Search with Typesense

July 17, 2024

Search with Typesense Plugin

Lightning fast search for your WordPress site, powered by Typesense.

Turbocharge your sites search functionality with Typesense.

Create a fast search experience for your site. Give your users a search listing page or autocomplete search.

Typesense is a modern, privacy-friendly, open source search engine built from the ground up using cutting-edge search algorithms, that take advantage of the latest advances in hardware capabilities.


  • Lightning-fast search results in milliseconds
  • Allow overriding native WordPress default search for whole site.
  • Shortcodes for adding search in only specific locations.
  • Hooks and filters for customizations
  • Template Override for design customizations.
  • Developer friendly
  • Elementor widgets: Instant Search and Autocomplete

This plugin requires API keys from Typesense.

Getting Started with Typesense


Typesense WordPress Site
Typesense Search for WooCommerce
Typesense Comparison with other platforms


Frontend Demo
Instant Search

Addon: WooCommerce Addon


Minimum Requirements

  • PHP 7.4 required or greater
  • MySQL 5.6 or greater is recommended

Automatic Installation

Go to WordPress Plugins > Add New Search for “Search with Typesense”
Click Install and then activate Plugin

Manual Installation

If for some reason automatic installation is not possible, go to and you will see the download button. Clicking download button will provide you with a zip file of the plugin then.

Go to WordPress Plugins > Add New and click upload plugin.
Click upload plugin and then add the zip file
The plugin will then be installed, then activate the plugin.


  1. Instant Search Frontend

    Instant Search Frontend

  2. Autocomplete


  3. Backend Settings

    Backend Settings

  4. Search Configuration

    Search Configuration


What is typesense

Typesense is an open source, typo tolerant search engine that is optimized for instant sub-50ms searches, while providing an intuitive developer experience.
You can learn more here

How do I generate API Keys

This is covered in the documentation – please see


2.0.6 Jul 17,2024

  • Bump Required WordPress Version 6.6

2.0.5 Jul 17, 2024

  • Compatibility: Fix compatibility issue with WordPress version 6.6

2.0.4 May 30, 2024

  • Fix: wp-util Dependency missing.

2.0.3 May 30, 2024

  • Enhancement: Reduce script size significantly
  • Misc: Admin design

2.0.2 Apr 23, 2024

  • Enhancement: Added hook cm_typesense_additional_config to preserve search item on tab change

2.0.1 Apr 11, 2024

  • Enhancement: Design tweaks for frontend. Make Facets scrollable. Mobile UI/UX enhancements.

2.0.0 Mar 20, 2024

  • Fix: Remove span code from autocomplete template

1.9.9 Mar 19, 2024

  • Fix: Fix WP CLI command to index post with --ids argument with validation for existing post IDs
  • Add: Provide swtAutocompleteInstance to global window instance for JS customization

1.9.8 Mar 15, 2024

  • Fix: Fix index delete issue when no ids argument was passed
  • New: Add delete-reindex cli command to delete and re-index

1.9.7 Jan 6, 2023

  • Fix: Add missing WP CLI folder

1.9.6 Jan 5, 2023

  • Fix: Fix the WP CLI indexing issues with posts_per_page

1.9.5 September 29, 2023

  • New: WP CLI Introduced (Documentation)[]
  • Dev: Refactor code for showing thumbnail

1.9.4 September 26, 2023

  • Dev: Ability to localize stats widget

1.9.3 September 13, 2023

  • Enhancement: Added routing enabling argument in shortcode

1.9.2 September 13, 2023

  • Enhancement: Added Selected Refinements option can be show in shortcode by adding [cm_typesense_search post_types="book,post" columns="3" filter="show" per_page="3" sortby="off" placeholder="Search for..." selected_filters="show"]
  • Enhancement: Added Stats widget option to show number of results and time it took to show the results [cm_typesense_search post_types="book,post" columns="3" filter="show" per_page="3" sortby="off" placeholder="Search for..." stats="show"]
  • Dev: Optimized js for better code organization.

