Simple Post Views Count

February 14, 2022

Simple Post Views Count Plugin

Count visitor views for your posts [ALSO, READ OUR RECOMMENDATION].


Now, we are finally convinced that GOOGLE ANALYTICS stats and tracking systems are uncomparably superior (which also comes as other plugins, i.e. we like Google Analytics [by MonsterInsights]) over useless “POST-VIEWS” plugins, because these drawbacks:
– There are tons of bots, crawlers, search or aggregation engines, that view your websites and pages daily, and “view your posts”. That ends up in fake/boosted “Post views” dramatically.
Beside bots, many people just …:
– people open the pages in the background and close them without reading at all
– open the pages, but close while site is still loading
– open the pages, but close quickly, under 1-2 seconds, without reading your pages..
– and many other reasons.

All these actions still increases the Post-views counter. So, to say decisively, such numbers are not of any real help, instead they just mislead site-owners and their decisions..

… What is solution?

We praise Google Analytics (or alike) tracking systems. This is what they are made for ! This is the field, where they know what to do. Just state-of-the-art. They give you statistics not only of page-views, average duration (seconds), Realtime , but other tons of statisctis, which gives you realistic information about your posts and website, to make correct decisions.


Just spend 2 minute to sign up for Google Analytics, get the code and use “Google Analytics” plugin.



  • Deprecation in favor of Google Analytics


  • Last working update


  • Only php >= 5.4 supported


  • First release.


  • Version: 2.66
  • Active installations: 1,000
  • WordPress Version: 4.4
  • Tested up to: 5.3.18


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