Super Testimonials

November 13, 2020

Super Testimonials Plugin

The easiest to use Testimonial plugin! Showcase your testimonials in a beautiful and modern way with Super Testimonials.

The easiest to use Testimonial plugin! Showcase your testimonials in a beautiful and modern way with Super Testimonials.

Lite Features

  • Fully comprehensive testimonial manager
  • Add testimonials to your site in seconds
  • Responsive
  • Show all testimonials via a shortcode
  • Show a single testimonial via a shortcode
  • Show a random testimonial via a shortcode
  • Five layouts to choose from: single coloumn, two columns, three columns, four columns and a blank layout
  • Two beautiful, modern themes to choose from
  • Add custom CSS to create your own testimonial styles and themes
  • Testimonials are created using custom post types
  • Show testimonials within a widget using shortcodes
  • Display testimonials using an easy testimonial widget
  • Gravatar images or custom images can be used
  • Show/hide the testimonial title
  • Show/hide the testimonial body
  • Set the except length of the testimonial
  • Set the read more link
  • Show/hide the testimonial name
  • Show/hide the testimonial website and link
  • Toggle ‘nofollow’ website links
  • All testimonial links are nofollow as per Google Webmaster Guidelines
  • Show/hide the testimonial image
  • Customizable filters

Premium Features

  • Two additional themes
  • New themes added every week
  • Responsive
  • Display testimonials in a responsive slider.
  • Allow users to submit a testimonial through an easy to use and customizable form
  • Get notified via email when a new testimonial has been submitted
  • Enable CAPTCHA in your testimonial submission form
  • Categorize your testimonials
  • Easy to use slider testimonial widget
  • Allow users to submit reviews (star ratings included in testimonial)
  • Export testimonials into a CSV file
  • Get notified via Slack when a new testimonial has been submitted
  • Priority support
  • Get the Super Testimonials Premium Version now

Coming Soon

  • Themes: Testimonial themes will be created and added every week
  • Allow multiple testimonials to be selected within one shortcode
  • Triggers (Request users to submit a testimonial after a specified action)


Show all Testimonials

Show all Testimonials of a certain category
[super_t_all_testimonials cat_id=6]

Show a random testimonial from a certain category
[super_t_all_testimonials cat_id=6 random=yes]

Show all Testimonials with a specific theme
[super_t_all_testimonials theme=theme-1]

[super_t_all_testimonials theme=theme-2] [super_t_all_testimonials theme=theme-3] [super_t_all_testimonials theme=theme-4] [super_t_all_testimonials theme=theme-5] 

Show all Testimonials with a specific layout
[super_t_all_testimonials layout=layout-1]

[super_t_all_testimonials layout=layout-2] [super_t_all_testimonials layout=layout-3] [super_t_all_testimonials layout=layout-4] 

Show a random testimonial
[super_t_all_testimonials random=yes]

Show a single testimonial
[super_testimonial id=1]

Show a single testimonial with a specific theme
[super_testimonial theme=theme-1 id=1]

Show a single testimonial with a specific layout
[super_testimonial layout=layout-1]

Show all Testimonials in a responsive slider (Pro)

Show all Testimonials of a certain category in a responsive slider (Pro)
[super_testimonial_slider cat_id=1]

Show all Testimonials in a responsive slider (Pro)
[super_testimonial_slider theme=theme-1]

Testimonial submit form (Pro)

Show all Testimonials with pagination enabled
[super_t_all_testimonials per_page=2]

Display total count of all testimonials
[super_testimonials_count type=’any’]

Display total count of all approved testimonials
[super_testimonials_count type=’approved’]

Display total count of all pending testimonials
[super_testimonials_count type=’pending’]


Get a free copy of the Super Testimonials Premium version in exchange for translating our plugin!

  • English (Default)
  • Swedish (Jorgen Sjoholm)
  • Brazilian Portuguese (Marcio Marodin)
  • Spanish (Esteban Truelsegaard)
  • Dutch (Albert van der Ploeg)
  • French (Frederic Grolleau)

How to effectively use testimonials

One of the most important tasks of your website is to educate potential customers of your product and/or service. Using effective testimonials is an important step in this process and highlighting the right testimonials is of the utmost importance.