1.9.1 August 22, 2023

  • Dev: Backward compatibility for the post_date for posts that was introduced in version 1.9.0

1.9.0 August 21, 2023

Enhancement: Backward Incompatible, for posted_date will use the locale (from site language) as well as use the format described in General > Settings > Time Format.
Will require a re-index of posts.

1.8.5 July 28, 2023

Fix: Correct hit-meta not closed properly

1.8.4 June 12, 2023

Update: Update documentation link to

1.8.3 June 09, 2023

Feature: Addons Tab Added to showcase available addons
Fix: Should be hitting debug input to verify credentials
UI/UX: Design improvements for loading and schema
Feature: Added ability to bulk delete logs
UI/UX: Improvements for notifications

1.8.2 May 31, 2023

Feature: Verify settings when credentials are entered.
Enhancement: Very minor CSS changes for Admin UI/UX

1.8.1 May 18, 2023

*Fix: Fix popup customizer post types listing not showing on select issue.
Update: Pre select the default enabled post types on popup post types option

1.8.0 May 08, 2023

  • Dev: Code refactoring for JS for future development.

1.7.6 Apr 02, 2023

  • Fix: Removed console logs and debugging

1.7.5 Apr 02, 2023

  • Dev: Added filter for popup

1.7.4 Mar 22, 2023

  • Dev: Added ability to select menuSelect as a facet

1.7.3 Feb 16, 2023

  • Feature: Add hook: cm_typesense_search_box_settings to configure searchbox settings

1.7.2 Jan 24, 2023

  • Fix: Do not show warning message for non-admin out users.

1.7.1 Jan 20, 2023

  • Fix: Tab settings typo fix
  • Update: Show appropriate message on frontend on error

1.7.0 Jan 13, 2023

  • Enhancement: Added proper error message if node curling fails

1.6.9 Nov 29, 2022

  • Enhancement: Added elementor widgets namely Instant Search and Autocomplete

1.6.8 Nov 11, 2022

  • Enhancement: Added number of documents for Advanced tab

1.6.7 Nov 8, 2022

  • Enhancement: Change post_author data to user display name instead of user nicename

1.6.6 Oct 1, 2022

  • Fix: Fix error 1.6.5 caused that prevented settings form being saved

1.6.5 Sep 29, 2022

  • New Feature: Added advanced tab – so users can see what collections have been defined on Typesense
  • UI/UX: Changed responsive view for backend admin settings to be more usable.

1.6.4 Aug 30, 2022

  • Feature: Added option to choose what happens when autocomplete form is submitted

1.6.3 Aug 29, 2022

  • Fix: Compatibility with Typesense Search for WooCommerce added

1.6.2 Aug 25, 2022

  • Feature: Added Site Info button under > Typesense > Logs to get info for debugging.

1.6.1 Aug 24, 2022

  • Hit list css updated – use Grid instead of flex for consistent design
  • Select2 added for customizer
  • Use image_html with img src set instead of full size image

1.6.0 Aug 8.2022

  • [Release Notes] (
  • Default Instant Search UI/UX changed for tabbed multi-collection search
  • Naming convention changed for HTML classes to better match with Algolia intant search
  • Responsive design changes for Instant Search
  • Templating Structure Redesigned

1.5.7 Aug 3, 2022

  • Enhancement: Add major update notification message

1.5.6 July 20, 2022

  • Enhancement: Add filter cm_typesense_additional_search_params to add additional parameters
  • Enhancement: Add filter cm_typesense_additional_autocomplete_params to add additional parameters for autocomplete
  • Enhancement: Chunk single index.js file into different chunks: autocomplete, instant-search and popup; and only load them when required

1.5.5 July 07, 2022

  • Edge Case: Fix for edge case where sometimes the multiselect for customizer is retrieving wrong value from the database

1.5.4 May 20, 2022

  • Hotfix: Categories do not have placeholder image

1.5.3 May 20, 2022

  • Dev Enhancement: Overhaul code to allow multiple sites to use same cluster
  • Design Enhancement: Autocomplete design enhanced to better show content/teaser text

