Solid Dynamics

April 08, 2023

Solid Dynamics Plugin

Helpful utilities for Elementor, Jet Engine, and beyond.

This plugin provides several dynamic tags under the “Solid Dynamics” section:

  • Custom Callback: Call any php function. The current post is passed as the first argument.
  • Menu: Returns comma-separated post ids of a specific menu.
  • Parent Meta: Retrieves the meta value of the parent post based on the entered meta key.
  • List Pluck: Pluck field off each item in list (src meta or option), and join with sep.
  • Post Field: Retrieves custom post field by name.

This plugin also provides several general use and Elementor specific settings at Settings > Solid Dynamics. All settings have to be opted in to. Activating the plugin does not activate any of the settings. Activating the plugin does automatically make the dynamic tags listed above available.


  • Disable 404 permalink guessing.
  • Disable the enumeration of users using the rest API. Disables /wp-json/wp/v2/users and /wp-json/wp/v2/users/:ID


  • Hide the “Back to WordPress Editor” button from the edit page.
  • Hide the page title from the Hello Elementor theme.
  • Wrap content with main#content.
  • Make fade in entrance animations more subtle.


The code is managed on github, and synced to WordPress’ Solid Dynamics SVN repo.


  1. Download, unzip, and upload the plugin folder to /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress


  1. Custom Callback Dynamic Tag using the wp function <code>wp_get_post_parent_id</code>.

    Custom Callback Dynamic Tag using the wp function wp_get_post_parent_id.

  2. Custom Menu Dynamic Tag

    Custom Menu Dynamic Tag

  3. The various Dynamic Tag options

    The various Dynamic Tag options



  • Feature: add Disable Users REST API


  • Feature: add Post Field dynamic tag.


  • Fix fatal error on get_class call.


  • Add support for term and user meta to list pluck tag.


  • Add support for wp_options to list pluck tag.


  • Feature: add settings: Disable 404 permalink guessing; Hide the page title from the Hello Elementor theme; Wrap Elementor content with main#content; Make Elementor fade in entrance animations more subtle.


  • Feature: add settings page with option to remove elementor’s “back to wp editor” button.


  • Bug fix: Do not try to load JetEngine if plugin is not preseent


  • Bug fix: Escape custom callback output with wp_kses_post since it could include html.
  • Bug fix: Escape the menu output with esc_html since it should only be comma-separated ids.


  • Feature: Add menu dynamic tag.


  • Feature: Initial release


  • Version: 1.5.2
  • Active installations: 90
  • Tested up to: 6.2.6
  • PHP Version: 7.0


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