A plugin to display a drop down list of all the shortcodes available for use above the editor.
Shortcode Lister is a plugin designed to display a drop down menu of all the shortcodes available to use in your posts and pages. This menu will allow you to select a shortcode and have it automatically inserted into the editor for you.
If you have downloaded several plugins that produce their own custom shortcodes, it may become cumbersome to remember all of the shortcodes you have available to use. In a way this defeats the purpose of having an easy to use shortcode, if it is too difficult to remember them all.
This plugin solves that problem, by producing a clean, easily accessible menu of all the custom/third party added, and WordPress default shortcodes that you are able to use inside your posts and pages.
Yes. According to the WordPress Codex, the following are built-in shortcodes that will be shown in the Shortcode Lister: [audio] [caption] [embed] [gallery] [video]
Shortcode attributes are created inside of the function that creates the shortcode, and are not available globally. For that reason we are unable to display the attributes.
Most shortcodes created by plugins you have downloaded will be included in Shortcode Lister found on your Post or Page edit screen. If you have a plugin that produces shortcodes and it is not listed in the Shortcode Lister menu, please let create a support ticket.
If you like wasting time by under using shortcodes that have been provided to you by the great plugins you have downloaded, then you probably do not need this plugin.
If you are like thousands of other people who want to use WordPress to its full potential, shortcodes are a great way to save time. This plugin will save you even more time if your list of shortcodes gets too big for you to remember all of them.
A lot of times plugins will create a shortcode that only needs to be used once, and you will likely never need to use it again. If you have a lot of those shortcodes, you can visit the settings page (Settings > Shortcode Lister), and check the box next to each shortcode you want to remove from the list. Now when you view the shortcode menu you will have a nice clean list of shortcodes that can be easily sorted through without the clutter.
Simply click where you want the shortcode to be inserted in your post editor, then select the shortcode from the menu. Your shortcode will be inserted automatically for you!