Simple Event Planner

November 10, 2023

Simple Event Planner Plugin

A powerful & flexible plugin to create event listing and event calendar on your website in a simple & elegant way.

The plugin is available in English, Russian(Русский), German(Deutsch), Polish(Polski) and Serbian(Српски језик).

Are you looking for easy, user-friendly and robust event management plugin?

Simple Event Planner by PressTigers is a next generation, lightweight event management plugin that list WP events and calendar to your WordPress website.

This plugin is used to manage & display various events within the site. It has various options, including events from different categories. Whether you have; a single event or multiple events, you can display it as a list or in calendar format by simply inserting shortcode i.e. [event_listing], [event_calendar].

Additionally, you can add event calendar on your WordPress website by simply inserting shortcode [event_calendar], making it extremely powerful and flexible.

The plugin allows to have a specific number of upcoming events arranged in calendar list along with search feature to search events by event location.

Event Listing Shortcode


Event Calendar Shortcode


Plugin Features

  • Create Events Quickly
  • Time Zone Settings for Events
  • Unlimited Event Segments
  • Show/Hide Event’s Options
  • List View
  • Grid View
  • Calendar View
  • Search Event by Title (List View)
  • Search Event by Location (Calendar View)
  • Events Categories (Taxonomies)
  • Responsive Layout
  • Localization (Translation Ready)
  • Unlimited Color Combinations
  • Shortcode Builder
  • Google Maps for Event Location
  • Template Layout Settings
  • Image Enable/Disable
  • Time Format Settings
  • Date Format Settings
  • iCal Calendar
  • Google Calendar
  • Visual Layout Settings

Event Planner Templating

With event planner templating exciting feature you can change the following file templates.

  • content-wrapper-start.php
  • content-wrapper-end.php
  • event-listings-start.php
  • event-listings-end.php
  • content-event-listing.php
  • content-no-events-found.php
  • content-single-event-listing.php
  • event-schedule.php
  • event-description.php
  • event-details.php
  • event-venue.php
  • single-event-listing.php
  • event-search.php
  • calendar-search.php
  • archive-event-listing.php
  • event-pagination.php
  1. To change a template, please add “simple_event_planner” folder at default theme root directory.
  2. Add above mentioned file from plugin simple-event-planner > public > partials folder keeping the same file directory structure (as mentioned in the header of each file) and customize it based on your needs.

Can you contribute?

If you are an awesome contributor to translations or plugin development, please contact us at [email protected]


  1. Upload to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory to your web server.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  3. Add a standard WordPress page or post and use [event_listing] shortcode in the editor to make it events list.
  4. Add a standard WordPress page or post and use [event_calendar] shortcode in the editor to make it event calendar.


  1. <strong>Event Options</strong> - Let the user fill details of an event.

    Event Options - Let the user fill details of an event.

  2. <strong>Event Location</strong> - Let the user fill event location and set its map.

    Event Location - Let the user fill event location and set its map.

  3. <strong>Event Categories</strong> - List of Categories (Taxonomies)

    Event Categories - List of Categories (Taxonomies)

  4. <strong>Event List Creation</strong> - Allow users to create event list with ease by using a shortcode.

    Event List Creation - Allow users to create event list with ease by using a shortcode.

  5. <strong>Event Calendar Creation</strong> - Allow users to create event calendar with ease by using a shortcode.

    Event Calendar Creation - Allow users to create event calendar with ease by using a shortcode.

  6. <strong>Event Color Options Settings</strong> - Customize color scheme of all three templates.

    Event Color Options Settings - Customize color scheme of all three templates.

  7. <strong>Event API Key Settings</strong> - Add API key to use GMap for location address.

    Event API Key Settings - Add API key to use GMap for location address.

  8. <strong>Event Template Settings</strong> - Event Listing Configuration.

    Event Template Settings - Event Listing Configuration.

  9. <strong>Event Visual Layout Settings</strong> - Drag and drop event sections.

    Event Visual Layout Settings - Drag and drop event sections.

  10. <strong>Event List View</strong> - Front-end list view of events.

    Event List View - Front-end list view of events.

  11. <strong>Event Grid View</strong> - Front-end grid view of events.

    Event Grid View - Front-end grid view of events.

  12. <strong>Event Detail Page</strong> - Event detail/single page. Event details related to event location and its organizer are placed on it.

    Event Detail Page - Event detail/single page. Event details related to event location and its organizer are placed on it.

  13. <strong>Event Calendar</strong> - Front-end view of the calendar with upcoming events listing.

    Event Calendar - Front-end view of the calendar with upcoming events listing.


How to create event list?

In your WordPress admin panel, go to “Event Planner” menu and add a new event. All the event listing will be shown in the admin panel and on the front-end.

How to show event list on the front-end?

To list all the event list, add [event_listing] shortcode in an existing page or add a new page and write shortcode anywhere in the page editor.

How to change the layout of event listing using a shortcode?

To change the event listing view, add [event_listing events_layout=”grid”] or [event_listing events_layout=”list”] shortcode in an existing page or add a new page and write shortcode anywhere in the page editor.

How to show event calendar on the front-end?

To list event calendar , add [event_calendar] shortcode in an existing page or add a new page and write shortcode anywhere in the page editor.

What language files are available?

You can view (and contribute) translations via the .

Can I display event list for particular “category” using a shortcode?

