Connect Form to Chat Apps with Contact Form 7 Integration & Welcome Popup – FormMyChat

July 18, 2024

Connect Form to Chat Apps with Contact Form 7 Integration & Welcome Popup – FormMyChat Plugin

WhatsApp Chat for WordPress🔥. Connect contact forms to WhatsApp. WhatsApp notifications plugin with Contact Form 7 integration.

FormyChat (WhatsApp Contact Form) allows you to send WordPress contact form leads directly to your WhatsApp account. A quick and easy floating chat widget to get contact form data in WhatsApp chat.🔥

FormyChat is a revolutionary contact form plugin for WordPress that takes the data from the contact form and sends the collected information to your WhatsApp number. Where traditional WP forms send leads to your email or website, this WordPress chat plugin makes it really easy to send the WordPress contact form leads directly to your WhatsApp account. It also supports automatic redirection to WhatsApp Web for desktop users and WhatsApp Mobile for smartphone/mobile users. This click to chat app works as a WhatsApp notification plugin for WordPress and is super easy to use.

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Quick and Easy Integration Between WhatsApp and WordPress

FormyChat is the most convenient WordPress form plugin that does one thing exceptionally well – sending contact form leads directly to WhatsApp. Collect all the user’s form submission data and send it to WhatsApp instantly. A simple, powerful, easy-to-use, 100% beginner-friendly WordPress form plugin that puts the WhatsApp app in the front. Sending data from the WordPress contact form to WhatsApp is no longer a headache!

All contact form leads that are sent to WhatsApp chat are saved as a lead (WordPress contact) on your website as well. So, you can always trace back where the message originated from. This is the ultimate WhatsApp notification plugin for WordPress sites.

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Send your Contact Form 7 leads to WhatsApp chat. Contact Form 7 is regarded as one of the most popular contact form plugins for WordPress and once you integrate your Contact Form 7 forms with WhatsApp, it becomes a game changer. When you connect your CF7 forms with our form to chat plugin, the form data gets directly into your WhatsApp number. That means no hassle to check customer queries from the WordPress dashboard. Reply to them from anywhere you want using your phone.

Not only that, you can turn your boring Contact Form 7 forms into a gorgeous WhatsApp chat widget from the plugin settings.


  • Contact form to WhatsApp: One of the key features of this WhatsApp notification plugin is to send your WordPress site’s contact form submissions to your WordPress contact form to WhatsApp. Get your subscriber’s data in one place within seconds. Managing WP contact forms is now easier than ever!

  • Contact Form 7 to WhatsApp: With the WhatsApp contact form 7 integration, you can easily configure your CF7 forms to send form submission data to your WhatsApp number. Also, you can convert your CF7 forms into a floating contact form which gives you a proven way of getting more engagements. This is the ultimate integration between WhatsApp and WordPress.

  • 🔥 Greetings popup (Welcome popup): Grab your visitor’s attention by welcoming them with a personalized greetings popup. You can choose your desired template, and customize the heading, popup message, heading size, message size, colors, font, and on-click action.

  • Personalized floating contact form icon: Embed the Whatsapp contact form on any page with a customizable WhatsApp button. Your users can click on the floating chat icon and submit their info. You can choose between different sizes and alignment options for the button. Send data from WordPress form to WhatsApp in style.

  • Personalized Call to action: With WhatsApp Contact Form, you can personalize the call to action button. Edit the button’s text any time with your preferred font sizes. Get the best WordPress contact form customization features.

  • Personalized popup contact form: We built FormyChat in a way that you can customize it anytime according to your needs. Design the popup WordPress contact form with your favorite font style. You can take advantage of the multiple font styles, personalized header text, footer text, and submit button text. Collect form submission data in style!

  • 🔥 Access Contact Form Leads: Get access to the list of submissions that are made through your contact form. Easily get important submission information like date, time, name, email, contact, and messages in one place.

  • Merge tags and Preset Messages: By using preset messages and merge tags — you can add things like {url} or {title} in the preset messages. These tags will dynamically convert to the actual URL and Title of the pages when users use them and will be displayed in all sent messages at the top. (So you can identify where the users are coming from & do upsell later)

  • Easy setup wizard: User experience is our #1 priority. Our WordPress form templates give the most beginner-friendly experience for setting up the contact form easily. You can set up the widget behavior with just a single click. You can also decide actions such as whether WhatsApp opens by default in a new tab or closes after submitting the custom contact form for your site users.

