Site Launcher

August 23, 2015

Site Launcher Plugin

Timed launch or suspension of your site with custom "site unavailable" pages or with a redirect.

Lets you set a date to launch or suspend your site automatically. Lets you choose which admins have access to the plugin settings. Generates beautiful Coming Soon and Site Suspended pages with customizable background image or color and and an optional message box that can also allow users to log in from the coming soon page. Alternatively allows you to redirect to a different URL. This plugin is based on the underConstruction plugin. A complete description along with screenshots and usage instructions is here.


  1. Upload the or the unzipped site-launcher folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Install or activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. To set or disable the “coming soon” or “site suspended” date or edit the page that will be displayed, or to edit the admins that have access to this plugin, click Settings->Site Launcher and change the settings there.


  1. The default Coming Soon page.

    The default Coming Soon page.

  2. A customized Coming Soon page.

    A customized Coming Soon page.

  3. The default Site Suspended page.

    The default Site Suspended page.

  4. The default admin page for Site Launcher.

    The default admin page for Site Launcher.

  5. The Site Launcher admin page in Coming Soon mode.

    The Site Launcher admin page in Coming Soon mode.

  6. The Site Launcher admin page in Site Suspended mode.

    The Site Launcher admin page in Site Suspended mode.


What new features are you planning?

In the near future we will be adding an image uploader for custom background images.
We will also be adding a visible countdown timer.

Do you need help translating this plugin?

YES! Please contact me at [email protected] if you would like to translate this plugin’s admin interface into your native language. Reward: Wicked Clever coffee mug shipped to wherever you are!


= 0.9.4
* Tested with WP v 4.3.0, added rocket background.

= 0.9.3
* Tested with WP v 4.2.4.

= 0.9.2
* Rearranged inputs so they are more sensible and less overwhelming, allow message box to be hidden, changed default background image to construction site.

= 0.9.1
* Made background display code more bulletproof on a variety of screen sizes.

= 0.9.0
* Added some beautiful background images!

= 0.8.1
* Added border for message box. Now allows html in “fine print”. Fixed bug that caused login form to mysteriously re-appear. Adjusted fine print font size.


  • NEW FEATURE: allows a redirect to a different URL rather than showing coming soon or site suspended page. Also added some more fonts.


  • Load site-launcher admin scripts only for site-launcher admin page, to head off any possible conflicts.


  • Replaced kludged-up color picker with the latest and greatest from WordPress.


  • Got versioning all straightened out, for real now.


  • Fixed version number in main php file. Yes, I’m a newb.


  • Disabled color picker when it might cause javascript incompatibilitis


  • Version: 0.9.4
  • Active installations: 500
  • WordPress Version: 2.7
  • Tested up to: 4.3.34


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