Did you know that 90% of people trust testimonials from people they know, and that 70% of people trust testimonials of strangers posted online? (Neilsen, 2009)

  • Testimonials build trust. Nothing is more trustworthy than seeing a real person talking highly of your product or service
  • Testimonials can answer important questions
  • Testimonials overcome buyer skepticism by showing how your product has helped others
  • A testimonial can substantiate claims that you have made on your website
  • By including a first name, last name and company name in the testimonial, you are showing that your testimonials are coming from real people


  1. Once activated, click the “Testimonials” link in your left navigation
  2. Create a testimonial by clicking on “Add New” and fill in the required fields.
  3. Ensure that you have changed the settings to your liking within the Testimonials->Settings page
  4. Copy and paste the shortcode of your choice and paste it into your post or page
  5. Your testimonials should now appear on your website


  1. Settings page of Super Testimonials. Select your image style, layout, theme and much more.

    Settings page of Super Testimonials. Select your image style, layout, theme and much more.

  2. Options page

    Options page

  3. Super Testimonials example

    Super Testimonials example

  4. Super Testimonials example

    Super Testimonials example

  5. Available testimonial shortcodes

    Available testimonial shortcodes

  6. Premium add-on testimonial example

    Premium add-on testimonial example

  7. Premium add-on example

    Premium add-on example


I’ve installed the Super Testimonials plugin, now what?

Once installed and activated, a link should appear in your left navigation panel within your wp-admin section. Click on the “Testimonials” link and follow the on screen instructions.

How do I get the premium version of Super Testimonials?

Order your copy of Super Testimonials Premium.

How do I create a Testimonial?

  • Click on Testimonials in your left navigation menu
  • Click on the “Add New” button at the top of the page
  • Fill in the relevant fields such as a title and body for your testiomial and click “Publish”
  • A shortcode will be created for each individual testimonial

What shortcodes can I use?

  • To see all the shortcodes that are available to you, go to “Settings” under “Testimonials” and click on the “Shortcodes” tab.

    [super_testimonial id=”x”]

How do I create a testimonial widget?

Showing your testimonials within a widget is easy. Simply copy and paste the shortcode of the testimonial into a text widget and press “Save”. Your testimonial widget should appear on your website. Keep in mind that you should rather select an individual testimonial shortcode for a widget instead of the shortcode that dispays all the testimonials.


3.0.0 – 2020-11-13 – Medium priority

  • Renamed to Super Testimonials
  • Resolved Security issues in settings and Feedback area
  • Tested up to WordPress 5.5.1
  • Added ‘nofollow’ link toggle setting
  • Modernized Settings and Feedback Area
  • Fixed bugs with setting selection and persistence
  • Fixed testimonial length implementation
  • Added new updated super shortcodes
  • Fixed a bug where round image styling was not loading with pagnination
  • Fixed various issues

2.0.0 – 2020-01-08 – Medium priority

  • Tested up to WordPress 5.4
  • Fixed a bug where styles.css loads on all pages
  • Fixed a bug where Gutenberg files loads in frontend

1.9.9 – 2019-10-30 – Medium priority

  • Added ability to regenerate the REST Token
  • Added click to copy short code
  • Updated the post type icon
  • Rebuild Gutenberg Blocks
  • Fixed errors when you disable settings in “Options” page

1.9.8 – 2019-10-30 – Medium priority

  • Added ability to regenerate the REST Token
  • Added click to copy short code
  • Updated the post type icon
  • Rebuild Gutenberg Blocks
  • Fixed errors when you disable settings in “Options” page

1.9.7 – 2019-01-24 – Low priority

  • Stopped enqueuing of super testmonial files where short code is not present
  • Tested the plugin on WP 5.2.1

1.9.6 – 2019-01-24 – Low priority

  • Fixed a bug where UI and other style related code loaded on all the pages
  • Tested functionality where widget – Random is not displaying
  • Tested the plugin on WP 5.0.3
  • Tested single testimonial style fix

1.9.5 – 2018-01-17 – Low priority

  • Improved the UX in the settings area
  • Fixed a bug with the custom post types
  • Fixed a bug where [super_t_all_testimonials] was not working
  • Tested the plugin on WP 4.9.1

1.9.4 – 2017-04-06 – Low Priority

  • REST API endpoint added – get_all_testimonials
  • Styling fix – Stray double quotes added to testimonial content have been removed

