WordPress Social Share Buttons

March 12, 2023

WordPress Social Share Buttons Plugin

Our Wordpress Share Button addon to MaxButtons and MaxButtons Pro plugins gets you up and sharing within minutes. It's easy to setup and offers f …

WordPress Share Buttons is the share button addon to MaxButtons. It lets you easily setup and use social buttons on your home page, pages, and posts.

WordPress Share Buttons gets you going in a minute with our beautifully designed presets. The plugin supports all popular networks:

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Linkedin, YouTube, Pinterest, VKontakte, StumbleUpon, Reddit, Whatsapp, Buffer and more

( PRO version allows more networks, we take requests! )


  • Customize layout. Choose a preset, customize to your liking.
  • Customizable Tweet options. Pick your global #hashtag or customize per post
  • Link (URL) Share options to optimize your sharing and SEO strategy
  • Display options: Hide or Show on different part of your site
  • Layout and Style options
  • Display share count and Total share count

PRO Features

You get the PRO features for free is you have a license for MaxButtons PRO. Features include:

  • Network editor – Change preferences of your networks.
  • Multiple groups – Have different icons to match the feel of your site
  • More Networks – Add more networks including Xing, Telegram, Etsy, Pocket and more
  • Add your MaxButtons to your Social Icons
  • Define Twitter Hashtags per post or pages

MaxButtons is the most used WordPress button, share button and social icon plugin with over 3.5 million downloads and 1000 5 star reviews.

Max Foundry also makes the WordPress Gallery plugin MaxGalleria and WordPress Media Folders plugin for real WordPress Media Library folders and Welcome Mat Pro.


  • Install MaxButtons plugin
  • Install directly via the WordPress dashboard
  • Download the ZIP file and use the WordPress plugin upload function


  1. Presets


  2. Customize the look and feel of your Social share

    Customize the look and feel of your Social share

  3. Show it on your site - Many customizations possible

    Show it on your site - Many customizations possible

  4. Profile options

    Profile options

  5. Display options

    Display options



  • Fix – Deprecated notices PHP 8.1+
  • Fix – Don’t load PRO effects when on basic version
  • Fix – Horizontal floating button with stretch effect had issues.
  • Fix – Switching between free and pro version would reset display options
  • Fix – Effect that can’t be selected will not show on free version
  • Tweak – Not shows more clearly is social share is not active
  • Tweak – Adding new collection will have default values to be visible from start


  • Compatibility with MaxButtons 9.4+
  • Ctrl-S now saves options
  • Fix – RSS url checked for possible harmful values.


  • Fix – Compatibility with MaxButtons 8.8+ (required)
  • Fix – Network settings didn’t hide properly.


  • Option to add telephone number as network
  • New option to add Linkedin Company URL
  • [PRO] Url’s now editable in settings
  • Several UI updates


  • [PRO] Fix – Google Font might load previous setting due to save bug
  • [PRO] Fix – CSS-file output and Google Fonts not work
  • When using CSS-file output, style output could be wrong.
  • Updated Mobile Detect to version 2.8.34
  • Twitter Hashtags now properly trimmed
  • Embedded collections on vertical mode will not try to catch 100% of width.
  • Many small updates to layout / quality of life
  • Tested up to WP 5.7
  • Tested for PHP 8


  • New – Support for CSS file output ( via MaxButtons PRO )
  • Fix – Possible crash if maxajax not loaded ( not not needed )


  • Added TikTok as Network


  • Tested WordPress 5.5
  • Fixed Colorpicker due changes in MaxButtons.


  • Fix – Color Pickers not loading.
  • Tested WordPress 5.4+ and MaxButtons 8.0 and higher


  • [PRO] Turn display on / off based for desktop and/or mobile users.
  • Removed Google+ from networks ( no longer exists )
  • Support for transparency in colors and backgrounds
  • Tested for 5.2


  • Fix – Network still in preview after dragging it from active
  • Tweak – Updated notice where to check for extra networks
  • [PRO] – Custom MaxButton button without set network will no longer open in popup


  • Fixed – Email / Print networks opening empty popup
  • [PRO] New – Customizable Email subject and title when sharing
  • [PRO] New – Network settings supports images
  • [PRO] Fixes – Several issues on network settings page
  • Fixed error notice in PHP 7.2


  • Fixed issue with color picker and free version
  • Fixed issue with fonts in editor
  • Tested up to: 4.9.6


  • Preview is refreshed when changing icon order
  • [PRO] Customizable color palette
  • [PRO] Streamlined process for adding maxbuttons
  • [PRO] Fixed issue with disabled effects
  • Minimum MaxButtons version – 7.2


  • [PRO] – Multiple social share groups feature
  • Mobile-only networks ( like whatsapp ) will not show on desktops and v.v.
  • Fixed – Plugin activation crash with very old version of MaxButtons
  • Fixed – Notice around imported networks
  • Share buttons now have link decoration off to prevent theme issues


  • [PRO] Network editor + more networks (Amongst others Xing, Telegram, Etsy, Pocket)
  • Option to set total count text color
  • Option to enter title for custom URL links
  • Fixed Total Count didn’t center in vertical position
  • Fixed – Icons in network block rendering same size as settings
  • New Preset – Rectangle Flip buttons


  • Networks now uses FA5 icons
  • Changed Font Awesome to generate server side
  • Fixed issue with icon CSS
  • [PRO] Fixed dialog for MaxButtons


  • Updated Youtube base URL to be able to use channels etc


  • Preparation for seamlessly moving to FA5
  • Fixed menu removal problem on older WP versions
  • Fixed issue with category / terms not sharing URL
  • Fixed issue with defaults on display options


  • New Networks : Instagram, RSS, Snapchat, YouTube, Vimeo
  • Major redo and improved editor performance
  • Support for Sharing Profiles
  • New options for fonts and sizes
  • Replaced Style for more dynamic Presets
  • Updated page / post finetune workflow
  • Options to set effects and shapes
  • Ability to add Maxbuttons
  • Fixed bug on static homepage when wrong display settings were applied
  • Fixed bug where shortcode use would not set environment correct

0.9.1 – 22 Dec 2017

  • Updated names for clarity

0.9 – 21 Nov 2017

  • Initial Release


  • Version: 1.19
  • Active installations: 1,000
  • WordPress Version: 4.8
  • Tested up to: 6.1.7
  • PHP Version: 5.6


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