Simple Top Commenters

October 01, 2017

Simple Top Commenters Plugin

A sidebar widget that displays a list of top commenters across a site, showing the number of comments for each.

A sidebar widget that displays a list of top commenters across a site, showing the number of comments for each. Inspired by and extended from the Top Commentators Widget by WebGrrrl.

Supported Languages:

  1. English

  2. Slovene: Thanks to Mitja Mihelič: [email protected]

  3. Romanian: Thanks to Alexander Ovsov: Web Hosting Geeks

  4. Ukranian: Thanks to Michael Yunat:


  1. “Title”: customizable title that is displayed in the sidebar for this widget.

  2. “Define Commenters by”: choose whether to define an individual by email address or by name entered in the comment form

  3. “Commenters to Exclude”: a list of people to exclude from the count. Can enter names and/or email addresses here. Separate each with a comma.

  4. “# of Commenters to List”: determines the number of top commenters to list.

  5. “Show ‘comments’ Label?”: If checked, a top commenter will appear as “mike: 10 comments”. If unchecked, he/she will appear simply as “mike: 10”.


  1. Upload the simple-top-commenters folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Go to the Appearance -> Widgets screen, drag the SimpleTopCommenters widget into the sidebar.


  1. Configurable title, method of defining a single commenter, list of commenters to exclude from the counter, length of list, and whether to show "comments" in the list after the number of comments displayed.

    Configurable title, method of defining a single commenter, list of commenters to exclude from the counter, length of list, and whether to show "comments" in the list after the number of comments displayed.

  2. Appearance in the sidebar (see "Top Commenters" in the bottom right).

    Appearance in the sidebar (see "Top Commenters" in the bottom right).


Installation Instructions

  1. Upload the simple-top-commenters folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Go to the Appearance -> Widgets screen, drag the SimpleTopCommenters widget into the sidebar.

How can I use this plugin with other translations

Create a PO file for the localization desired, name it with the appropriate country code and language code and add it to the “languages” folder. See or for more info. If you provide an additional translation, please send it to me, and I can add it to the next version.



Verified compatibility with WordPress 4.8.2


Added Ukranian localization. Thanks to Michael Yunat:


Added Romanian localization. Thanks to Alexander Ovsov: Web Hosting Geeks


Added internationalization and included Slovene language files. Code and translation provided by Mitja Mihelič – [email protected] –


Initial Release


  • Version: 1.5.2
  • Active installations: 90
  • WordPress Version: 3.0
  • Tested up to: 4.8.25


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