A very simple (to use and configure) plug-in to generate a complete list (by category) of all posts.
A very simple (to use and configure), yet powerful, plug-in to generate a list (by category) of all posts.
It’s simple because there is no fancy formatting, complex configuration or other ‘noise’, just a sensible archive list of all your posts! All that’s required is to include this <!-- simple_archive -->
on a page (or post). How simple is that?
The Simple Archive generator provides support for language translation. Ensure WPLANG is set in your wp-config file. Then use the simple-archive.pot template to create a .po translation for your language, this then needs compiling to create a .mo file. For example, a German translation (simple-archive-de.po) is provided thanks to Ingo Terpelle at http://www.xing.com/profile/Ingo_Terpelle
<!-- simple_archive -->
on a page (or post) to have your simple archive displayed.