Super block slider – Responsive image & content slider

July 10, 2024

Super block slider – Responsive image & content slider Plugin

Lightweight, responsive, image & content slider for block and classic editor.

Slider examples

Super Block Slider is a lightweight image & content slider plugin for creating dynamic and engaging sliders.


Standalone 5KB JavaScript file, optimize for loading speed and performance.

Image slider

Customize each slide’s background image and customize the visual presentation of your sliders.

Content slider

Utilize any WordPress block in the content area, giving you full control over the slider layout and design.

Supports block & classic editor

Works for block editor and classic editor(via shortcode. example: [superblockslider id=”123″]).

Gradient / color overlay

Enhance the visual impact of your sliders by applying gradient or solid color overlays, creating an eye-catching backdrop for your content.

Responsive slider

Set different background images for desktop, tablet, and mobile screen sizes, allowing for optimal visual presentation across various devices.

Live Editor Preview

Preview your slider’s appearance in real-time within the WordPress editor, making it easy to fine-tune and perfect the design before publishing.

Touch & mouse drag

Supporting both touch and mouse swipe gestures, providing a seamless user experience on touchscreen devices and desktops.

Title or Dot Icon Navigation

Customize the navigation with title-based navigation or dot icons, allowing your users to easily navigate through your sliders.

Parallax Effect

Add a visually appealing parallax effect to your slider, this effect creates a captivating scrolling experience by moving the background at a different speed than the foreground content.

Adaptive slider height

The slider’s height adjusts automatically based on the background size, ensuring that your slides are displayed properly.

Transition Animations

Choose from 20 transition animations to add dynamism and flair to your sliders.

Featured highlight


Slider examples


  1. Visit Plugins > Add New.
  2. Search for super block slider.
  3. Install and activate the super block slider plugin.

Manual installation

  1. Upload the entire super-block-slider folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Visit Plugins.
  3. Activate super block slider.

After activation

While in Page/Post edit mode simply add/search for super block slider.


  1. Editor screenshot 1

    Editor screenshot 1

  2. Editor screenshot 2

    Editor screenshot 2

  3. Editor screenshot 3

    Editor screenshot 3

  4. Live results screenshot 4

    Live results screenshot 4

  5. Editor screenshot 5

    Editor screenshot 5

  6. Editor screenshot 6

    Editor screenshot 6



  • Fix editor styles: remove global editor styles
  • clean up invalid registerBlockType parameter


  • Fix bug Gutenberg blocks not being process when embeding using shortcode.


  • Add load sueprblockslider.js in defer.
  • Use passive listeners for touchstart, touchmove event.


  • Fix WordPress 6.3 gradient crashes, bugs.
  • Fix animating class


  • Add class superblockslider__slide–animating-in, superblockslider__slide–animating-out when slide is animating.


  • Added shortcode support for use in classic editor.


  • Fix bug: Frontend autoplay not stopping when it should.


  • Fix bug: Overlap timing of transition animate speed timing and autoplay timing.


  • Fix bug: Reduce mobile touch sensitivity.


  • Added content overflow options.
  • Added mouse drag event changes slide
  • Fix bug: Adaptive height not working in editor when slider is created.
  • Optimise touch event code
  • Add 6 more gradients
  • Add donation link


  • Fix Editor description for parallex.
  • Fix Parallax code.
  • Fix mobile gesture not stopping autoplay.


  • Added “Adaptive slider height”.
  • Fix bug causing slider to disappear if transsition effect is set to “Fade”.
  • Fix bug: GradientPicker component causing crashes on full-site-editing mode.
  • Fix ful-site-editing errors


  • Fix bug: JS defer causes supersliderblock not to run.


  • Add Mobile swipe gesture.
  • Update responsive settings descriptions.


  • Fix bug causing crashes if 2 or more slider is created.
  • Changed editor text and rearange controls.
  • Lock move control of single slide by default.


  • Fix bug – CSS style causes slider arrow to overlaps content.


  • Add custom responsive screen size images option.
  • Fix bug – Added overflow style to content container.


  • Fix bug – Slide index not set correctly if Super slider block is a child block.
  • Slide title line height style.
  • Update descriptions in editor.


  • Fix parallax effect.
  • Fix slide title line height in slide editor.
  • Add src/js/
  • minor bug fixes.


  • Add support for WordPress version 5.9


  • fix bug – WordPress version 5.8.1 cause slide index to be undefine.


  • fix bug – Editor fade effect : selected slide not visible if child block selected.


  • fix bug – track css transition all


  • fix bug – Firefox transition-timing-function.
  • fix bug – Chrome background image flicker.


  • fix bug – fade effect not changing in editor.


  • Add Parallax background image


  • Add slide link option


  • Fix bug – Title indicator to render html.
  • Fix bug – Title indicator word-wrap.
  • Fix editor .wp-block max-width css.


  • Changed Super block slider category to ‘Media’ from ‘Widgets’.


  • Fix bug – initial active slide not correct cause by older versions.


  • Version: 2.7.7
  • Active installations: 4,000
  • WordPress Version: 6.3
  • Tested up to: 6.5.5
  • PHP Version: 7.0.0


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