Snow Monkey Forms

July 16, 2024

Snow Monkey Forms Plugin

The Snow Monkey Forms is a mail form plugin for the block editor.

The Snow Monkey Forms is a mail form plugin for the block editor.


Form fields

  • Text
  • email
  • Tel
  • URL
  • File
  • Textarea
  • Select
  • Radio buttons
  • Checkboxes


This plugin can be installed directly from your site.

  1. Log in and navigate to Plugins Add New.
  2. Type “Snow Monkey Forms into the Search and hit Enter.
  3. Locate the Snow Monkey Editor plugin in the list of search results and click Install Now.
  4. Once installed, click the Activate link.
  5. Snow Monkey Forms Add New.
  6. Add “Item” block into the input page field.
  7. Add any form fields into a “Item” block.
  8. Save the form settings.
  9. Add “Snow Monkey Form” block into a post and page.


Can the Snow Monkey Forms be used with any theme?

Yes! You can use the Snow Monkey Forms with any theme, but we recommend using our Snow Monkey theme for the best presentation.



  • WordPress 6.6 compatible.


  • Fixed a bug in v6.5.0 that sometimes prevented the screen from switching.


  • Add argments $responser and $setting to snow_monkey_forms/spam/validate hook.


  • WordPress 6.5 compatibility support.
  • Support “Apply to all blocks inside”.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the wording of file blocks to extend beyond the screen without wrapping.


  • Add filter hook snow_monkey_forms/checkboxes/options.
  • Add filter hook snow_monkey_forms/select/options.
  • Add filter hook snow_monkey_forms/radio_buttons/options.
  • Add $setting to the second argument of snow_monkey_forms/control/attributes hook.


  • Added a release button to the file field.
  • Added a method to the Responser class to retrieve form metadata and sender data. $responser->get_meta()


  • Added legend setting to checkboxes and radio buttons.
  • Fixed a bug that the layout of the progress bar and some of the settings screens could be corrupted depending on the theme.


  • Fixed changes in 6.0.4 that affected the layout of radio buttons and checkboxes.


  • Fixed a bug that when typing in a text field, a slight margin is sometimes added to the bottom of the fieldon iOS.
  • Fixed a bug that the text color turns blue when selecting an item in the selectbox on iOS.


  • Fix typo. smf-radio-cuttons-control to smf-radio-button-control.
  • Support for servers without finfo.


  • Fixed a bug that smf.submit did not fire.


  • Update apiVersion of block.json is 2 to 3.
  • Set defer attribute to wp_enqueue_script().


  • Added Reply-To setting function.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause a Fatal Error when cookies are not saved.


  • Fixed a directory traversal vulnerability (Fix omitted in v5.0.7 and v5.1.1). We strongly encourage you to update to it immediately.


  • Fixed a directory traversal vulnerability (Fix omitted in v5.0.7). We strongly encourage you to update to it immediately.


  • Add new setting for each blocks: “Description is also displayed on the confirmation screen”


  • Fixed a directory traversal vulnerability. We strongly encourage you to update to it immediately.


  • Fixed a bug that attached files were not given file extensions.


  • Change wp.components.IconButton to wp.components.Button.


  • Fixed a bug that prevented emails to the administrator from being sent.


  • Fixed a bug that content for the completion screen was not output.


  • Fixed a bug that prevented form selection after inserting a Snow Monkey Form block.


  • Fixed a bug that Tel and url blocks were not supported.


  • Requires WordPress 6.1 or later.
  • Add filter hook snow_monkey_forms/auto_reply_mailer/args for changing auto reply mail settings.
  • Fixed a bug where block names were not translated.
  • Changed dynamic block template loading method.
  • Change the loading method (+ handle) of the blocks assets.
  • Updated translation file loading method.


  • Fixed a bug that the focus ring was not displayed in the file block.


  • Changed so that each form control can be placed as a descendant of an item, not just as a child of the item block.


  • Fixed a bug where “Confirm” was displayed on the progress tracker even when the confirm screen was not used.


  • Requires WordPress 6.0 or later.
  • snow_monkey_forms/administrator_mailer/headers Add responser and setting as filter hook arguments.


  • Fixed a bug that intended values were not sent when hooked to snow_monkey_forms/control/attributes.



  • Add filter hook snow_monkey_forms/administrator_mailer/headers.
  • Add filter hook snow_monkey_forms/auto_reply_mailer/headers.
  • Add filter hook snow_monkey_forms/mailer/headers.
  • Add autocomplete setting to text, textarea, select, url and tel.


  • Fixed a bug in select boxes, radio buttons, and checkboxes that if there is a space before or after an option, the item will not be selected/checked even if it is selected and sent.
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the progress tracker numbers to shift.


  • Requires WordPress 5.9 or later.
  • End of support for ie11.
  • Changes due to changes in WordPress 5.9.
  • Add filter hook snow_monkey_forms/administrator_mailer/args for changing administrator mail settings.
  • Changed the file upload check to be the same as the WordPress file upload check when sending files in “File”.


  • Add filter hook snow_monkey_forms/validator/error_message.