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💬 More WhatsApp-centric features

  • WhatsApp web redirection for desktop: Navigate WhatsApp web directly from your desktop. FormMyChat allows your site visitors to fill out the form within a minute. They can connect through WhatsApp Web, fill up data, and submit. WordPress form to WhatsApp chat is now super convenient!
  • Personalized preset messages: Set your words as you like. The ULTIMATE version of this website contact form plugin allows you to create customized preset messages. Edit and preset text words, and provide line breaks on your custom message.
  • Country code selection: Allow users to choose country code while submitting their phone number on the floating form. This helps you keep getting accurate lead data and avoid any confusion.

🎨 Detailed contact form customization

  • Custom Icon: Set any custom icon as the click to chat button of your form. The ULTIMATE Version of the FormyChat can choose an icon from your gallery.
  • Custom Size: Customize your form icon size with just a slide. Have your favorite form ready to go with your style in minutes.
  • Custom Position: Not happy with the preset position of your form icon? No worries. With FormyChat ULTIMATE, set the form icon anywhere on your site page. You only need to mention your icon’s top, bottom, left, and right positions on the screen.

🪄 Customizable Call to Action (CTA) bubble:

  • Custom Size: Along with the bubble’s text, the plugin allows you to customize its size in the ULTIMATE version.
  • Color: With your preferred color, make your form unique. The intelligent color composition makes your site more presentable.
  • Background: Not happy with the color of the WhatsApp background of your form? Pick the color of your form background with your choice. Set it with the color mode of your site page or whatever you want. The choice is yours.

📝 Form personalization & customization:

  • Premium fonts: Get several fonts for customizing your form. Personalize your chat widget with the provided fonts, which go well with your site design
  • Custom Size: Make your form’s size small or large—design with your style. The desired length of your form is not an issue on the ultimate version.

👋 Greetings popup customization:

  • Premium template style: Access the premium popup templates and greet your visitors in style.
  • Custom heading & message size: Customize the heading and popup message size exactly as you wish.
  • Premium fonts: Customize the popup with your favorite font and add a personalized look to the popup.
  • Customize on-click action: You can customize whether the popup will open the form on-click or redirect the user to WhatsApp.

📑 Leads (form submission data) collection:

  • Access leads: FormyChat ULTIMATE gives you access to enter into the leads repository. It’s a data collection table where you can see all the submitted form messages in one place.
  • Contact Form 7 form leads: Leads from CF7 forms will be also saved in the leads section where you can find individual columns for each form field. You can also access leads from separate contact forms to distinguish them easily.
  • Access Lead details: Get every submission information in detail like date, time, name, email, contact, and messages in one place. The best thing about this feature is that everything is customizable for you.
  • Form data and metadata: You can access form data by clicking on the view icon. In the user detail box, you’ll find some metadata of your users. Delete specific user data anytime you want.
  • Sorting, filtering, searching: Get a search box on the leads screen page. Found any user with a custom search. Sort your data anytime and filter these user data with the filtering option. Enter your start and end date and hit the enter button. You’re done seeing the specific data chart of your targeted time.
  • Export as CSV: Why concise into the site dashboard only? Get an export button on the top right corner of the page. Just click on it and get all the user data in one place in a CSV format. All you need to do is hit the enter button and download the CSV. That’s it! The field is yours.

📨 Email notifications

  • Receive email notifications: Send contact form submissions to email alongside WhatsApp chat. Give yourself the luxury of receiving leads on multiple platforms and stay on top of your game.
  • Disable Contact Form 7 email notifications: Don’t want to use any third-party SMTP plugin for CF7 forms? Enable this feature to disable the email notification for your selected Contact Form 7 form.

Exclude Contact Form Widget: Easily exclude the contact form widget from any page of your website. This helps you stay in control and place the widget exactly where you want.

Privacy Policy

FormyChat uses Appsero SDK to collect some telemetry data upon user’s confirmation. This helps us to troubleshoot problems faster & make product improvements.

Appsero SDK does not gather any data by default. The SDK only starts gathering basic telemetry data when a user allows it via the admin notice. We collect the data to ensure a great user experience for all our users.

Integrating Appsero SDK DOES NOT IMMEDIATELY start gathering data, without confirmation from users in any case.

Learn more about how Appsero collects and uses this data.

Additionally read the WPPOOL privacy policy.

WhatsApp is a registered trademark and brand by Meta.

🔥 More Awesome Plugins

If you like FormyChat, then consider checking out our other awesome projects:

🌓 WP Dark Mode – Use WP Dark Mode plugin to create a stunning dark version for your WordPress website. WP Dark Mode works automatically without going into any complicated settings.

🔄 Stock Sync with Google Sheet for WooCommerce – Auto-sync unlimited WooCommerce products from Google Sheets. An easy, powerful and simple solution to handle your WooCommerce products from one place.

🎥 Easy Video Reviews – Easy Video Reviews is the best and easiest video review plugin for WordPress. Your customers can record and send video testimonials right from their browser, and you can manage and showcase anywhere on your WordPress website.

