Select Category to Post

May 01, 2012

Select Category to Post Plugin

Category names are shown on your dashboard with a hyperlink, and when you click one, you will go to post-new.php, with the category already selected.

This plugin shows the list of the categories of your blog. When you click one of the categories, you will jump to post-new.php, where the category you clicked is selected.

Usually you go to post-new.php and write a post, then you select the category of the new post. This flow may result in publishing without selecting any category. In such cases, the post is categorized as ‘Uncategorized’ and you have to select a category after publishing.

This plugin solves this problem. You can select one category before writing a post, no more unwanted Uncategorized.

Japanese description is also available.


Copy the folder and files into your plugin directoy, and activate it.

This plugin uses javascript, so please enable javascript on your browser.



bug fix.
setting remove on deactivate => setting remove on uninstall


security fix. possible CSRF attack


Translation ready.
DEBUG funcs added.


CSS can be editable at option page.


New Release


  • Version: 2.3
  • Active installations: 60
  • WordPress Version: 3.0
  • Tested up to: 3.3.2


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