SKU Generator for WooCommerce

July 15, 2023

SKU Generator for WooCommerce Plugin

SKU Generator for WooCommerce plugin adds full Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) support to your WooCommerce shop.

Add full SKU support to WooCommerce:

  • Set SKU by custom format (prefix, suffix, number length, category, tag) automatically for new products.
  • Regenerate SKUs for all existing products (or regenerate only for products with no SKU).
  • Add product searching by SKU on frontend.
  • Add SKU to customer emails.
  • Allow Duplicate SKUs.


  • We are open to your suggestions and feedback, and thank you for using or trying out one of our plugins!
  • Drop us a line at



  1. Upload the entire plugin folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the “Plugins” menu in WordPress.
  3. Go to “WooCommerce > Settings > SKU”.


  1. SKU Generator for WooCommerce - SKU Format Options.

    SKU Generator for WooCommerce - SKU Format Options.

  2. SKU Generator for WooCommerce - More Options.

    SKU Generator for WooCommerce - More Options.

  3. SKU Generator for WooCommerce - Categories Options.

    SKU Generator for WooCommerce - Categories Options.

  4. SKU Generator for WooCommerce - Tags Options.

    SKU Generator for WooCommerce - Tags Options.

  5. SKU Generator for WooCommerce - SKU Regenerator Tool.

    SKU Generator for WooCommerce - SKU Regenerator Tool.


What options are in Pro version?

SKU Generator for WooCommerce Pro includes options to generate SKUs sequentially or randomly. Also there are additional SKU format options for variable products.


1.6.1 – 2023-07-15

  • FIX: PHP 8.2 notices.
  • NEW: add “Generate different SKU for each variation” option into free version (previously was a feature only in the pro version).

1.6.0 – 2022-03-07

  • NEW: add filter ‘wpwham_sku_sku_template_variables’. This filter will be useful for creating your own SKU template variables using custom code.
  • UPDATE: PHP 8 now officially supported.
  • UPDATE: updated .pot file for translations.

1.5.1 – 2021-04-12

  • UPDATE: bump tested versions

1.5.0 – 2021-01-20

  • NEW: (premium version only) add support for Yoast primary categories.
  • NEW: (premium version only) add product attributes as option for variation suffix (thanks to Joseph VanTine).
  • FIX: issues when using Search by SKU “pre_get_posts” algorithm.
  • FIX: minor display bug on settings page, also clarify settings page wording a little.
  • UPDATE: updated .pot file for translations.

1.4.3 – 2020-09-17

  • UPDATE: bump tested versions

1.4.2 – 2020-08-25

  • UPDATE: bump tested versions

1.4.1 – 2020-07-24

  • FIX: issue with variations always being assigned same SKU as parent product, when inserting new product.
  • UPDATE: display our settings in WC status report.

1.4.0 – 2020-06-08

  • NEW: add “Generate SKUs for Variations” option to variations bulk action dropdown.
  • NEW: allow forcing uppercase letters in SKU templates.
  • FIX: show correct “old SKU” for variations in bulk regenerator tool preview.
  • UPDATE: reorder columns in previews (show Old SKU on the left, New SKU on the right).
  • UPDATE: updated .pot file for translations.

1.3.3 – 2019-12-17

  • UPDATE: bump tested versions

1.3.2 – 2019-11-15

  • UPDATE: bump tested versions

1.3.1 – 2019-09-14

  • UPDATE: bump tested upto versions

1.3.0 – 2018-10-21

  • UPDATE: updated .pot file for translations

1.2.5 – 2018-09-20

  • Dev – General – {category_slug}, {category_name}, {tag_slug} and {tag_name} replaced values added.
  • Dev – General – Template – Admin settings field now accepts “raw” input.
  • Dev – Tool – Minor restyling.

1.2.4 – 2018-09-10

  • Dev – “Contributors” and “Author URI” updated.

1.2.3 – 2018-08-25

  • Fix – version_updated() function fixed.

1.2.2 – 2018-08-23

  • Fix – “Search by SKU” option fixed (and “Search by SKU: Algorithm” option added to “General > More Options > Search by SKU”).
  • Dev – “Sequential numbering on per category basis” option added.
  • Dev – “WC tested up to” added to plugin header.
  • Dev – General – More Options – Automatically generate SKU for new products – “Delay SKU generation till product is published” option default set to “yes”.
  • Dev – Code refactoring.
  • Dev – Admin settings restyled.
  • Dev – Plugin URI updated.

1.2.1 – 2017-12-06

  • Dev – General – WooCommerce v3.2.0 compatibility – select type in admin settings fixed.
  • Dev – General – “Delay SKU generation till product is published” option added.
  • Dev – General – Admin settings minor restyling.
  • Dev – Saving settings array as main class property.

1.2.0 – 2017-04-18

  • Dev – WooCommerce v3.0.0 compatibility – get_child() replaced with wc_get_product().
  • Dev – “Template” option added.
  • Dev – “Pseudorandom – Hash (max 10 digits)” option added to “Number Generation”.
  • Dev – “Generate SKUs Only for Products with Empty SKU” option added.
  • Dev – “Categories Options” section added.
  • Dev – “Tags Options” section added.
  • Dev – “Search by SKU” option added.
  • Dev – “Add SKU to Customer Emails” option added.
  • Dev – “Automatically Generate SKU for New Products” option added.
  • Dev – “Reset Section Settings” option added.
  • Dev – WP_Query optimized to return ids only.
  • Tweak – Plugin link updated from to
  • Tweak – general section cleanup.
  • Tweak – Default values added to all get_option() calls.
  • Tweak – Filter rewritten.

1.1.3 – 2016-12-21

  • Fix – load_plugin_textdomain() moved from init hook to constructor.
  • Fix – Generating SKU on “duplicate product” action.
  • Dev – Language (POT) file updated.

1.1.2 – 2016-08-21

  • Dev – “Allow duplicate SKUs” option added.
  • Dev – Version system added.
  • Tweak – Plugin renamed.
  • Tweak – Contributors changed.
  • Tweak – Option filter added.

1.1.1 – 2016-06-13

  • Dev – get_available_variations replaced with get_all_variations.
  • Dev – SKU Regenerator tool – No auto preview after generation.

1.1.0 – 2016-06-10

  • Dev – Sequential SKU number format option added.
  • Dev – Language (POT) file added.
  • Dev – Multisite support added.
  • Dev – Description added to “SKU Format Options”.

1.0.0 – 2015-08-06

  • Initial Release.


  • Version: 1.6.1
  • Active installations: 1,000
  • WordPress Version: 4.4
  • Tested up to: 6.2.6


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