Subaccounts for WooCommerce
Mediaticus By Mediaticus

May 30, 2024

Subaccounts for WooCommerce Plugin

A full suite of tools to create and manage sub-accounts in WooCommerce.

Subaccounts for WooCommerce allows the creation of subaccounts for your WooCommerce customers and subscribers.

Two modes are available:

  • Sub-User mode: multiple separate accounts grouped together under one parent account (e.g. Holding Company).
  • Multi-User mode: multiple users have access to a same master account (useful in case of Corporate Accounts).

The ability to create multiple subaccounts tied to a main parent account is extremely useful in all of the following usage scenarios:

  • companies that need to add and manage accounts for their employees
  • stores that need to place orders from different branches
  • businesses with multiple decision-makers for purchases
  • when parent accounts need to supervise and monitor all the activities made by their own sub-accounts (purchases, expenses, quotes, etc.) and even place orders on behalf of them;
  • in the case of company accounts that need to place orders from different purchasing departments or through multiple purchasing managers (B2B and similar);
  • in those situations where a sales agent or sales representative needs to create new accounts for newly acquired customers and, if desired, place orders on their behalf.

🏆 Main features

Subaccounts for WooCommerce (free version) provides support for the following features:

My Account area

  • Possibility for customers to create/add new subaccounts (up to 10 subaccounts for each parent account in the free version).
  • Ability for a parent account to to edit subaccount details (Account Details, Billing Address, Shipping Address) directly from its My Account area.
  • Possibility for a parent account to view subaccount orders directly from its My Account area.
  • Ability for a parent account to switch account to its subaccounts using our advanced and secure user switching system.
  • Ability for a parent account to monitor purchases made by its subaccounts and even place orders on their behalf.
  • For each purchase, display information about who did actually placed the order (whether it was placed by a parent account on behalf of a subaccount or by a subaccount itself).

Admin area

  • Customize the appearance of the User Switcher Pane to match the color scheme of your theme.
  • Possibility to limit the number of subaccounts that a parent account can create/add.
  • Possibility to choose user roles (including custom ones) to enable the subaccount system for.
  • In WooCommerce order page, for each order, display information about customer’s account type (whether a parent account or a subaccount).
  • In case of purchase made by a subaccount, for each order display information about the subaccount’s parent account, so that you know which user belongs to whom.

🚀 Premium features

Subaccounts Pro (premium version) is an extended version of the plugin and includes the following additional features:

  • Each parent account (Manager) can create an unlimited number of subaccounts.
  • Create, set and fully manage subaccounts directly from backend (as an administrator).
  • Possibility to force subaccounts to inherit the billing/shipping address from their Manager.
  • On admin side, in both WooCommerce orders list and WooCommerce order pages display information about who did actually placed an order (whether it was placed by a parent account on behalf of a subaccount or by a subaccount itself).
  • Possibility to show parent accounts and subaccounts information in WooCommerce orders list page.
  • Possibility to show parent accounts and subaccounts information in WordPress users list page.
  • On WordPress users list page, filter customers and subscribers based on account type (e.g. show only parent accounts or subaccounts).
  • Possibility to include parent account and sub-account information related to an order in WooCommerce new order emails (for either admin or customers, or both).

Upgrade to Subaccounts Pro and get a full suite of tools to create and manage subaccounts in WooCommerce!

Upgrading to Subaccounts Pro is easy: just install the free version of the plugin and navigate to: Admin Dashboard WooCommerce Subaccounts Add-Ons. From there you will be able to easily and securely upgrade to the premium version of the plugin in just a few clicks.

🔌 Add-Ons available

Order Approval Add-On: With the Order Approval Add-On parent accounts can edit and approve or reject subaccount orders.

Supervisor Add-On: With the Supervisor Add-On it is possible to set a parent account (Supervisor) above a Manager account type, thus allowing you (as an administrator) to create a three-level structure of nested accounts (e.g. Supervisor Manager Subaccount).

🌐 Languages and translations

Subaccounts for WooCommerce is translation ready and is currently available in the following languages:

  • English
  • French
  • Italian

More translations soon available.


Automatic installation

Automatic installation is the easiest option as WordPress handles the file transfers itself and you don’t even need to leave your web browser. To do an automatic install of Subaccounts for WooCommerce, log in to your WordPress admin panel, navigate to the Plugins menu and click Add New.

In the search field type “Subaccounts for WooCommerce” and click Search Plugins. You can install it by simply clicking Install Now. After clicking that link you will be asked if you’re sure you want to install the plugin. Click yes and WordPress will automatically complete the installation. After installation has finished, click the ‘activate plugin’ link.

