Shipment Tracker for Woocommerce

July 23, 2024

Shipment Tracker for Woocommerce Plugin

Most comprehensive shipment tracking plugin that extends your woocommerce store with shipment related features. Keeps you & your customers informe …

Monsoon SALE is live!!. Click here to buy & unlock all features at just ₹3,600 (20% OFF), Plus 3600 SMS Credits FREE!!

Most comprehensive shipment tracking plugin that extends your woocommerce store with shipment related features. Keeps you & your customers informed about shipment movement.

Supported Shipping Aggregators

  1. Shiprocket
  2. Shyplite
  3. Nimbuspost
  4. Xpressbees
  5. Shipmozo (Premium)
  6. Nimbuspost New (Premium)
  7. Manual Shipping (If not using any of the supported shipping aggregator)
  8. more coming soon… contact us to get yours integrated.

How it works?

  • Shipment data is automatically synced via webhook & apis, if you’re using any of the supported shipping aggregator.
  • For manual shipping, easily add shipment data (AWB, EDD, Courier etc) from order backend. Update shipment data from backend or via api as the shipment moves.
  • Supports rest api to push shipment data from any third party system
    like Zapier or your own web application.
  • Create beautiful shipment tracking page using our shortcode to help your customers easily track their orders.
  • Optionally send shipment movement updates via sms or whatsapp (needs small programming)

Additional features:

  • Delivery Estimate Widget (Domestic & International)
  • Dynamic shipping methods during checkout. Customers can choose preferred courier based on rates and estimated delivery and pay accordingly.
  • Shipment weight & dimensions calculator. Show approx shipment weight during checkout.
  • Auto fetch City & State data from user entered pincode during checkout.
  • Supports International Shipping
  • Beautiful order tracking page
  • Send shipment details via Email (Free)
  • Send shipment details via SMS (Chargeable)
  • Customize Email Template from Woocommerce Settings

  • Free users get 10 Free SMS Credits

  • Premium users get 3600 Free SMS Credits (one time)
  • Monsoon SALE is live!!. Click here to buy & unlock all features at just ₹3,600 (20% OFF), Plus 3600 SMS Credits FREE!!

Easily keep track of your orders’ shipment whether you ship them manually or use a third party shipping company. Keep yourself and your customers informed about the shipment movements.

Automatic syncing of shipment tracking data is supported if you are using a shipping aggregator. This plugin currently support following shipping aggregators: Shiprocket, Shyplite and Nimbuspost to synchronize tracking information of your Woocommerce orders. Easy setup, many configurable options for sync frequency, default provider etc.
If want us to integrate any aggregator, just get in touch with us and we’ll do it for you.

Shipment data is displayed in following area to the customers:
1. My account orders list.
2. My account order details page.
3. Beautiful order tracking page (can be created via shortcode).
4. Shipment movement updates can be sent via sms through small php code.
5. Order notification emails (via emails sent after adding customer notes).

Free & Premium Features:

  1. Elegant & clean order tracking widget for your customers. (FREE)
  2. Define custom shipment status using developer filters (eg. Order Packed, Delivery Partner Assigned etc). (FREE)
  3. Direct order tracking from customer’s my account -> orders. (PAID)
  4. Show pincode based “Estimated Delivery Checker” on product pages. (PREMIUM)
  5. Set custom processing time at product or product category level. Easimated delivery date calculation takes processing time into consideration. (PREMIUM)
  6. Let customers choose preferred courier company during checkout. (PREMIUM)
  7. Integration of Custom Requirements. (FREE OR WITH MINIMAL CHARGES)
  8. Supports default shipment provider which will be automatically assigned to new orders. (FREE)
  9. Automatically Change Status of Delivered Orders to Completed. (FREE)
  10. Add Order Note when shipment status changes. (FREE)
  11. For customer note, an email is sent to customers containing shipment tracking data. (FREE)
  12. Supports Whitelabeled Custom Tracking URL for Shiprocket. (FREE)
  13. Manually add shipment data from backend. (FREE)
  14. Update shipment tracking/movement data from any 3rd party platform using this rest api. (FREE)
  15. Developer friendly: Supports various actions, functions and shortcode for custom requirements. (FREE)
  16. Friendly & responsive support (FREE & PAID)
  17. Many more features to delight your customers & take the some shipment related burden off your shoulders. 🙂

