It adds a list of XHTML graphic links at the end of your posts/pages that allow your visitors to easily submit them to bookmarking social sites.
The Social Bookmarks plugin for WordPress adds a list of XHTML compliant graphic links at the end of your posts and/or pages that allow your visitors to easily submit them to a number of social bookmarking sites.
Furthermore, the plugin adds a section in the WordPress Dashboard that lets you customize it. You can enable/disable social bookmarking sites and exclude specific pages from the plugin.
Also, you can add additional sites by uploading Site Packs to the plugin directory.
The Options page in the WordPress Dashboard allows you to customize the plugin.
The plugin bundles the English social sites but additional Site Packs can be downloaded from Social Bookmarks Site Packs repository.
Furthermore, a Template Site pack is available, in case you want to create your custom Site Pack. If you do, I would be more than happy to make it available on Social Bookmarks Site Packs repository so that there is a common place with all the Site Packs (of course you will take all the credits that you rightfully deserve!).
It is highly recommended to use the automatic installation/updating feature of WordPress. For a manual installation, please follow the instructions below:
1. Upload the contents of the social-bookmarks directory to wp-content/plugins/social-bookmarks directory.
2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
You can contact me with the name of the site and its URL and I will include it in a future release.
The Social Bookmarks includes a lot of sites (around 70!) but possibly it missess out the one that you want to have on your site. Site Packs are collection of social bookmarking sites that can be added on the Social Bookmarking plugin.
You can grab a collection of Site Packs from the Social Bookmarks repository.
Sure! just mail me the link and a logo and I will include it in the next revision of the relevant Site Pack.
Sure! Simply grab a copy of the Template Pack and follow the simple instructions included in the pack.
The releases of the Site Packs are independent of the plug-in core releases.
You can report your issues to me using the Bugtracker. Before you do so, please check whether someone else has reported the same issue. If not then, go ahead and add it making sure that you include as much technical information as possible and an accurate description of your issue.
Well, in this case, submit your feature request on Bugtracker and I will include it in a future release.