Manual installation via the WordPress interface

  1. Download the plugin zip file to your computer
  2. Go to the WordPress admin panel menu Plugins Add New
  3. Choose upload
  4. Upload the plugin zip file, the plugin will now be installed
  5. After installation has finished, click the ‘activate plugin’ link

Manual installation via FTP

  1. Download the plugin file to your computer and unzip it
  2. Using an FTP program, or your hosting control panel, upload the unzipped plugin folder to your WordPress installation’s wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  3. Activate the plugin from the Plugins menu within the WordPress admin.


  1. Plugin Settings Page - Options Tab

    Plugin Settings Page - Options Tab

  2. Plugin Settings Page - Appearance Tab

    Plugin Settings Page - Appearance Tab

  3. Admin Order List Page (premium feature)

    Admin Order List Page (premium feature)

  4. Admin Order Page

    Admin Order Page

  5. My Account - User Switcher

    My Account - User Switcher

  6. My Account - Subaccount Orders

    My Account - Subaccount Orders

  7. My Account - Add Subaccount

    My Account - Add Subaccount

  8. My Account - Orders

    My Account - Orders

  9. Add/Manage Subaccount from Admin Side (premium feature)

    Add/Manage Subaccount from Admin Side (premium feature)

  10. Admin Users List Page (premium feature)

    Admin Users List Page (premium feature)


What is a subaccount?

A subaccount (or sub-account) is a secondary account that sits under a main parent account.

What is a Manager?

A Manager is a parent account.

How many subaccounts can be created for each customer/subscriber?

Subaccounts for WooCommerce (free version) gives you the possibility to create up to 10 subaccounts for each Manager (parent account).

With Subaccounts Pro (premium version) each Manager can have an unlimited number of subaccounts.

Can a parent account (Manager) place an order?

Both parent accounts and subaccounts can place orders. Parent accounts can also place orders on behalf of subaccounts, while a subaccount can place orders only for itself.

Is it possible to create multiple nested subaccounts (e.g. a subaccount of another subaccount)?

Only the creation of two account levels is allowed: a main parent account (so called Manager) and one or more subaccounts tied to the parent account.

With Supervisor Add-On it is possible to set a parent account (Supervisor) above a Manager account type, thus allowing you (as an administrator) to create a three-level structure of nested accounts.

Is it possible for an Administrator to create and set a subaccount for a customer from the WordPress backend (admin dashboard)?

This option, along with many others, is only available in Subaccounts Pro, the premium version of the plugin.

Is it possible to switch from Sub-User to Multi-User mode and vice versa after some orders have already been placed?

We have done our best to ensure the highest level of compatibility between the two modes. Despite this, switching from one mode to the other after some orders have already been placed may result in some data being inaccurate.

For this reason we strongly recommend that you choose the mode that best suits your needs and stick with it.

Does the plugin work on multisite installations?

WordPress Multisite installations are not officially supported for now.



Release Date May 30, 2024

  • Improvement – Updated Freemius SDK to version 2.7.2.
  • Dev – Added new hook: sfwc_frontend_edit_subaccount_after_account_details_fields, to allow developers to add extra fields in the Account Details tab on the frontend Edit Subaccount page.
  • Dev – Added new hook: sfwc_frontend_after_edit_subaccount_validation, to allow developers to save extra data when editing a subaccount on frontend.


Release Date April 2, 2024

  • Improvement – Flush permalinks to avoid Error 404 on front-end subaccounts endpoint.
  • Improvement – Compatibility with Pantheon hosting provider.
  • Fix – Fixed front-end Manage Subaccounts tab not loading content in some cases.
  • Tweak – Added tooltip text for the option Select the buyer role(s) to enable the subaccount system for.
  • Tweak – Minor changes in readme.txt file.
  • Dev – Provide possibility to add prefix to cookie names.
  • Dev – Removed no longer necessary SFWC_REQUIRES_PERMALINK_UPDATE PHP constant and related code.


Release Date March 25, 2024

  • Tweak – Conditionally hide part of front-end notice about successful subaccount creation if user switcher is disabled.
  • Dev – Removed code previously used for back-end notice about Order Approval Add-On release.
  • Dev – Added blueprint.json to enable Live Preview button.
  • Dev – Added new Requires Plugins header.


Release Date February 15, 2024

  • Fix – Make sure JavaScript functions are called after page load.