Other must-have plugin by “Bitss Techniques”:

  1. Otpfy for WordPress

    – Let your website users login into your website, effortlessly using SMS & Email OTP.
    Visit Website
    See Videos
    See Otpfy Docs

Developer Hooks

1. Filter to add/modify Shipment Statuses defined in the plugin.

add_filter( 'bt_sst_shipping_statuses', 'bt_sst_shipping_statuses_filter', 10, 1 ); function bt_sst_shipping_statuses_filter($statuses){ $statuses["packed"] = "Order Packed"; $statuses["dispatched"] = "Order Dispatched "; return $statuses; } add_filter( 'bt_sst_shipping_status_message', 'bt_sst_shipping_status_message_filter', 10, 2 ); function bt_sst_shipping_status_message_filter($status_message,$status){ if($status == "packed"){ $status_message = "Your order has been packed & will be dispatched soon."; }else if($status == "dispatched"){ $status_message = "Our delivery agent is on the way to your location."; } return $status_message; } 

2. Tracking Widget Shortcode

[bt_shipping_tracking_form_2] This shortcode accepts "order_id" parameter to show the tracking widget for a specific order. Example: [bt_shipping_tracking_form_2 order_id="1234"] 

3. Shortcodes to Print Shipment Data

 1. [bt_shipment_tracking_url order_id="1234"] : Prints the tracking url. 2. [bt_shipment_status order_id="1234"] : Prints current shipment status (In Transit, Delivered etc) 3. [bt_shipment_courier_name order_id="1234"] : Prints the courier name. 4. [bt_shipment_edd order_id="1234"] : Prints estimated delivery date. 5. [bt_shipment_awb order_id="1234"] : Prints awb number. 

Note: Attribute “order_id” is optional on all shortcodes. If order_id is not supplied, the plugin will try to fetch it from current post.

4. Placeholders to Print Shipment Data in Woocommerce Emails

 1. {bt_shipment_tracking_url} 2. {bt_shipment_status} 3. {bt_shipment_courier_name} 4. {bt_shipment_edd} 5. {bt_shipment_awb} 

5. Action for Shipment Updates

function bt_shipment_status_changed_callback( $order_id,$shipment_obj,$shipment_obj_old) { //latest shipment tracking: $courier_name = $shipment_obj->courier_name; $current_status = $shipment_obj->current_status; $awb = $shipment_obj->awb; $tracking_url = $shipment_obj->tracking_url; //previous shipment tracking: $old_courier_name = $shipment_obj_old->courier_name; $old_current_status = $shipment_obj_old->current_status; $old_awb = $shipment_obj_old->awb; $old_tracking_url = $shipment_obj_old->tracking_url; // do stuff } add_action( 'bt_shipment_status_changed', 'bt_shipment_status_changed_callback', 10, 3 ); 

6. Public Functions

1. bt_get_shipping_tracking($order_id); 2. bt_force_sync_order_tracking($order_id); 3. bt_update_shipment_tracking($order_id,$courier_name,$awb_number,$shipping_status,$edd,$tracking_link); 

Disclaimer: Woocommerce, Shiprocket, Shyplite, Xpressbees & Nimbuspost are registered trademarks and belong to their respective owners. This plugin is not affiliated with them in any way.


  1. In your WordPress admin panel, go to Plugins > New Plugin, search for \’Shipment Tracker\’ and click “Install now“
  2. Alternatively, download the plugin and upload the contents of to your plugins directory, which usually is /wp-content/plugins/.
  3. Activate the plugin
  4. Enable the desired shipment aggregator (Shiprocket, Shyplite, Nimbuspost or Manual), then click Save.
  5. Set your API keys of enabled shipping providers in their respective Tab.