Yes, you can use shortcode on post/page i.e [event_listing event_category=”category-slug”]

Can I show event list of Calendar for particular “category” using a shortcode?

Yes, you can use a shortcode on post page i.e , [event_calendar event_category=”category-slug”]

Can I show only 5 latest events on front-end with pagination?

Yes, you can show any number of events on your website with pagination feature by using shortcode with “events_limit” attribute i.e. [event_listing events_limit=”5″]

Can I show only 5 latest events of a calendar on front-end?

Yes, you can show any number of events on your website by using shortcode with “events_limit” attribute i.e [event_calendar events_limit=”5″]

Can I turn off calendar search bar?

Yes, you turnoff search bar with “search” attribute i.e [event_calendar search=”false”]

Can I turn off event list search bar?

Yes, you can turn off search bar with “search” attribute i.e [event_listing search=”false”]



  • Fix – Resolved image displaying issue in case of grid layout.


  • Fix – Secured input/output of SEP.


  • Fix – Fixed the settings visual layout’s option saving issue.


  • Tweak – Added compatibility for WordPress 5.5


  • Fix – Resolved the SEP admin script conflict with other plugins.


  • Fix – Resolved the closing div issue in the event listing template.


  • Feature – Added custom option to add a custom date format.
  • Feature – Added custom option to add a custom slug for events.
  • Feature – Localize the event calendar strings.
  • Tweak – Fixed typo issues.
  • Tweak – Fixed padding issues on mobile devices.
  • Fix – Fixed the start and end date language for event listing.
  • Fix – Removed event counter for past events.
  • Fix – Fixed the Site Health issues.
  • Fix – Fixed the plugin jQuery issues with Twenty Nineteen and Twenty Twenty theme.
  • Tweak – Fixed the “GMAP API key” string in all .po files.
  • Note – Removed the Facebook feature.


  • Feature – Added Serbian translation.
  • Feature – Added Facebook events listing.
  • Feature – Added Social settings tab for Facebook API keys.
  • Feature – Added visual layout settings to move event details’ sections through drag and drop.
  • Feature – Added timezone option in the admin area of event detail page.
  • Feature – Added options for container class and Id under Template settings.
  • Fix – Resolved the theme styling conflicts for event pages.
  • Fix – Removed event counter for past event.
  • Fix – Fixed iCal DateTime issue for Apple devices.
  • Fix – Removed the “Add to Google Calendar” & “Add to iCal” links when no date is selected.
  • Fix – Balanced counter layout with the image.
  • Fix – Resolved the map location search issue.
  • Fix – Visually balanced the event segments layout in meta box.
  • Note – Removed single_event_listing_end action hook from simple-event-planner-template-functions.php file and single-event-listing.php.


WP 4.9 Compatibility – Resolved the color picker issue in settings color options tab.
Tweak – Localized the calendar strings and updated .pot file.
Fix- Fixed the date translation for non-English languages.


  • Feature – Added Polish translation.
  • Tweak – Changed the event timings format to Hours:Minutes(H:M).
  • Fix – Added missing patterns for organizer phone number.
  • Fix – Added missing phrases in the .pot language file.
  • Fix – Localized the hard-coded strings.
  • Fix – Fixed the settings tabs toggling issue for none-English sites.


  • Fix – Fixed the WP text editor content ordering issue.
  • Fix – Resolved the admin CSS conflict with other plugins.


  • Feature – Added venue/map placement setting.
  • Tweak – Minor CSS change.
  • Note – Added PressTigers logo branding in footer of admin pages.


  • Tweak – Revamped the whole HTML structure of SEP plugin.
  • Feature – Added grid layout.
  • Feature – Added shortcode parameter for event listing views ( list or grid view ).
  • Feature – Added settings for image hide/show.
  • Feature – Added settings for event archive listing layout ( list view or grid view ).
  • Feature – Added settings for date & time format.
  • Feature – Added Russian & German translation.
  • Feature – Added plugin level templating.
  • Feature – Event can be added to Google calendar & iCal.
  • Note – Improved plugin security.


  • Fix – Resolved minor calendar layout issues.
  • Fix – Trimmed content in different labels & descriptions.
  • Fix – Resolved front-end map loading issue.


  • Fix – Critical issue resolved in event listing & calendar shortcode.


  • Feature – General settings for event listing, event detail page & calendar to change colors.
  • Feature – Revamped the event listing page design.
  • Feature – Revamped the event calendar page design.


  • Feature – Added Google map for event location.
  • Feature – Introduced templating.
  • Feature – Introduced settings.
  • Feature – Typography settings for event listing, event detail page & calendar.
  • Feature – GMap API key settings.
  • Feature – Added event title search for event listing.
  • Feature – Added event detail and archive template pages.
  • Feature – Event’s all detail can hide or show from admin site.
  • Feature – Added time zone for events.
  • Feature – Added multiple segments for an event.
  • Feature – Revised the event listing and event detail page design.
  • Feature – Revised the event calendar page design.
  • Feature – Added event planner shortcodes generator in TinyMCE editor.
  • Feature – Ready for translation.
  • Feature – Added pagination for event listing.
  • Fix – Closed the jQuery datepicker for event start & end date after selecting a date.
  • Fix – Closed the jQuery timepicker list for event start & end time after selecting time.


  • First release


  • Version: 1.5.6
  • Active installations: 1,000
  • WordPress Version: 4.5
  • Tested up to: 6.4.5
  • PHP Version: 7.0


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