Liveticker (by stklcode)

March 02, 2024

Liveticker (by stklcode) Plugin

A simple ajaxified liveticker plugin for WordPress.

Liveticker is a simple liveticker plugin for WordPress.
Easily add multiple livetickers, add them to posts with shortcode or use them as Widget.


  • Handle multiple Tickers
  • Automatic update via AJAX
  • RSS feed capability
  • Gutenberg block and shortcode to display liveticker
  • Add ticker to sidebar widgets
  • Ability to customize through CSS
  • Localization support


If you don’t know how to install a plugin for WordPress, here’s how.

You can obtain the plugin through fhe official WordPress plugin repository.
Alternatively you can also use Copmposer.


  • PHP 5.6 or above
  • WordPress 4.7 or above


  1. Example liveticker (frontend)

    Example liveticker (frontend)

  2. Tick management

    Tick management

  3. Ticker configuration.

    Ticker configuration.

  4. Settings page

    Settings page

  5. Gutenberg block

    Gutenberg block

  6. Example shortcode

    Example shortcode

  7. Example widget

    Example widget


How do I display a liveticker on my post/page?

On WordPress 5 sites there is a Gutenberg Block available to embed a liveticker in your post.

You can also use the shortcode [liveticker ticker="my-ticker"] on WordPress 4 or classic-mode sites.
If you want to define a custom tick limit, you might also add a limit with [liveticker ticker="my-ticker" limit="10"].

Can I use my own styles?

Of course.
You can deactivate the default stylesheet on the settings page and include your own instead.

Does the liveticker work with caching?

If you activate AJAX updates (enabled by default), the JavaScript will automatically update the content, even when the
page is loaded from cached.

If AJAX is disabled, it depends on your update and caching intervals. If you update your ticker every 5 minutes, a
caching time of 12 hours obviously makes no sense.


1.2.2 – 2023-03-02

  • Update use of deprecated WP core functions
  • Extend output sanitization
  • Tested with WP 6.4

1.2.1 – 2022-02-01

  • Fix issue with limit in Gutenberg block.

1.2.0 – 2022-01-23

  • Requires WordPress 4.7 or above
  • Migrated AJAX to REST API
  • Resolved Javascript compatibility issues with IE11
  • Added optional shortcode support for tick content
  • Support embedded JavaScript execution in tick content (e.g. for social media integrations)

1.1.1 – 2021-03-20

  • “Ticker” taxonomy name is now translatable

1.1.0 – 2020-05-02

  • Requires PHP 5.6 or above
  • Use GMT for automatic updates
  • Gutenberg Block available
  • Ticks exposed through REST API
  • Changed AJAX update logic for embedded media compatibility

1.0.0 – 2018-11-02

  • Initial release


  • Version: 1.2.2
  • Active installations: 100
  • WordPress Version: 4.7
  • Tested up to: 6.4.5
  • PHP Version: 5.6


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