Shipping Rate By Cities
Trident Technolabs By Trident Technolabs

July 10, 2024

Shipping Rate By Cities Plugin

Set Custom Shipping Rates For Different Cities On Woocommerce.

The “Shipping Rate By Cities” allows you to set custom shipping rates based on cities in your WordPress WooCommerce store. It provides a flexible solution for configuring shipping costs specific to different cities, giving you greater control over your shipping options.

Main features of this plugin include:

  1. Custom Shipping Rates: Set different shipping rates for individual cities you choose.

  2. Export/Import Shiprate Table: Easily export and import your custom shiprate table using CSV files. This feature allows you to manage and update shipping rates in bulk, saving you time and effort.

  3. Default Shipping Rate: Define a default shipping rate for cities that are not included in your custom shiprate table. This ensures consistent shipping costs for areas not explicitly configured.

  4. Sample CSV File: The plugin provides a download button to get a sample CSV file that you can use as a template for importing your shiprate table. This makes it easier to format and structure your shipping data correctly.

  5. Quantity Multiplier: The plugin includes a checkbox that allows you to multiply the shipping rate by the product quantity. This is useful if you want to offer discounted shipping for larger orders or charge extra for multiple quantities.


Please view the FAQ Page for information on how to use Shipping Rate By Cities.


For support or feature requests related to the “Shipping Rate by Zipcode” plugin, please contact [email protected].

If you need assistance with creating a custom plugin for your website or company, our team at Trident Technolabs offers professional plugin development services. Feel free to reach out to us at [email protected] to discuss your requirements and get a quote.

We hope you find this plugin useful! Thank you for using Shipping Rate By Cities.

Trident Technolabs


  1. Upload the Shipping Rate By Cities folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  3. Go to the WooCommerce settings and navigate to the ‘Shipping’ tab.
  4. Go to the ‘Shipping Rate By Cities’ tab in ‘Shipping’ tab.
  5. Enable the custom shipping rate by cities option and configure your desired rates for each city.
  6. Save your changes.


  1. Screenshot of the plugin settings page in WooCommerce.

    Screenshot of the plugin settings page in WooCommerce.

  2. Import cities file with plugin import button feature.

    Import cities file with plugin import button feature.

  3. Export and Download CSV File Button

    Export and Download CSV File Button

  4. Screenshot of checkout page.

    Screenshot of checkout page.

  5. Screenshot of Cities Dropdown.

    Screenshot of Cities Dropdown.

  6. Screenshot of Default Ship Rate For Other Cities.

    Screenshot of Default Ship Rate For Other Cities.


How do I set up custom shipping rates for cities?

Once the plugin is activated, navigate to the WooCommerce settings and go to the ‘Shipping’ tab. You will find a new option for custom city shipping. Enable it and configure the shipping rates for each city according to your requirements. Save your changes to apply the custom rates.

Can I set different rates for multiple cities?

Yes, the plugin allows you to set different rates for each city individually. You can define rates based on weight, distance, or any other criteria you choose.

Can I apply custom rates to specific products only?

Currently, the plugin applies custom shipping rates to all products in your store. It does not have a built-in feature to set rates for specific products only.

How do I export and import my shiprate table?

To export your shiprate table, navigate to the plugin’s settings page in WooCommerce and find the export option. This will generate a CSV file containing your shiprate data.

To import a shiprate table, use the import feature in the plugin’s settings page. You can upload a CSV file with your shipping rates and the plugin will update your shiprate table accordingly.

How can I format the CSV file for import?

To ensure successful import, use the provided sample CSV file as a template. Follow the specified structure, including columns for city, rate, weight, or any other criteria you wish to configure.


  • Version: 1.0.0
  • Active installations: 300
  • WordPress Version: 5.1
  • Tested up to: 6.5.5


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