1.9.3 – 2017-01-27 – Low Priority

  • New Shortcode Added – Ability to display the total count of your markers
  • [super_testimonials_count type=’any’] – type accepts ‘any’, ‘pending’, ‘approved’
  • Fixed a bug that caused the testimonial status to remain approved

1.9.2 – 2016-12-06 – Medium Priority

  • PHP errors fixed upon activation
  • Tested on WordPress 4.7

1.9.1 – 2016-09-16 – High priority

  • Bug fix that stopped testimonials from showing

1.9.0 – 2016-09-15 – Low priority

  • Tested on WP 4.6.1
  • Added filters to the testimonial markup on the front end
  • New filters:
  • sola_t_filter_title Modify the title
  • sola_t_filter_title_wrap Modify the title wrap that houses the title
  • sola_t_filter_content Modify the content (the_content)
  • sola_t_filter_content_wrap Modify the content wrap that houses the content
  • sola_t_filter_author Modify the author name
  • sola_t_filter_website_name Modify the website name
  • sola_t_filter_website Modify the website URL
  • sola_t_filter_website_wrap Modify the wrap that houses website and website name
  • sola_t_filter_structure Modify the structure of the entire testimonial (data array supplied)
  • sola_t_filter_layout Modify the structure of the layout (data array supplied)

1.8.5 – 2016-03-10 – Low Priority

  • Bug Fix: Pagination returned no results if you werent logged in
  • Bug Fix: Missing HTML tag caused layout issues on some pages

1.8.4 – 2016-01-07 – Low Priority

  • Tested on WordPress 4.4
  • New Feature: You can now add pagination to your testimonials

1.8.3 – 2015-09-16 – Low Priority

  • New Feature: Display your testimonials using a widget

1.8.2 – 2015-09-09 – Low Priority

  • Feedback form email address rectified
  • Translations added:
  • Dutch (Thank you Albert van der Ploeg)
  • French (Thank you Frederic Grolleau)

1.8.1 2015-05-05 – Low Priority

  • Translations added:
  • Brazilian Portuguese (Thank you Marcio Marodin)
  • Spanish (Thank you Esteban Truelsegaard)

1.8 2015-04-22 – Low Priority

  • New Feature: You can now strip all links out of a testimonial – Prevents single view
  • New Feature: You can now redirect to a thank you page once a testimonial has been submitted (Pro)
  • Bug Fix: Display Star Rating Option not saving in slider tab fixed (Pro)
  • Translations added:
  • Swedish (Thank you Jorgen Sjoholm)

1.7 2015-03-24 – Low Priority

  • New Feature: You can now choose to display the excerpt or the full body of a testimonial
  • New Feature: You can now change the pagination speed of the slider (Pro)

1.6 2015-02-20 – Low Priority

  • Bug Fix: Read More Link now shows at the end of a testimonial excerpt
  • New Feature: You can now add star ratings to your testimonials (Pro)
  • New Feature: You can now choose if you want guests to submit a testimonial (Pro)

1.5 – 2015-02-03 – Low Priority

  • New Feature: You can choose to render HTML in a testimonial
  • New Feature: Specify in the shortcode the theme and layout you would like to use for your testimonials
  • Bug Fix: Layout issues fixed when showing more than 4 testimonials
  • Bug Fix: Testimonial image style wouldnt change in slider
  • Bug Fix: Add Media has been removed and a Featured Image metabox for testimonial images
  • Enhancement (Pro): Less testimonial items will display per slide on mobile devices

1.4 – 2014-12-12 – Low Priority

  • Media button added to testimonial author image

1.3 – 2014-11-25

  • Code improvements
  • Testimonial structure improvements
  • New shortcode addition to show a random testimonial
  • Bug fix: Super Testimonials welcome page kept showing up for some users
  • Pro: Two new testimonial themes added

1.2 – 2014-11-24

  • Fixed the bug that caused a fatal error on the testimonials page

1.1 – 2014-11-21

  • Fixed the bug that caused an unnecessary break in the body of the testimonials
  • Neatened up the testimonial options page

1.0 – 2014-11-21

First version


  • Version: 3.0.0
  • Active installations: 500
  • WordPress Version: 4.4
  • Tested up to: 5.5.15
  • PHP Version: 5.3


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