Release Date February 5, 2024

  • Improvement – Minor CSS improvements.
  • Improvement – Updated Freemius SDK to version 2.6.2.
  • Tweak – Added the Edit order button among those that can be shown in case Order Approval Add-On is active.
  • Tweak – Added back-end notice about Order Approval Add-On release.
  • Dev – Added new hook: sfwc_frontend_edit_subaccount_accordion, to allow developers to add additional accordion tabs on the Edit subaccount page on front end.
  • Dev – Changed priority of function: sfwc_order_placed_by_update_order_meta_after_payment, to prevent a race condition in case Order Approval Add-On is active.


Release Date December 20, 2023

  • NewMulti-User feature officially released (no longer in beta stage).
  • New – Possibility to enable/disable the User Switcher.
  • Improvement – If Multi-User mode is enabled, when an order is placed by a subaccount or by a Manager on behalf of a subaccount, send the WC email notification to the subaccount.
  • Improvement – Keep users selected in the Filter Orders front-end form while navigating through order list pages when Multi-User mode is enabled.
  • Improvement – Display On behalf of value in the Order placed by column on front-end order list page when an order is placed by a Supervisor on behalf of a Manager or Subaccount with Multi-User mode enabled.
  • Improvement – Better handling of those situations where an order was placed without storing the _sfwc_order_placed_by_user_id order meta value (prior to version 1.4.3).
  • Improvement – Better handling of those situations where the admin switches from Multi-User to Sub-User mode after some orders have already been placed.
  • Improvement – Improved user role assignment logic when creating new subaccounts in front end.
  • Improvement – Word “password” is now translatable on Edit Subaccount page in front end.
  • Improvement – Updated Freemius SDK to version 2.6.1.
  • Fix – Fixed missing redirect to the first page of the order list after submitting the Filter Orders / Select Subaccount Orders form in frontend.
  • Tweak – Removed “beta” warning from Multi-User option in backend.
  • Tweak – Changed tooltip text for the options Show subaccounts information on WooCommerce order page and Show subaccounts information on WooCommerce orders list page.
  • Dev – Store _sfwc_order_placed_during_subaccount_mode order meta value on order creation.
  • Dev – Added helper function: sfwc_order_placed_during_subaccount_mode to determine if an order was placed while the plugin was in Sub-User or Multi-User mode (by passing $order_id).
  • Dev – Pass additional argument $parent_user_id in sfwc_frontend_after_add_subaccount_validation hook.
  • Dev – Added new hook: sfwc_frontend_add_subaccount_form_before_fields, to allow developers to add additional fields on front-end subaccount creation form.


Release Date October 25, 2023

  • Improvement – User Switcher now working also with persistent object cache enabled.
  • Improvement – Always store _sfwc_order_placed_by_user_id order meta value, to provide better compatibility in case of switch from Sub-User to Multi-User mode and vice versa.
  • Fix – Fixed Order placed by displaying incorrect information on front-end orders list page when the Manager places an order with Multi-User mode enabled.
  • Fix – Fixed Order placed by displaying incorrect information on front-end order pages when the Manager places an order with Multi-User mode enabled.
  • Fix – Fixed an issue where customers were unable to view certain orders on frontend when Multi-User mode is enabled.
  • Fix – Fixed some translatability issues.


Release Date September 5, 2023

  • Improvement – General improvement in the orders query on front end when Multi-User mode is enabled (e.g. include orders placed by subaccounts before multi-user mode was enabled).
  • Improvement – Make the Subaccount Info meta box appear on back-end order pages when HPOS is enabled.
  • Improvement – Updated Freemius SDK to version 2.5.12.
  • Fix – Changed the URL of the order number links in the Order column on Subaccount Orders page.
  • Tweak – Updated plugin icon on settings page.
  • Tweak – Conditionally add Pro text next to the plugin title on the settings page in case the premium version of the plugin is active.


Release Date August 5, 2023

  • Fix – Fixed undefined selected_subaccount_orders_sanitized on Orders page in frontend when Multi-User mode is enabled.
  • Fix – Fixed undefined current_user on Edit Subaccount page in frontend.
  • Dev – Added new hook: sfwc_frontend_after_add_subaccount_validation, to allow developers to save extra data on frontend subaccount creation.


Release Date July 6, 2023

  • New – Ability for a parent account to edit its subaccounts directly from its My Account area, within the newly introduced Manage Subaccounts page.
  • New – Multi-User mode [Beta feature].
  • Improvement – Minor code improvements.
  • Improvement – Updated Freemius SDK to version 2.5.10.
  • Fix – Fixed some user queries that prevented users with custom roles from being visible.
  • Fix – Prevented users with custom roles from appearing if their role is disabled in the plugin settings.
  • Fix – Call the save() method in function sfwc_store_subaccounts_meta_data_on_order_creation.