📄 Sheets To WP Table Live Sync – Quick. Easy. Simple. Keep your Google Spreadsheet data always synced LIVE with the WordPress table. Responsive data tables with as many data you want to display – Sheets to WP Table Live Sync plugin got it all!

🎦 Webinar and Video Conference with Jitsi Meet – Experience the best WordPress video conference plugin and live video chat solution. Get shortcode support with WooCommerce and BuddyPress integration.


  1. Navigate to WP Dashboard>Plugins and search “FormyChat”. Install and activate the plugin.
  2. Provide your WhatsApp number to receive contact form leads.
  3. Customize the widget and contact form.
  4. Save the widget to get started.

You can also follow our step-by-step installation guide:



How to send WordPress form entries to WhatsApp?

Getting started with the plugin is extremely simple. Activate the plugin, provide your WhatsApp number, customize the widget, and activate the contact form to get started.

How to Connect Contact Form 7 to WhatsApp?

There are two ways to send your Contact Form 7 forms directly to your WhatsApp account. You can either do it from Contact Form 7 settings by adding your WhatsApp number and enabling the WhatsApp redirection or you can select your CF7 form from the plugin settings to get a floating contact form.

Can I use my own icon for the floating button?

Yes, you can use your own icon as the floating button.

How many contact form submission leads can I access?

With the Free version, you can access up to 20 submissions from the Leads menu.

Can I customize the contact form?

FormyChat Ultimate version allows tons of detailed customization features. You can edit different form information including header text, submit button text, and form size.

How can I collect leads through the plugin?

The plugin automatically collects and sends the contact information from the form directly to your WhatsApp account. You can also access the leads through the plugin dashboard. Not only that. You can access different form submission data and metadata and export them in CSV format.

How to add WhatsApp form to a WordPress page or post?

You can use our Contact Form 7 integration to do that. Once you enable WhatsApp redirection on your CF7 form, you can place the WhatsApp form on any page/post of your WordPress site.

Do I need to know any programming language for using this plugin?

No coding knowledge is required for using this plugin.

Whom do I contact for any kind of support?

Please post your queries on WordPress Support thread (


2.7.3 – 18 Jul 2024

  • Improvement: Enhanced compatibility to support WordPress 6.6

2.7.2 – 30 Jun 2024

  • New (Exclude widget from pages): Easily exclude the contact form widget from any page of your website. This helps you stay in control and place the widget exactly where you want.
  • New (Free leads access): With the Free version, you can now access up to 20 submissions from the Leads menu.
  • Fix: Resolved an issue where the pagination on the lead page wasn’t working properly.
  • Improvement: Other minor UI tweaks for better looks.

2.7.1 – 27 May 2024

  • Fix: Phone number not included in the WhatsApp message.
  • Fix: Phone number field is not shown in the Admin Preview.

2.7.0 – 22 May 2024

  • New: Introduced Greetings popup 🔥 (Welcome popup): Grab your visitor’s attention by welcoming them with a personalized greetings popup. You can choose your desired template, and customize the heading, popup message, heading size, message size, colors, font, and on-click action.
  • Fix: Design of Country Code Dropdown for Phone number field.

2.6.12 – 4 Apr 2024

  • Improvement: Enhanced compatibility to support WordPress 6.5

2.6.11 – 12 Mar 2024

  • Improvement: Appsero has been updated to the latest version.

2.6.10 – 15 Feb 2024

  • Fix: Fixed an issue within Contact Form 7 that caused an error while redirecting to WhatsApp from the form widget. Users using the WhatsApp number with the country code of some countries were facing this issue which has been fixed.

2.6.9 – 23 JAN 2024

  • Fix: Fixed an issue within the Contact Form 7 that prevent updating country flag in post meta

2.6.8 – 22 JAN 2024

  • Improvement: This update includes routine maintenance

2.6.7 – 21 DEC 2023

  • Improvement: This update includes routine maintenance

2.6.6 – 14 NOV 2023

  • Fix: Missing logo updated

2.6.5 – 08 NOV 2023

  • Improvement: Enhanced compatibility to support WordPress 6.4
  • Improvement: Updated popup design
  • Fix: Fixed an issue within the SDK that conflicted with Jitsi Meet plugin

2.6.4 – 02 NOV 2023

  • Fix: Fixed an issue within the SDK that conflicted with some plugin and caused fatal error

2.6.3 – 23 OCT 2023

  • Improvement: Updated popup design

2.6.2 – 23 OCT 2023

  • Improvement: ORG screenshot and form default selection mode logo have been updated
  • Fix: The entire prefix has been altered in the plugin