  • Compatible with WordPress 5.8. 5.7 is not supported.
  • Add maxlength to textarea block.
  • Add label setting for item block.
  • Fix bug that rows of textarea block is not updated.
  • Fix bug that class of form block is not updated.


  • Update sass-basis


  • Fixed a bug that the screen was not displayed at the correct position when the screen transitioned on iOS.
  • Add message for saved on reCAPTCHA settings page.


  • Fixed a bug that the screen was not displayed at the correct position when the screen transitioned on iOS.


  • Changed snow_monkey_forms/control/attributes to allow setting the initial values for select and textarea.


  • Fixed bug that [object HTMLDivElement] was displayed during screen transition and forms were not displayed.


  • Add Snow_Monkey\Plugin\Forms\App\Model\Setting as the 3rd argument to snow_monkey_forms/complete/message.
  • Add Snow_Monkey\Plugin\Forms\App\Model\Setting as the 3rd argument to snow_monkey_forms/system_error/message.
  • Fixed a bug in which select boxes, radio buttons, and check boxes sometimes malfunctioned when the choices were numeric.


  • Fixed a bug in which sending failed if reCAPTCHA was not set.


  • Add reCAPTCHA v3 settings.
  • Add filter hook snow_monkey_forms/spam/validate.
  • Add action hook snow_monkey_forms/form/append.
  • Fixed a bug that the function to move to the top of the form when a button is pressed the screen transitions did not work in safari.
  • Fixed a bug where the label setting of the Send button was not reflected.
  • Fixed a bug that required checks did not work correctly when value was empty in the select box.


  • Add filter hook snow_monkey_forms/control/attributes.
  • Change block icons color.
  • Fix bug that placeholder of textarea is not refrected.


  • Add confirm/back/send button label settings.
  • Change focus point.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented radio buttons from being displayed vertically.


  • WordPress 5.6 compatibility.


  • Fixed a bug that prevented sending with IE and Safari.


  • Add filter hook snow_monkey_forms/complete/message.
  • Add filter hook snow_monkey_forms/system_error/message.
  • Fixed a bug where the button loading icon would not disappear when form validation occurred.


  • Fixed a bug where checkboxes, radio buttons, and select boxes would sometimes not render correctly if there were duplicate items.


  • Fixed a bug that the Add Block button does not appear on the selected item block.
  • Fixed a bug that global inserter in the item block was not grouped.


  • Requires WordPress 5.5
  • Remove jQuery


  • Add filter hook snow_monkey_forms/custom_mail_tag.
  • Add filter hook snow_monkey_forms/administrator_mailer/skip.
  • Add filter hook snow_monkey_forms/administrator_mailer/is_sended.
  • Add filter hook snow_monkey_forms/auto_reply_mailer/skip.
  • Add filter hook snow_monkey_forms/auto_reply_mailer/is_sended.


  • Fixed a bug that PHP classes autoload sometimes failed.


  • Change controller name “Error” to “Invalid”.
  • Add custom DOM Event: smf.beforesubmit ex. document.querySelector('.snow-monkey-form').addEventListener('smf.beforesubmit')
  • Add custom DOM Event: smf.back ex. document.querySelector('.snow-monkey-form').addEventListener('smf.back')
  • Add custom DOM Event: smf.confirm ex. document.querySelector('.snow-monkey-form').addEventListener('smf.confirm')
  • Add custom DOM Event: smf.complete ex. document.querySelector('.snow-monkey-form').addEventListener('smf.complete')
  • Add custom DOM Event: smf.invalid ex. document.querySelector('.snow-monkey-form').addEventListener('smf.invalid')
  • Add custom DOM Event: smf.systemerror ex. document.querySelector('.snow-monkey-form').addEventListener('smf.systemerror')
  • Add custom DOM Event: smf.submit ex. document.querySelector('.snow-monkey-form').addEventListener('smf.submit')


  • [Checkboxes] Add direction setting.
  • [Radio buttons] Add direction setting.
  • [Checkboxes] Default direction, vertical on smartphone size, horizontal on larger size.
  • [Radio buttons] Default direction, vertical on smartphone size, horizontal on larger size.


  • Optimized the display process of error message when sending fails.


  • Fixed a bug that form cannot be submitted in CGI version PHP environment.


  • Fixed a bug that email field cannot be inserted.


  • Update icons. These icons reated by mimitips


  • Update each blocks icons.
  • Add “Display label column” setting to item block.


  • Add item description setting.
  • Add from/sender settings to administrator email settings.
  • Add action hook snow_monkey_forms/auto_reply_mailer/after_send.
  • Add action hook snow_monkey_forms/administrator_mailer/after_send.
  • Rename filter hook snow_monkey_forms_saved_file_survival_time to snow_monkey_forms/saved_files/survival_time.
  • Move email settings document panel to input page settings.
  • Fixed a bug where the input page settings panel did not open when the inspector was closed.
  • Fixed a bug that child blocks are displayed in the inserter of the complete page settings.


  • Fix activate process error
  • Fix uninstall process error


  • CSS updates.
  • Add uninstall process.


  • Some updates.


  • Initial release.


  • Version: 7.0.0
  • Active installations: 10,000
  • WordPress Version: 6.6
  • Tested up to: 6.6.1
  • PHP Version: 7.4


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