

  • New: Added JetEngine Integration
  • New: Added FormidableForms Integration
  • New: Added JetFormBuilder Integration
  • New: Added Forminator Integration
  • New: Added GamiPress Integration
  • New: Added MemberPress Integration
  • New: Added bbPress Integration
  • Improvement: WordPress – Fixed the issue for Create/Updated post trigger
  • Improvement: WordPress – Added recent dynamic data for the trigger User Role Added/User Role Updated
  • Improvement: FluentCRM – Added multiple tags dynamic data in Tag Added trigger
  • Improvement: BuddyBoss – Fixed the issue for hidden/private groups not getting fetched

Version 1.0.9 – Wednesday, 26th April 2023

  • New: Added ProjectHuddle Integration
  • New: Added MasterStudy LMS Integration
  • New: Added Ultimate Member Integration
  • Improvement: Added functionality for create/update Post in one action “Create/Update”
  • Improvement: Added new action “Send Message” in BuddyBoss Integration

Version 1.0.8 – Thursday, 23rd March 2023

  • Improvement: Made woocommerce order trigger compatible with optin pages.
  • Implemented: Added coupon name & other coupon details in trigger response for woocommerce order created trigger.

Version 1.0.7 – Tuesday, 21st February 2023

  • New: Added new integrations for MailPoet & ConvertPro.
  • Improvement: Made plugin compatible with PHPStan.
  • Improvement: Made plugin compatible with WordPress-VIP-Go standard.
  • Improvement: Added customer line items, information, and coupon codes in the response to triggers for WooCommerce.
  • Improvement: Updated triggers response to more appropriate data.
  • Fix: Displayed group options in the dropdown for BuddyBoss groups.

Version 1.0.6 – Tuesday, 7th February 2023

  • New: integration for WP Job Manager, PeepSo, BadgeOS.
  • Improvement: Moved back SureTriggers icon on top level menu.
  • Improvement: Updated readme file.
  • Fix: FluentCRM – Fixed custom fields display issue.
  • Fix: FluentCRM – Save data of custom fields.
  • Fix: FluentCRM – Implemented proper validations on custom fields.

Version 1.0.5 – Friday, 20th January 2023

  • Fix: Dashboard notice was displaying when user is connected.
  • Fix: SAAS dashboard displaying in fullscreen.

Version 1.0.4 – Friday, 20th January 2023

  • New: Added a notice for first time users to help them to connect with SureTriggers.
  • Improvement: Moved SureTriggers menu under general settings.
  • Improvement: Removed Settings page and managed ‘disconnect’ functionality from SAAS.
  • Fix: FluentForm fields were not fetching in the trigger
  • Fix: ActiveCampaign add/update action failing

Version 1.0.3 – Monday, 2nd January 2023

  • Initial Release


  • Version: 1.0.53
  • Active installations: 30,000
  • WordPress Version: 5.4
  • Tested up to: 6.6.1
  • PHP Version: 5.6


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