Squad Payment Gateway

May 31, 2024

Squad Payment Gateway Plugin

Take payments on your store using Squad.

Squad helps thousands of businesses in Nigeria to receive secure payments globally. Our goal is to make accepting payments from around the world as easy as possible. Get started by integrating our easy-to-use payment gateway directly on your WooCommerce website to receive local and USD payments quickly and efficiently.

Squad enables you to accept payments via multiple methods such as:
– Card payments
– Bank transfers

Benefits of using Squad payment gateway
– Seamless and easy to use: Squad offers you zero complexities with receiving payments anytime, anywhere.
– Suited for one-time, recurring payments and donations.
– Layered with advanced fraud detection to secure your customers’ data.
– Offers simplified transactions data retrieval
– Offers you periodic intuitive reports to help you understand your customers better
– Access to 24/7 dedicated customer support
Signup for a free Squad account here

Squad is available in:
– Nigeria
– More markets coming soon.

Configure the plugin

To configure the plugin, go to WooCommerce > Settings from the left menu, click Payments tab. Click on Squad.

  • Enable/Disable – check the box to enable Squad Payment Gateway.
  • Mode – check the box to enable Live Mode.
  • Webhook Instruction – please ensure that you copied the url displayed in red into your Squad dashboard as described.
  • Enter Secret Hash – ensure that secret hash entered is the same with the one on your Squad dashboard.
  • Squad Test Public Key – enter your test public key sandbox.squadco.com.
  • Squad Test Secret Key – enter your test secret key sandbox.squadco.com.
  • Squad Live Public Key – enter your live public key dashboard.squadco.com.
  • Squad Live Secret Key – enter your live secret key dashboard.squadco.com.
  • Click Save Changes to save your changes.

Suggestions / Contributions

To contribute, fork the repo, add your changes and modifications then create a pull request.



1.0.12 – Mar 22, 2024

  • Improve development experience

1.0.11 – Mar 22, 2024

  • Tweak: Declare compatibility for High Performance Order Storage (HPOS)
  • Tweak: WooCommerce 8.3 compatibility

1.0.10 – Mar 12, 2024

  • New: Add support for WooCommerce checkout block to custom gateways
  • Tweak: WooCommerce 8.1 compatibility


  • Version: 1.0.12
  • Active installations: 200
  • WordPress Version: 5.8
  • PHP Version: 7.4


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