  1. Order Tracking widget for customers

    Order Tracking widget for customers

  2. Shipping Rates on checkout page

    Shipping Rates on checkout page

  3. Delivery estimate calculator on product page

    Delivery estimate calculator on product page

  4. Updating shipment details for an order (when not using Shiprocket or any aggregator).

    Updating shipment details for an order (when not using Shiprocket or any aggregator).

  5. Enable the shipping providers and set other basic configurations in "General Settings".

    Enable the shipping providers and set other basic configurations in "General Settings".

  6. Shiprocket specific settings (only appears if Shiprocket is enabled in General Settings).

    Shiprocket specific settings (only appears if Shiprocket is enabled in General Settings).

  7. Shyplite specific settings (only appears if Shyplite is enabled in General Settings).

    Shyplite specific settings (only appears if Shyplite is enabled in General Settings).

  8. Tracking information in Woocommerce->Orders page in admin.

    Tracking information in Woocommerce->Orders page in admin.

  9. Tracking information in Order details page.

    Tracking information in Order details page.


1.4.10 – 2024.07.23

1) Added developer filters to customize the text of the delivery estimate checker widget.
2) Improvements in developer shortcode [bt_estimated_delivery_widget] to place delivery estimate checker widget anywhere on the website.
3) Improvements in sms feature.

1.4.9 – 2024.07.22

1) Bug fix in Nimbuspost dynamic shipping methods.
2) Added shortcode [bt_estimated_delivery_widget] to place “Estimated Delivery Checker Widget” anywhere on your website.

1.4.8 – 2024.07.18

1) Several bug fixes and performance improvements.

1.4.7 – 2024.06.28

1) Feature to send shipment tracking updates via email.
2) Bug fixes in “Processing time” feature.
3) Improvements in Order Tracking Shortcode.
4) Fixes in Shipmozo integration.
5) Css fixes.
6) New ux for order tracking widget.

1.4.6 – 2024.06.24

1) Feature to test shipment tracking sms from plugin settings.

1.4.5 – 2024.06.18

1) Bug Fixes in SMS registration

1.4.4 – 2024.06.17

1) Feature to auto sync tracking from respective courier partners.
2) Now send tracking updates via SMS.
3) Improved Woocommerce HPOS compatibility.
4) Few bug fixes and performance improvements
5) cosmetic fixes in pincode checker.
6) Feature to select default courier company for Shiprocket, so all new orders are by default booked by selected courier.

1.4.3 – 2024.05.13

1) Fixes in Xpressbees webhook.
2) Nimbuspost new API and Websook integration.
3) Proactively Push Orders from your store to Nimbuspost, improved weebhook handling.
4) Few bug fixes and improvements

1.4.2 – 2024.04.24

1) Implemented cache for shipmozo and shiprocket apis.
2) Shipmozo integration for Delivery Estimate Checker and Shipping Methods integration.
3) Few bug fixes and improvements

1.4.1 – 2024.04.18

1) Improvements in shipmozo integration

1.3.16 – 2024.04.06

1) Fix for compatibility with Shiprocket apis
2) Other bug fixes and improvements

1.3.15 – 2024.03.15

1) Bug fixes.
2) Fix bug in pushing order to shiprocket when two products having same sku results in api error.
3) Added option to show “Processing time” on Product Page.

1.3.14 – 2024.02.24

1) Bug fixes.

1.3.12 – 2024.01.02

1) Added shortcodes for getting shipment related data for current order or by passing order_id as attribute.
2) Added woocommerce email placeholders for adding shipment related data to email templates.
3) Ability to set processing time at product variation level. Processing time is used to show estimated delivery date at product/checkout pages.
4) Tracking widget’s shortcode now accepts “Order_id” attribute to show tracking widget of a specific order.
5) Few performance improvements.

1.3.11 – 2024.01.18

1) Define custom processing time (before shipping) at product or product category level. Processing time is used to show estimated delivery date at product/checkout pages.
2) Few Bug fixes.

1.3.10 – 2024.01.01

1) Show track option in my account order list, without any shortcode.
2) Added developer filters to modify shipment statuses available in the plugin.
3) Performance Improvements & Bug fixes.

1.3.9 – 2024.01.01

1) Xpressbees integration.
2) Performance Improvements & Bug fixes.