1.5.2 May 19, 2022

  • Enhancement: Show/Hide filter by option enhanced for popup
  • Admin Screen: Re-structured for more clarity

1.5.1 May 12, 2022

  • Minor Enhancement: Uniform desing for single column layout
  • Minor Fix: Customizer update columns for both paginated and infinite pagination view

1.5.0 May 8, 2022

  • Major Update: Added option to replace all search with instant search popup, infinite pagination option added, uniform styling added

1.4.0 April 21, 2022

  • Dev Enhancement: Switched to action hook system to allow modification of the main instant search results template

1.3.3 April 6, 2022

  • Enhancement: Hide panel if there are no relevant facets

1.3.2 April 4, 2022

  • Dev Fix: Load compiled/optimized version of JS and CSS

1.3.1 April 4, 2022

  • Minor Changes: Added Post Type Category as default index able field, dev fixes for taxonomy indexing

1.3.0 March 30, 2022

  • Dev Feature: Hooks for before and after bulk import – added for third party compatibility
  • Enhancement: Allow – no delay option for autocomplete
  • Enhancement: Allow – ability to index taxonomies
  • Depreciated: cm_typesense_available_post_types hook depreciated use cm_typesense_available_index_types instead

1.2.6 March 28, 2022

  • Fix: Block Editor fix – sticky post no longer requires custom code
  • Enhancement: Added – analytics middleware option see

1.2.5 March 14, 2022

  • Enhancement: Added ability to add / change input delay for autocomplete

1.2.4 March 7, 2022

  • Dev Enhancement: Added filter to change filter widget type for menu, rangeSlider and rangeInput

1.2.3 February 11, 2022

  • Change Hijack to Replace as Hijack sounds a bit too aggressive
  • Fix: Style changes to make it more extendible with premium addons
  • Dev: Code refactoring for styles
  • Dev Enhancement: Register script and styles before enqueuing

1.2.2 February 8,2022

  • Enhancement: Log viewer updated
  • Link to WooCommerce Demo added

1.2.1 February 7, 2022

  • Fix: Pages not being indexed

1.2.0 February 6, 2022

  • Enhancement: Ability to delete collection and re-index

1.1.11 February 6, 2022

  • Dev Fix: Correctly handle special chars for Categories

1.1.10 February 2, 2022

  • Fix: Singleton class not correctly defined
  • Improvements: Code Refactoring

1.1.9 January 20, 2022

  • Dev Enhancement: Added cm_typesense_locate_template filter to allow 3rd party developers or customization
  • Enhancement: Added query_by filter to Autocomplete shortcode e.g. use as [cm_typesense_autocomplete query_by="post_title"]

1.1.8 January 20, 2022

  • Fix: Autocomplete shortcode not working – when Hijack WordPress search is not selected.

1.1.7 January 17, 2022

  • Enhancement: Remove documents if post status changes to draft
  • Dev: Ability to either skip or change bulk index query

1.1.6 January 14, 2022

  • Enhancement: Add category parent terms

1.1.5 January 13, 2022

  • Hotfix: Custom post types may not have been updated after version 1.1.4 enable post type validation check

1.1.4 January 12, 2022

  • Dev Enhancement: Added filters to modify facets and sortby options
  • Dev Fix: Remove item from enable post types if it has been removed from available post types

1.1.3 January 11, 2022

  • Enhancement: Collapsible Panel for Mobile devices

1.1.2 January 10, 2022

  • Enhancement: Added ability for query_by and show sticky_posts first

1.1.1 January 6, 2022

  • Enhancement: Add text highlighting for autocomplete, no results provided

1.1.0 January 6, 2022

  • Update: Update enabled posts if category is modified

1.0.2 January 5, 2022

  • Changed text domain from codemanas-typesense to search-with-typesense

1.0.1 January 5, 2022

  • Code refactoring
  • Further security checks
  • Log files re-ordered to show the latest first

1.0.0 December 24, 2021

  • Initial Release


  • Version: 2.0.6
  • Active installations: 300
  • WordPress Version: 6.6
  • Tested up to: 6.6.0
  • PHP Version: 7.4


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