Release Date May 25, 2023

  • New – Possibility to limit the number of subaccounts that a parent account can create/add.
  • New – Possibility to choose user roles (including custom ones) to enable the subaccount system for.
  • New – Possibility to force subaccounts to inherit the billing/shipping address from their Manager (Subaccounts Pro required).
  • Improvement – Ability for the Manager to filter subaccounts present in the User Switcher dropdown menu.
  • Improvement – Preserve Subaccount Orders search while selecting subaccount orders.
  • Improvement – Updated Freemius SDK to version 2.5.8.
  • Tweak – Moved Options tab before Appearance tab on plugin settings page.
  • Dev – Added helper function: sfwc_is_current_user_role_valid to determine if current user role is eligible for the subaccount system.
  • Dev – Added helper function: sfwc_is_current_user_role_enabled to determine if current user role is enabled from plugin settings.
  • Dev – Added helper function: sfwc_is_user_role_valid to determine if user role is eligible for the subaccount system (by passing user ID).
  • Dev – Added helper function: sfwc_is_user_role_enabled to determine if user role is enabled from plugin settings (by passing user ID).


Release Date April 25, 2023

  • Improvement – Added Account column in Subaccount Orders page in front end.
  • Improvement – Display Account, Account type and Order placed by information also in front-end order pages.
  • Improvement – Minor CSS modifications in back-end users list to improve readability in case Subaccounts Pro is active.
  • Improvement – Updated Freemius SDK to version 2.5.6.
  • Fix – Honor Customer Display Name setting in “Order placed by” column in front end.
  • Tweak – Minor text changes and corrections.


Release Date March 20, 2023

  • New – Introduced support for the new WooCommerce High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS) feature.
  • Improvement – Updated Freemius SDK to version 2.5.5.
  • Dev – Replaced deprecated hook woocommerce_my_account_my_orders_columns with woocommerce_account_orders_columns.


Release Date February 15, 2023

  • Fix – Restored function sfwc_register_subaccounts_endpoint to prevent endpoint returning Not Found Error.


Release Date February 10, 2023

  • New – Added Account submenu item to show license activation status (Subaccounts Pro must be installed for the submenu item to appear).
  • Improvement – Updated Freemius SDK to version 2.5.3.
  • Improvement – Make sure the session expired notice appears in front end also if the parent account has switched to a subaccount.
  • Improvement – Escaped some URLs before redirects are applied.
  • Fix – Prevent <ul> tag from appearing twice in DOM on Subaccount Orders page in front end.
  • Fix – Prevent showing the Subaccounts Order form in case the logged in Manager has no subaccount.
  • Fix – Fixed undefined wp_button_class on Subaccount Orders page in frontend after form is submitted.
  • Tweak – Corrected typo in function name sfwc_insert_subaccounts_endpoint_content.
  • Tweak – Modified some texts in the Options page in back end.
  • Removed – Removed function sfwc_add_subaccounts_query_vars.
  • Removed – Removed function sfwc_register_subaccounts_endpoint.


Release Date December 5, 2022

  • Improvement – Make the user switcher pane appear immediately after the first subaccount is created for new accounts.
  • Improvement – Prevent displaying the user switcher pane when only no longer existing subaccounts are present (e.g. subaccount users deleted by admin).
  • Fix – Fixed undefined already_children_existing on Add Subaccount page in front end.


Release Date November 1, 2022

  • Fix – Fixed undefined sfwc_option_display_name on Subaccount Orders page in front end.


Release Date October 5, 2022

  • New – Possibility for a parent account to view subaccount orders directly from its My Account area.
  • Improvement – Enqueue front-end scripts and styles only on My Account area.
  • Improvement – Front-end subaccounts section splitted up in tabs.
  • Improvement – Added a notice in back end in case a permalink settings update is required after plugin updates.
  • Improvement – Updated Freemius SDK to version 2.4.5.
  • Fix – Fixed WooCommerce custom endpoint returning Not Found Error in some cases.
  • Dev – Store current plugin release information in wp_options table.


Release Date June 25, 2022

  • Initial release.


  • Version: 1.5.5
  • Active installations: 200
  • WordPress Version: 5.7
  • Tested up to: 6.5.5
  • PHP Version: 5.7


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