1.3.8 – 2023.10.30

1) New Order Tracking widget for customers.
2) Performance Improvements & Bug fixes.
3) Caching pincode and courier data from aggregators.
4) Fixes in Estimated delivery checker.
5) Support for International Shipping Rates

1.3.6 – 2023.07.14

1) “Estimated Delivery Checker” on product pages.
2) Let users pick their prefered courier while placing order.
3) Show courier wise estimated delivery dates on checkout page.
4) Many more premium features.

1.3.5 – 2023.06.01

1) Bug Fixes and Security Improvements.
2) Ability to test connection to Shiprocket apis.
3) Let user choose the desired courier company for shipping during checkout.
4) Automatically assign courier to pushed order in shiprocket, based on user’s choice during checkout.
5) Estimate Delivery Date Checker on Product Page.
6) Autofill City and State based on Pincode entered by user.
7) Show total shipment weight on Cart and Checkout pages.
8) Many more premium features coming soon.

1.3.4 – 2023.01.07

1) Feature to push orders to shiprocket.
2) Calculate overall dimension and weight of all products, when pushing to shiprocket.
3) Convert the dimension to cm and weight to kg, when pushing to shiprocket.
4) Automatically assign courier to pushed order in shiprocket (requires Shiprocket official plugin)
5) Minor fixes

1.3.3 – 2022.09.22

1) Added support for whitelabeled tracking url for shiprocket.
2) Support for Global Tracking URL for manual shipments.
3) Moved “Shipment Tracking” menu from Settings to Woocommerce.
4) Fixed css issue in settings page for mobile.
5) Added option to change Shipment Provider from order actions widget in sidebar.
6) Fixes in tracking data layout in customer’s my-account orders page.
7) Added Rest API to update tracking data from any 3rd party service.
8) Fix in Order notes tracking link so it works well on whatsapp.
9) Added new variable for tracking link to render just the link without anchor or any html.
10)Added new public php function to programatically update shipment data of an order.
11) Bug Fixes
12) Improvements in developer doc.

1.3.2 – 2022.06.01

1) Fix in Shiprocket syncing for orders when its shipment has not been picked up by the courier.
2) Better Developer Docs
3) WordPress 6.0 support
4) Few bug fixes

1.3.1 – 2022.03.10

1) Fix empty settings page issue on some wordpress installations.
2) Implemented Feedback/Review system for users.
3) Fix to support custom order statuses. There was a limitation due to which orders with non default status were not synced.
4) Bug fix in php function ‘get_tracking_by_order_id’.
5) Fixes in shipment tracking shortcode for front-end.
6) Several other improvements & fixes.

1.2.4 – 2022.01.31

1) Dedicated metabox for shipment tracking. Now get all your shipment tracking information in one place.
2) Ability to explicitly set awb number to orders, useful in many scenarios.
3) Fixes in nimbuspost syncing and webhook receiver.
4) Fixes in shiprocket syncing and webhook receiver.
5) Added support to track orders via awb.
6) Several code improvements & cleanup.
7) Added hook “bt_shipment_status_changed” which is called whenever order status is changed.

1.2.3 – 2021.11.06

1) Add nimnubspost shipping provider integration.
2) Feature to force sync shipment tracking information of the order.
3) Support for fallback webhook url for shiprocket.
4) Added shortcode [bt_shipping_tracking_form] of shippment tracking for website.
5) Added a “manual” shipping provider for custom shipment of the order.
6) Added new functions bt_get_shipping_tracking() and bt_force_sync_order_tracking() for developers.
7) Added hook “bt_shipment_status_changed” which is called whenever order status is changed.

1.2.0 – 2021.06.11

1) Added tracking info in my-account->orders
2) Feature to add tracking updates as order notes.
3) Support for fallback webhook url for shiprocket.

1.1.0 – 2021.03.05

  • WordPress 5.7 support.
  • Fixes in Shyplite syncing.

1.0.0 – 2021.02.03

  • Initial release!


  • Version: 1.4.10
  • Active installations: 900
  • WordPress Version: 4.6
  • Tested up to: 6.6.1
  • PHP Version: 5.6


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