Same but Different – Related Posts by Taxonomy

April 15, 2024

Same but Different – Related Posts by Taxonomy Plugin

Display related posts based on common categories and tags.

Display related posts based on common categories and tags.

Same but Different is a WordPress plugin that adds a list of related posts at the bottom of your blog posts. The related posts are intuitively linked by pulling in any posts that are in the same categories or have the same tags as the post that is currently being viewed. This saves you from the tedious task of manually relating posts.

Related Posts Widget

Same but Different also gives you access to a related posts widget. Simply drag and drop the Same but Different widget into your sidebar, enter the number of posts to display and select if they should be linked by categories, tags or both. The widget also allows you to choose whether the related posts should be ordered by date descending or ascending.


Installing “Same but Different” can be done either by searching for “Same but Different” via the “Plugins > Add New” screen in your WordPress dashboard, or by using the following steps:

  1. Download the plugin via
  2. Upload the ZIP file through the ‘Plugins > Add New > Upload’ screen in your WordPress dashboard
  3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress


  1. Related posts displaying at the bottom of a post

    Related posts displaying at the bottom of a post

  2. The settings page

    The settings page

  3. The Same but Different widget displaying in a sidebar

    The Same but Different widget displaying in a sidebar

  4. The Same but Different widget settings

    The Same but Different widget settings


Are any modifications to my website required?

No, just install it, configure it with the settings and you’re good to go!



  • Compatibility update


  • Fix: Fixed a double slash appearing in the featured image placeholder image path


  • Compatibility update


  • Fix: Fixed a PHP deprecation notice


  • Compatibility update


  • Compatibility update


  • Compatibility update


  • Added a random option to the Order setting


  • Added settings to select the categories of posts that should be excluded from the related posts algorithm
  • Implemented a check that prevents PHP notices from occurring when new settings are introduced


  • Added an anchor tag to the related posts footer block to allow for anchor linking
  • Fixed a glitch whereby the footer related posts would display if a recent posts widget was used in the footer


  • Fixed a glitch with the display on posts setting
  • Updated the thumbnail HTML to not be rendered for posts that don’t have a featured image
  • Fixed a glitch whereby the recent posts list was appearing on pages as well
  • Updated the HTML of the post title
  • Added a setting to select what heading tag the title should use


  • Maintenance update


  • Added the ability to display related posts at the bottom of a post
  • Added settings to toggle the displaying of the post thumbnail and post title in the related posts list
  • Updated the styling of the widget


  • Updated WordPress compatibility version number


  • Initial release


  • Version: 1.0.14
  • Active installations: 70
  • WordPress Version: 4.0
  • Tested up to: 6.5.5
  • PHP Version: 5.3


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