Fix known issues when shortcodes are embedded in a block of content that is filtered by wpautop.
Fix known issues when shortcodes are embedded in a block of content that is filtered by wpautop.
If you are developing a theme to provide this on a marketplace, you better embed the following code in your functions.php. This code filters only the shortcodes you defined. Otherwise you risk a failed review because the code in the plugin filters content in general which may is not acceptet.
function shortcode_empty_paragraph_fix( $content ) { // define your shortcodes to filter, '' filters all shortcodes $shortcodes = array( 'your_shortcode_1', 'your_shortcode_2' ); foreach ( $shortcodes as $shortcode ) { $array = array ( '<p>[' . $shortcode => '[' .$shortcode, '<p>[/' . $shortcode => '[/' .$shortcode, $shortcode . ']</p>' => $shortcode . ']', $shortcode . ']<br />' => $shortcode . ']' ); $content = strtr( $content, $array ); } return $content; } add_filter( 'the_content', 'shortcode_empty_paragraph_fix' );
Another solution that is acceptet at the envato (themeforest) marketplace comes from bitfade.
to the /wp-content/plugins/
If you dont want to use a whole plugin to solve that bug, you can copy the code of the plugin file shortcode-empty-paragraph-fix.php into your theme function.php
to the /wp-content/plugins/
If you dont want to use a whole plugin to solve that bug, you can copy the code of the plugin file shortcode-empty-paragraph-fix.php into your theme function.php