2.6.1 – 19 OCT 2023

  • Improvement: Updated banner, logo and screenshot
  • Fix: Fixed minor WordPress Coding Standard issues

2.6.0 – 17 OCT 2023

  • New: Renamed the plugin to FormyChat (formerly Social Contact Form)
  • Improvement: Updated the readme file and screenshots
  • Improvement: Enhanced CF7 form selection mode
  • Improvement: Updated WPCS to version 3.0.0
  • Fix: Added support for date ranges
  • Fix: Fixed security issues for WPCS version 3.0.0

2.5.3 – 03 OCT 2023

  • Improvement: Update org banner and screenshot

2.5.2 – 18 SEP 2023

  • Improvement: Maintenance update

2.5.1 – 30 AUG 2023

  • Tweak: Updated the plugin readme

2.5.0 – 09 AUG 2023

  • New: Expanded CF7 Preset Support: Dropdown menu, Radio button, Data min-max value.
  • New: Added SMTP notification text as a note
  • Improvement: Enhanced form selection flow on the “Leads” page
  • Improvement: Enhanced compatibility to support WordPress 6.3
  • Fix: Default country code was added to the phone number even when the “Allow users to select country code” feature is turned off.

2.4.0 – 03 AUG 2023

  • New: Added Email notifications. Collect contact form leads on the specified email address
  • New: Added “configure” CTA on the CF7 forms dropdown
  • New: Enhanced lead redirection, automatic mobile, and web version detection
  • New: Active form’s tab will be selected by default on the Leads menu.
  • Improvement: Added country code dropdown event handler in carrot
  • Improvement: UX writing of WhatsApp web-enabling feature
  • Improvement: CF7 form selection UX
  • Fix: Form preview not showing on the regular screen

2.3.0 – 22 JUNE 2023

  • New: Integrated country code for the default form
  • Improvement: Minor bugs and performance

2.2.0 – 31 MAY 2023

  • New: Integrated Contact Form 7 in Social Contact Form
  • New: Incorporated WhatsApp in Contact Form 7
  • New: Introduced CF7 leads in the Social Contact Form’s lead page
  • New: Introduced License page in plugin’s menu
  • Fix: Rectified issue with onload setup completion pages
  • Fix: Addressed the problem with the disable function of Social Contact Form activation

2.1.1 – 28 MAR 2023

  • Improvement: Checked compatibility with WordPress 6.2

2.1.0 – 22 MAR 2023

  • New: Added Sizzle modal library
  • Fix: Single and multiple leads delete functionality
  • Improvement: Removed Sweet Alert
  • Improvement: Typo improvement

2.0.1 – 19 MAR 2023

  • Improvement: Minor bugs and performance

2.0.0 – 31 JAN 2023

  • Fix: Fixed all security related issues
  • Improvement: Checked every line of codes against strict PHP and WordPress Coding Standard
  • Improvement: Enhaced performace by removing fetching some external data

1.1.6 – 27 DEC 2022

  • Improvement: Minor bugs and performance

1.1.5 – 15 DEC 2022

  • Improvement: Minor bugs and performance

1.1.4 – 29 NOV 2022

  • Fixed: Singapore country code can be used now

1.1.3 – 13 NOV 2022

  • Fix: Poland country code can be used now
  • Fix: JavaScript error has been solved while pressing Enter key
  • Fix: Fixed deleting multiple leads at a time
  • Fix: Fixed filtering date-wise leads
  • New: Added comparative changelogs on header
  • New: Whatsapp preset message can be modified using filter hook scf_whatsapp_preset

1.1.2 – 03 NOV 2022

  • Improvement: Minor bugs and performance

1.1.1 – 04 OCT 2022

  • Improvement: Minor bugs and performance

1.1.0 – 05 SEP 2022

  • Improvement: Checked and improved compatibility with latest version of WordPress

1.0.9 – 16 AUG 2022

** Improve: Checked and improved compatibility with latest version of WordPress


** Improve: Checked and improved compatibility with latest version of WordPress


** Improve: Improved performance


** Improve: Made WordPress 6.0 compatible


** Fix: Fixed external links


** Fix: Fixed dynamic sizes for different themes


** Fix: Fixed responsiveness of preview icon and form
** Fix: Fixed date-wise lead filter


** Fix: Fixed Live form preview responsive issue
** Fix: Added info-tips as help
** Fix: Fixed UI issues


** Fix: Fixed custom positioning
** Fix: Fixed resizing form
** New: Added LIVE form preview
** New: Added country code selector


** Initial Release


  • Version: 2.7.3
  • Active installations: 1,000
  • WordPress Version: 5.0
  • Tested up to: 6.6.1
  • PHP Version: 5.6


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