Setupad WP Ads

March 21, 2024

Setupad WP Ads Plugin

Simple and powerful ad insertion tool for WordPress users with a wide range of features to insert, manage, and optimize your ad inventory.

Looking for an ultimate solution for managing and displaying ads, including seamless ad insertion capabilities, on your WordPress site? Look no further! Introducing the Setupad WP Ads – a simple and powerful plugin for WordPress suitable for both beginners in website monetization and experienced website owners.

With this plugin, you can:

  • Insert all kinds of ads, including Google AdSense and Google Ad Manager (GAM), through code snippets or utilize advanced ad inserter options.
  • Insert ad placements (HTML/JS) or images in multiple positions, including before and after posts, content, paragraphs, images, comments, and excerpts.
  • Insert placements on different pages and choose which devices to display them on (desktop, tablet, mobile).
  • Align ad placements.
  • Add custom CSS.
  • Insert ads.txt lines.
  • Add a related posts section with multiple grid options.
  • Insert ad placements between related post categories.
  • Insert header scripts.
  • Insert footer scripts.
  • Enable lazy-load ad placements, which will speed up your website.

Setupad is brought to you by a team of professionals with 10+ years of experience in programmatic advertising. In addition to basic functionalities, the plugin offers built-in integration with the Setupad header bidding monetization platform.

Want to know what the best part is? Our plugin comes with all these advanced features completely free of charge.

Get the Setupad WP Ads plugin for your WordPress site and take full control over your ad management today!

Full feature list and documentation


There are 3 different ways to install Setupad WordPress plugin:

  1. You can install this Setupad WordPress plugin from your WordPress plugin menu:

    • Go to Plugins
    • Click Add New
    • Search for “Setupad”
    • Click Install Now
    • Activate the plugin
  2. Upload Setupad plugin ZIP file to WordPress:

    • Download Setupad plugin ZIP file from WordPress plugin store
    • Go to your WordPress website’s Plugin section
    • Click Add New
    • Click Upload Plugin
    • Upload Setupad plugin ZIP file
    • Activate the plugin
  3. Upload Setupad plugin ZIP file using FTP/SFTP:

    • Download Setupad plugin ZIP file from WordPress plugin store
    • Connect to your FTP/SFTP
    • Upload Setupad plugin ZIP file or already extracted ZIP file contents under /wp-content/plugins/
    • If you uploaded a ZIP file to the server, extract ZIP file contents.
    • Activate the plugin

How to uninstall the plugin?

Simply deactivate and delete the plugin.


  1. Ad placement management section - <strong>My ads</strong>

    Ad placement management section - My ads

  2. Ad placement creation section

    Ad placement creation section

  3. Related posts section

    Related posts section

  4. Ads.txt line insertion section

    Ads.txt line insertion section

  5. Header and footer content section

    Header and footer content section



  • UI improvements
  • Bug fixes


  • Bug fixes


  • UI improvements
  • Bug fixes


  • Ad placement status toggling (active/disabled)
  • Ad duplication
  • Related posts ad placement selection
  • Url whitelist and blacklist for related posts
  • Referral link for image ad types
  • Advanced attributes for image ad types
  • Bug fixes


  • Bug fixes


  • Bug fixes


  • HTML insertions
  • Related posts category title character limit, alignment and thumbnail dimensions
  • design changes
  • Bug fixes


  • Name change
  • Bug fixes


  • insertion between list items
  • insertion before/after lists
  • Url whitelist and blacklist
  • Double banner ad type
  • Bug fixes


  • Bug fixes


  • URL exclusions
  • Related posts preview
  • Image upload attributes
  • Specific starting position for every before/after and between insertions
  • Bug fixes, design changes


  • Bug fixes, design changes


  • Shortcode insertion
  • Bug fixes, design changes


  • Version: 1.5.3
  • Active installations: 100
  • WordPress Version: 4.4
  • Tested up to: 6.5.5
  • PHP Version: 5.6


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